A good read about the women of Toronto (and maybe your city)....

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Sep 21, 2001
[h2]Women of Toronto - w4m (Downtown)[/h2]

Date: 2011-07-17, 1:41PM EDT
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The women of Toronto are prostitutes. They only care about money and status. The most attractive women sell themselves to the highest bidders.

You hardly meet any attractive single women in Toronto because they are afraid their friends will look down on them - it's a status thing. That's why a woman in Toronto will hold on to her boyfriend, even if he's a total *$+!%%@!!, rather than stay single. She'll only leave him when she's got another guy lined up - it's called the monkey bar. Only the uglies, the fatties, and the crazies who are unable to hold on to a token man are left on the market. Enjoy shopping for damaged goods.

In the bars and in the clubs, women get together with their friends to dance with their backs to the crowd, not to meet single men. They've already brought their %@%!*$$ boyfriends (you know the ones, the guys who shoved you aside to let their group push through the crowd into your spot) and they're going to have a good time and ignore everybody else. The "creeps" and seduction masters hover on the periphery. It's the T-dot Shore - no wonder they wanted to film a show here - the animals at the watering hole are so obliging.

Toronto women are not looking to meet men anywhere other than in their narrowly-defined time and place - the @#+%*-face is on all-day, every day until Saturday night, when the few, desperate remaining single women will drunkenly sleep with a *$+!%%@!! or a hipster selling a slick line of unlikely $+#!*+@%. In the revealing light of day, they hide what they've done and complain to their *****y girlfriends about their %@%!*$$ boyfriends and lament, "there aren't any good men out there."

Men, if you want to meet decent women, don't look here. The women here are well-dressed ***** and you're better off without them.


Re: The Women of Toronto - m4w - 33 (Toronto)

To the original poster: I couldn't agree with your comment any more and found it well written and in good taste.

Now there are lots of beautiful, kind and amazing women in our fabulous city, "BUT" something has truly gone way off between the sexes in the last ten years or so and it's getting worse.

As my cousin from London said; "you have a flawed group dynamic between the sexes in Toronto."
It's as if the girls don't trust and respect the boys and the boys don't respect the girls and are frightened to approach them.

From a guy's point of view, I know one thing and that is the classic Malboro man wouldn't stand a chance in modern day Toronto.

Being that I worked in the service industry as a bartender and server in a variety of establishments such as luxury hotels, upscale restaurants, cafes, pubs and night clubs, I had what can be termed 'a bird's-eye view' of the social interaction between the sexes and can with an informed opinion say that most attractive young women in Toronto 'today' have the tendency to be unapproachable (in social situations), overly materialistic and have entitlement issues.

Now to be fair, I acknowledge that young women feel the need to go about with their '@#+%* shields' fully activated, but ask yourself how is it that the women in European countries such as Spain, Italy, France and Greece are so receptive to their men (socially) who are by comparison quite aggressive and chauvinistic?
And yes Toronto does have its fair share of male '*%%%-heads'...I myself have encountered lots of that sort - you know the ones who belong on 'all fours,' but the fact is there is a rising number of men 'today' who have abandoned the chauvinistic ways of the past and have embraced their sensitive side; while sadly it appears that young women are going in the opposite direction - 'talking about a role reversal.'

I went on a date with a professor from York who had been doing some counseling at the university; she claimed to have buried her traditional feminist views because of the prevalent attitudes of the females students she had been working with - so many of them being superficial and overly materialistic.
My date said her heart went out to so many bright, ambitious young male students who would come to her to confess there frustration with not being able to date quality young ladies while their drug dealer friends from high school with 'bling' were surrounded by women from all walks of life.

When I worked at the night clubs the number one complaint from European and American male travelers who were interested in meeting women in this city was that the women here were impossible; even the female tourists would observe as much.
At one of my bartending gigs I once spoke with a Colombian woman who had been here on an extended visit who said; "the women in this city are '*****', not real women"..."they have no respect for the unique qualities of a man and that they were out of touch with their femininity."
She went on to say that she felt sorry for the guys in Toronto because all the women she was meeting tended to be backstabbers, only interested in men for money and that all her gay friends in Toronto pitied straight guys for the crap they had to put up with women.
She was also shocked that I was single and joked that the women in Columbia would line up to 'rape' me, a good looking guy with personality.'

The funniest was the young and handsome drunk American tourist who proclaimed that "even the fat and ugly girls have attitude in this town!"

How did it get to this and where do we go from here?


