A good read about the women of Toronto (and maybe your city)....

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Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.
Because Toronto's finest simps for them
shoutout to him, errrrr one go follow him!">
Shane's right, but its like this all over.

you make an interesting point about the european women being more courteous to come-ons in comparison to north american women.

its true.

WAYYY too many women act like their axewound is made of gold.

and im from South Florida
Originally Posted by Club 27

Shane's right, but its like this all over.

you make an interesting point about the european women being more courteous to come-ons in comparison to north american women.

its true.

WAYYY too many women act like they're axewound is made of gold.

and im from South Florida

i luv les europeans.
I don't get how people just completely generalize the female population of a city that is over 2.5 million??  Every densely populated city will have females that are just completely into the gold diggin scene or whatever but that's just life. 
I dunno, I will say this Canadian women in general are less...let's say less confident than American women, like I usually go to New Jersey then DC and Baltimore to visit family and I just feel women expect to be approached more in US than in Toronto, if you are approaching a women in a non club night life situation in toronto you have more like barriers to entry than in America.

From TO and I know what he means. I work retail in one of the more trendier spots in the city and I couldn't agree more. Girls kissing their teeth like I'm suppose to drop down everything for them.

It irks me because I'm being friendly because it's a major part of my job. I ain't trying to pick up all the time.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.
My man Sweet Jones...Its why I don't compliment women on being beautiful upon meeting them, they didn't work hard on that %++*, its genetics why the @*!! you complementing them?  If you present yourself as a real dude anybody will mess with you regardless of the place.

Though I do agree with the fact that Foreign women are better partners than American/Canadian.  No doubt my wife is going to be a foreigner or at the worst a 1st generation American
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.
My man Sweet Jones...Its why I don't compliment women on being beautiful upon meeting them, they didn't work hard on that %++*, its genetics why the @*!! you complementing them?  If you present yourself as a real dude anybody will mess with you regardless of the place.

Though I do agree with the fact that Foreign women are better partners than American/Canadian.  No doubt my wife is going to be a foreigner or at the worst a 1st generation American

^^Exactly let your balls hang homie bring these girls back down to earth.I mean yea u gonna have those types every where but u gotta know how to approach them to get their attention.
Euro women also hold way less taboos about sex and the role of sex.  They don't see it as a weapon. Just a normal part of life. 
In the US, it seems women have been taught to think of sex as some valuable commodity that they posses. Imagine if you thought your penis was literally made of solid gold. You'd act pretty uptight too. 
 US women tend to think their vagina is the door to salvation.
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.
Because Toronto's finest simps for them
/www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif"> shoutout to him, errrrr one go follow him!">

QFT. Marvins room..
Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

I don't get how people just completely generalize the female population of a city that is over 2.5 million??  Every densely populated city will have females that are just completely into the gold diggin scene or whatever but that's just life. 

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

She was also shocked that I was single and joked that the women in Columbia would line up to 'rape' me, a good looking guy with personality.'

colombia is one of the countries I would like to visit but Ive heard that the women there are also a bit conceited
my girl is colombian and crazy (things been great as of late though)
but gotdman she is sexy as (&#$, the whole family is.

ive heard toronto has beautiful women same with LA

honestly..................it is what it is. all these chicks high in the looks department most of them come with the same attitudes and attributes, ya just gotta put up with the *@$ and settle down with one down the road.
this just seems like a bunch of misogynists seeking women out of their league.
also men dont really seem to get that approaching a woman about the way she looks when you dont know her at all comes off terrible. she probably gets approached a dozen times a day with a range of cordial to down right rude remarks. densely populated cities are a hostile environment for women. when i leave my house in my cutoffs i also leave clad in thick skin. i feel threatened.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

It just sounds to me it is the men who are bitter who have been burned by women due to their experiences. It can go both ways. Some women are classless, and some men are douchebags.

Some of you men complain about finding a respectful good girl, when you keep going for the dolled up,vain, immature, and materialistic girls. Maybe you need to go for a better class of women. Maybe it's you (not you Pookie, talking in general).

So you made a post about how the author of the article is probably just bitter but then the following post you said you've been to downtown Toronto and experienced these stuck-up women yourself
Basically contradicted yourself
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence.

This is going on in every major city. I blame FB and all other social networking. These sites have took part time bopping to a full time gig and made the average female/dude no longer exists. You either "that guy" or not... Sad.
Maybe it's the whole "grass is greener" mentality? Some think the chicks where they live aren't as receptive compared to the women they've met in another city...

Just my $0.02
Originally Posted by jdiggs

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

To be fair, too many dudes put these types of females on pedestals; chasing and complimenting them even after they've already turned their noses up. No female, or person for that matter, should ever make you feel like they're doing you a service by acknowledging your presence. I don't care how gorgeous you are, you sit down on the toilet and push out stank @%$# just like me.
Because Toronto's finest simps for them
/www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif"> shoutout to him, errrrr one go follow him!">

QFT. Marvins room..

 the song is disgusting.
Originally Posted by culturecarnage

this just seems like a bunch of misogynists seeking women out of their league.
also men dont really seem to get that approaching a woman about the way she looks when you dont know her at all comes off terrible. she probably gets approached a dozen times a day with a range of cordial to down right rude remarks. densely populated cities are a hostile environment for women. when i leave my house in my cutoffs i also leave clad in thick skin. i feel threatened.

Another +*##% on a pedestal mentality. 
No such thing as "out of your league". What are they superhuman?
They all $%$+, fart, sweat, etc. 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

 Learn how to be feminine, to think for yourselves, to compliment men instead of compete with them. Tear down the disgusting sham, the epidemic doctrine that says men and women are the same, and please stop reading magazines altogether.
Most poignant point. While the feminist movement has done a great thing in equalizing the playing field, a nasty bi-product has been created where women think they're the same as men. It's especially bad in major cities like NYC, Toronto, LA, etc. Women say that they want to find their equal but that couldn't be any farther from the truth. Women inherently seek out men who are greater than them. Men who will dominate them. Men with more money. Men who are more attractive than they are. More famous/popular than they are. Even the most mediocre of women feels entitled to this. It's created a really disturbing dynamic. Now that women have access to the same wages, jobs, education, titles, etc. it puts men who should be their equal actually at a disadvantage. Average guys with good personalities, good jobs and decent looks have little to no shot. It's either settle for subpar or spend life chasing women who are chasing a dream. When women wake up and realize that we aren't the same maybe things will change.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by culturecarnage

this just seems like a bunch of misogynists seeking women out of their league.
also men dont really seem to get that approaching a woman about the way she looks when you dont know her at all comes off terrible. she probably gets approached a dozen times a day with a range of cordial to down right rude remarks. densely populated cities are a hostile environment for women. when i leave my house in my cutoffs i also leave clad in thick skin. i feel threatened.

Another +*##% on a pedestal mentality. 
No such thing as "out of your league". What are they superhuman?
They all $%$+, fart, sweat, etc. 
 theres no such thing as out of your league? you do know that theyve done studies and both males and females rarely mate more than one point outside of their perceived attractiveness on the typical 1-10 scale. ex. if youre an 8. you'll date a 7,8, or 9.  only in cases of extreme wealth did that rule not apply. theres also one study which i cant remember the name of but it was in psychological science that men consistently look for more attractive mates well outside of their "league" than females. 
Good read, sounds like an awful situation for men in Toronto. Sad, because everything else I've heard about the city is great.
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