A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

Jul 23, 2004

Teddles revels in the hands-on attention he gets from his adoptive owner, Cindy Houser.

Stirling won Jasmine's trust by climbing into her kennel with her.

BAD RAP's Reynolds and Racer are vetting a family for Grace.

Chwistek and her husband, Bill Cook, have adopted Audie.

Wilson makes sure Sweet Pea has regular reunions with Jasmine.

Zip's posse (clockwise from left): Vanessa, Berenice, Jesse, Francisco, Eliana.

Adopted by De Little, Uba shares a house with a cat named William.

This hobbit namesake may make a permanent home with Ramirez.

For the time being, Ernie is in foster care with the Bay Area couple.

A good listener, Jonny helps Calvin feel more comfortable reading aloud.
Yeah i got this issue. If ya'll arent subscribed to SI, hop on that. My fav magazine by far. And good thing these dogs found homes.
It's nice to see that they're people out there who'll still adopt dogs that were used for fighting. Most people wouldn't even consider adoptinga pitbull that was used for fighting.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]1. These people got dogs owned by the Michael Vick[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]2. FREE MICHAEL VICK, #+%$ THEM DOGS![/color]
Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career,and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

It's nice to see that they're people out there who'll still adopt dogs that were used for fighting. Most people wouldn't even consider adopting a pitbull that was used for fighting.

You can't blame them though. Most people don't have to time to retrain a dog to be social/non-violent. I'm glad these dogs were able to be adoptedand not considered too dangerous and had to be put down.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

It's nice to see that they're people out there who'll still adopt dogs that were used for fighting. Most people wouldn't even consider adopting a pitbull that was used for fighting.
or even just a regular pitbull


still havent looked at that issue tho
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai


btw wheres ur avy?

I would post again but ht the daily post limit damn it.

But I know how you feel I had my sig taken away without notice.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]FREE MICHAEL VICK![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][Cam'Ron] That man worth 150 million dollars, they didn't even do theendorsement, what's the endorsement? I ain't know that, about 248 million [/Cam'Ron][/color]
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.

You sound salty. Someone does their crime, they do their time, and have every right to continue their lives upon release. Wishing a career ending injury andfinancial woe upon someone for the rest of their days
You sound salty. Someone does their crime, they do their time, and have every right to continue their lives upon release. Wishing a career ending injury and financial woe upon someone for the rest of their days Plus, people kill animals every day. Vick > Dogs

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure. He deserves to be where he's at right now and stay there.Telling me I'm salty makes no sense, I'm not jealous or hating on anything. Since people kill animals everyday, it somehow makes it okay for what hedid?
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]you, and I hate you![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, andeven damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well inlife...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong),But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?[/color]

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers?Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]LOG OFF![/color]
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

You sound salty. Someone does their crime, they do their time, and have every right to continue their lives upon release. Wishing a career ending injury and financial woe upon someone for the rest of their days Plus, people kill animals every day. Vick > Dogs

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure. He deserves to be where he's at right now and stay there. Telling me I'm salty makes no sense, I'm not jealous or hating on anything. Since people kill animals everyday, it somehow makes it okay for what he did?

I edited my post b/c i agree that it's not right to kill domesticated animals. But come on, worse things happen. He's done his time to think about whathe did, and im sure you wont see Vick promoting dog fights when he gets out. You dont believe in rehabilitation? Whether ur salty or not, you sound it bywishing injury and isolation upon someone you dont even know. Ease up.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]you, and I hate you![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?[/color]

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers? Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]LOG OFF![/color]

you sound like a little $%$%!. "and i hate you!"
you, and I hate you!

It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.

Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...

Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?

Because not only was he fighting the dogs...he was torturing the ones that did poorly. Do those damn pictures need to be posted again of some of those pitbulls? I swear, some people on NT have no compassion for anything. Care more about the odds of Vick making it into offseason practice than they do the factthat the dude is heartless, and goes around torturing dogs for no reason.
How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers? Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...
First of all, where did it say I agreed about hunting? I've never hunted in my life. Second, most hunters don't torture their prey. Theyshoot it and hopefully it dies painless. They don't put its head underwater and drown it. They don't shock it. They don't kick it. They don'tthrow it around until it stops breathing.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]you, and I hate you![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?[/color]

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers? Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]LOG OFF![/color]

you sound like a little $%$%!. "and i hate you!"

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]And you quote like I was typing to you.[/color]
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]you, and I hate you![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?[/color]

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers? Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]LOG OFF![/color]

you sound like a little $%$%!. "and i hate you!"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]And you quote like I was typing to you.[/color]

how about now?
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

you, and I hate you!

It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.

Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...

Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?

Because not only was he fighting the dogs...he was torturing the ones that did poorly. Do those damn pictures need to be posted again of some of those pit bulls? I swear, some people on NT have no compassion for anything. Care more about the odds of Vick making it into offseason practice than they do the fact that the dude is heartless, and goes around torturing dogs for no reason.

We all know what Vick did was wrong. Get over it. He lost all his money, endorsements, and is sitting in a cell. I think his punishment was more than adequate.I cant wait until he comes back.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

you, and I hate you!

It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.

Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...

Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?

Because not only was he fighting the dogs...he was torturing the ones that did poorly. Do those damn pictures need to be posted again of some of those pit bulls? I swear, some people on NT have no compassion for anything. Care more about the odds of Vick making it into offseason practice than they do the fact that the dude is heartless, and goes around torturing dogs for no reason.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Like I said, I'm not justifying that he was wrong AT ALL... I recognize thathe was wrong, but does the punishment truly fit the crime?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]And as ignorant and inhumane as this might sound, you gave the reason as to whyhe tortured the dogs...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Dogs did poorly => He tortured them.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Like I said, he was wrong and it was very inhumane, I happen to own a dog andhave owned a pitbull which had to be put down earlier in the fall. But the punishment still don't fit the crime.[/color]
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