WOMEN OF TORONTO - m4w - w4m

There is a serious problem in this city. Women here are severely dysfunctional, to the degree that they are making life miserable, both for themselves and for the men around them. The typical Toronto woman is a graceless, mindless byproduct of modern feminism, who vehemently believes what she has been taught since she was old enough to listen: that she is a beautiful enigma -- an enchanting yin-yang of unimpeachable virtue, and endearing imperfection. She is cripplingly vain, yet deeply insecure. She speaks too much, and too loudly, and is oblivious to her own banality. She has slept with far too many men to be considered relationship material, because she knows nothing about herself, about men, or about love itself.

As men, we see it every day. Toronto women walk around as if they did not notice men were present. They talk on their phones on the streetcars as if in their living rooms, airing the weekend's dirty laundry in loud, irritating voices. They become perversely absorbed in their reflections in elevators, or even shop windows. They do not move for anyone on the sidewalks. They stomp around with anything from subtle sourness to outright mannish aggression. They believe that modesty, class and decorum are antiquated, sexist notions, and therefore behave in the extreme opposite manner.

This is the monster that feminism has created. It's inescapable in this city -- it has infected public education, parenting, psychology, television, universities, and all forms of social expression to the point where its effects can be observed in body language alone. Canada in particular is one of the most feminized countries in the world, and Toronto is the flagship of its ugly paradigm. Look at any TV show, any radio commercial, any magazine (for men or women), and the message is the same. Men are pathetic, bumbling fetch-dogs, and women save the day with their finesse, poise, confidence, etc. A woman is told by a million voices in every direction, every day, that she is a Venus, an unsolvable mystery that should be worshipped because she is, apparently, every conceivable contradiction of character, co-existing in one divine shell. Delicate, yet strong. Meek, yet self-possessed. Sexy, yet pure. The list is never-ending. Every action a woman takes, every minor hardship or imagined struggle, is painted as an epic crusade for Womankind.

Have you noticed how many Seduction Artists originate from Toronto? Who is to blame for these moronic cheeseballs, with their theories and techniques on how to beat women at their own game? Their twisted tactics are employed by men who are baffled and bewildered by women's general and unaccountable antipathy towards men, but who would rather adopt a phony, carefully constructed persona to get women than throw in the towel. More of us, however, have just stopped flirting with Toronto women, and are spending what are meant to be the best years of our lives bitterly navigating the atmosphere of sexual combativeness that pervades this city like a fog.

Some of us seem to be catching on, despite being brought up to revere women by default. Like Pavlov's dog, experience is teaching us that beneath their tenuous sexual appeal, Toronto women are overwhelmingly devoid of substance, character, humility, and intelligence, and are much too narcissistic to tolerate for more than a one-night stand. Most know nothing of love, how to love, or how to be loved, and their lives are spiraling out of reality into the house of mirrors which has been constructed for them by the industries of fashion and cosmetics.

Women of Toronto -- feminism has failed you. You direly need to rediscover your sexual identities from the ground up, because you are destroying the bond between men and women which is the foundation of the world. You can use any manner of defense you wish -- call me bitter, misogynistic, whiny, old-fashioned -- whatever. I know the truth about you, as many men do, as you yourselves will bitterly have to face when you inevitably realize that what you hold dear only serves to make you unhappy. Learn how to be feminine, to think for yourselves, to compliment men instead of compete with them. Tear down the disgusting sham, the epidemic doctrine that says men and women are the same, and please stop reading magazines altogether. Realize that the cavernous rift between us is complete fiction, and is mostly intended to keep our wallets empty. We will do our part, as men, if you simply let us.

  • Location: Downtown
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2498892096
I agree with this wholeheartedly....it's at the point where I don't even stay in this city to meet women anymore. The women here are sexy beyond many measures, but they are, like the post says - C U Next Tuesdays
Sounds so identical to Los Angeles,California that it scares me to death!!! It describes to the T the dating scene here and its rather disturbing.
She was also shocked that I was single and joked that the women in Columbia would line up to 'rape' me, a good looking guy with personality.'

colombia is one of the countries I would like to visit but Ive heard that the women there are also a bit conceited
It just sounds to me it is the men who are bitter who have been burned by women due to their experiences. It can go both ways. Some women are classless, and some men are douchebags.

Some of you men complain about finding a respectful good girl, when you keep going for the dolled up,vain, immature, and materialistic girls. Maybe you need to go for a better class of women. Maybe it's you (not you Pookie, talking in general).
Hazel Eyed Honey.....maybe you should come down to Toronto and see for yourself...the women here are @%%#%%% 24/7....not all, but most of the attractive ones.  You can't even stop a female to say hello, ask her how she is doing or compliment her on her attire without getting that "why are you talking to me face"
Ive always wondered why so many pua's come from canada...
I've been to Toronto or Tdot as the locals call it on a couple road trips up from Cleveland and all I can say is if you are an black guy from the states you will get raped by Toronto women. Toronto women are straight up sluts for us and I don't know why. Me and my boys were getting approached everywhere we went. Girls are straight up thirsty there. Def had good times and memories of taking down some gazelles.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Hazel Eyed Honey.....maybe you should come down to Toronto and see for yourself...the women here are @%%#%%% 24/7....not all, but most of the attractive ones.  You can't even stop a female to say hello, ask her how she is doing or compliment her on her attire without getting that "why are you talking to me face"
From what I have seen in Toronto in downtown, a lot of high maintenance looking girls. The men are very forward and very complimentary to you. I just remember thinking there were so many good looking men. From people who have lived in TO and still do, they tell me that they do not like the atmosphere of how people are in downtown. Stuck up. Basically, they wear their pride on their soles, and it is about materialism and consumerism. It goes for both women and men.

I hear the same about Montreal. People will live in $+*! holes because of the expensive cost of living, but will party every night and flaunt themselves as if they have money buying nice cars and clothes when they can't afford to pay off their bigger expenses like rent. It probably is just how it is in the bigger metropolitan cities.

I say the same about men over here, but it is a matter of just going for the good overall package, which does exist. You just have to go for the humble, down to earth people you can find. A girl is stuck up and vain, yet she looks good? Well, is she worth it to give attention to? No. I am sure there are pretty, humble, and down to earth girls in abundance in Toronto that you can come across.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by pookieman

Hazel Eyed Honey.....maybe you should come down to Toronto and see for yourself...the women here are @%%#%%% 24/7....not all, but most of the attractive ones.  You can't even stop a female to say hello, ask her how she is doing or compliment her on her attire without getting that "why are you talking to me face"
From what I have seen in Toronto in downtown, a lot of high maintenance looking girls. The men are very forward and very complimentary to you. I just remember thinking there were so many good looking men. From people who have lived in TO and still do, they tell me that they do not like the atmosphere of how people are in downtown. Stuck up. Basically, they wear their pride on their soles, and it is about materialism and consumerism. It goes for both women and men.

I hear the same about Montreal. People will live in $+*! holes because of the expensive cost of living, but will party every night and flaunt themselves as if they have money buying nice cars and clothes when they can't afford to pay off their bigger expenses like rent. It probably is just how it is in the bigger metropolitan cities.

I say the same about men over here, but it is a matter of just going for the good overall package, which does exist. You just have to go for the humble, down to earth people you can find. A girl is stuck up and vain, yet she looks good? Well, is she worth it to give attention to? No. I am sure there are pretty, humble, and down to earth girls in abundance in Toronto that you can come across.

Baby....don't buy that....we have great packages here. Come check it out
Isn't it like that everywhere in the world?

There are stuck-up, materialistic gold diggers, then there are intelligent, chill people... I mean if every girl was wifey material then no guy would have any issues with women.
Originally Posted by scshift

Isn't it like that everywhere in the world?

There are stuck-up, materialistic gold diggers, then there are intelligent, chill people... I mean if every girl was wifey material then no guy would have any issues with women.
No....In Toronto it is 10x worse....I just came back from Vienna, Austria and I met women from all over Europe, and they were sexy, and friendly. The women here act like you are trying to molest them...honestly, they ALL think they're models...ah well, I only talk to 7.5's so I do not have to deal with the +*@%-ery that is the Toronto %$@$
usa and canada women have this annoying @%% sense of entitlement.
european women may reject you but still be kind and friendly.
they also put more into that natural beauty type steez so you know that bad ones from the +%$$ ones from the start.
To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.

all it really boils down to.

A+ post
 Learn how to be feminine, to think for yourselves, to compliment men instead of compete with them. Tear down the disgusting sham, the epidemic doctrine that says men and women are the same, and please stop reading magazines altogether.

Most poignant point. While the feminist movement has done a great thing in equalizing the playing field, a nasty bi-product has been created where women think they're the same as men. It's especially bad in major cities like NYC, Toronto, LA, etc. Women say that they want to find their equal but that couldn't be any farther from the truth. Women inherently seek out men who are greater than them. Men who will dominate them. Men with more money. Men who are more attractive than they are. More famous/popular than they are. Even the most mediocre of women feels entitled to this. It's created a really disturbing dynamic. Now that women have access to the same wages, jobs, education, titles, etc. it puts men who should be their equal actually at a disadvantage. Average guys with good personalities, good jobs and decent looks have little to no shot. It's either settle for subpar or spend life chasing women who are chasing a dream. When women wake up and realize that we aren't the same maybe things will change.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Hazel Eyed Honey.....maybe you should come down to Toronto and see for yourself...the women here are @%%#%%% 24/7....not all, but most of the attractive ones.  You can't even stop a female to say hello, ask her how she is doing or compliment her on her attire without getting that "why are you talking to me face"

Thats everywhere 
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