A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

Aye, don't even matter, You win Mr. Moonmaster3, I tip my raccoon tail hat you... stick that in your PETA and smoke it... I discussed the situation with Cwrite in a similar PM and seeing as I further don't like you. SHUT UP.

. This dude just told me he didn't like me...and to shut up. With that tongue emoticon you used earlier, telling me "you hate me", and thepurple/pink font, I have felt like I was arguing with a girl. Your problem is that you have no idea how to argue logically, and instead of addressing myrebuttals, you just dish out insults.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Aye, don't even matter, You win Mr. Moonmaster3, I tip my raccoon tail hat you... stick that in your PETA and smoke it... I discussed the situation with Cwrite in a similar PM and seeing as I further don't like you. SHUT UP.

. This dude just told me he didn't like me...and to shut up. With that tongue emoticon you used earlier, telling me "you hate me", and the purple/pink font, I have felt like I was arguing with a girl. Your problem is that you have no idea how to argue logically, and instead of addressing my rebuttals, you just dish out insults.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]umm, nah.[/color]
umm, nah.

Great reply, you should've added in another Free Vick type of picture. Funny thing is, I'm sure you still think his punishment was excessive. Thosedamn mangy mutts, right?
Originally Posted by FifthName

We all know what Vick did was wrong. Get over it. He lost all his money, endorsements, and is sitting in a cell. I think his punishment was more than adequate. I cant wait until he comes back.
youre going to be waiting an awful long time.
I'm glad these dogs have a second chance. Now the world needs to give Vick a second chance also.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

umm, nah.

Great reply, you should've added in another Free Vick type of picture. Funny thing is, I'm sure you still think his punishment was excessive. Those damn mangy mutts, right?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]see, really doesn't work with me not arguing anymore. have fun with thatthough.[/color]

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...[/color]
the same goes for don imus, right? all victims of nothing more than an irrelevant misunderstanding.

I'm not going to front, I like dogs, grew up with them. To me they are dogs, nothing more.

When I got my year end issue of SI, and it had that dog on the cover along with the story,

What's next, a Time/Newsday issue with the cover having the ++%# Cheney's hunting buddy (you know, the one he shot in the face).

All kinds of good things happened in 2008, sports wise, and they put a damn dog on the cover.

I guess SI owed PETA a favor.

BTW, what they did to Mike Vick was just wrong.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

umm, nah.

Great reply, you should've added in another Free Vick type of picture. Funny thing is, I'm sure you still think his punishment was excessive. Those damn mangy mutts, right?

He is an idiot, just ignore him.

I dont like hunting at all, but you cant compare hunting vs. body slamming/drowning/torturing dogs. That is something a 12 year old with mental problems does.
i wonder how many just wanted a famous dog? then to pose for a photo? its about the dogs.. id be annoymous #584.
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by FifthName

We all know what Vick did was wrong. Get over it. He lost all his money, endorsements, and is sitting in a cell. I think his punishment was more than adequate. I cant wait until he comes back.
youre going to be waiting an awful long time.

not that long, he'll be back before plaxico...
I don't know why Mike Vick apologists keep using the "punishment did not fit the crime" argument. The severity of Vick's punishment did notcome from killing a dog, it's from being the ringleader and main $ supplier to this whole operation, which are FELONIES. Killing a dog is not a felony,organizing and funding an illegal, underground dog-fighting operation with your OWN $, OWN dogs, and in your OWN property is a felony.

Did Mike Vick deserve to go to jail? According to the felonies he did, YES. Did the judge try to make an example of him and punish him to the fullest extent?Probably. Either way, Mike Vick was looking at least 1 year of jail time due to the fact he was the organizer/funder.

Killing a dog does not give you 1+ year in jail, organizing and funding an illegal dog-fighting operation where $ is being made does warrant jail time. end ofstory.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

umm, nah.

Great reply, you should've added in another Free Vick type of picture. Funny thing is, I'm sure you still think his punishment was excessive. Those damn mangy mutts, right?

He is an idiot, just ignore him.

I dont like hunting at all, but you cant compare hunting vs. body slamming/drowning/torturing dogs. That is something a 12 year old with mental problems does.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]cosign

Glad they found good homes. They look like good folk. Lets hope we dont see them on that when animals go bad show.
Originally Posted by keepitgully

Glad they found good homes. They look like good folk. Lets hope we dont see them on that when animals go bad show.

people say its how you raise em but its got ALOT to do with the bloodline in em as well. I have no idea what any of em were but I would imagin they were allstrong game lines. you just can't rewire 100 years of breeding. I hope it don't turn out bad for em either.
its not like the whole thing caught vick offguard, its fully known the illegality of the things he was doing. if you are making millions of dollars a year inthe spotlight like he was you would be idiotic to put it at risk over something as crass and lowlife as dogfighting. its not like he could have expected to bekept from scrutiny. the whole thing warrants a big SMH.
Those Nike's ya'll wearing had to be made from some poor animals.........................

i see you having no problems running to buy some jays/nikes then.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by FifthName

We all know what Vick did was wrong. Get over it. He lost all his money, endorsements, and is sitting in a cell. I think his punishment was more than adequate. I cant wait until he comes back.
youre going to be waiting an awful long time.

not that long, he'll be back before plaxico...
vick was marginal when he played, an extended layoff wont be kind. someone might be desperate enough to take a chance on him, but it wouldnt belong until hes out of the league.
Originally Posted by Pushak513

Originally Posted by keepitgully

Glad they found good homes. They look like good folk. Lets hope we dont see them on that when animals go bad show.

people say its how you raise em but its got ALOT to do with the bloodline in em as well. I have no idea what any of em were but I would imagin they were all strong game lines. you just can't rewire 100 years of breeding. I hope it don't turn out bad for em either.
its all about percentages... certain bloodlines are more PRONE to attack. they need more walks, more attention, more TIME... they are easilyturned into the vicious type if not properly trained. that includes being too protective of their new owners. its tough to judge them by photos, but I doubthalf of them are well equipped for the job at hand to truely manage a dog of that caliber... stick to golden retrivers please
What he did was deplorable, I'm not sure I agree with the price he had to pay for it. That'll be all.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Those Nike's ya'll wearing had to be made from some poor animals.........................

i see you having no problems running to buy some jays/nikes then.
i have to assume shoes arent made from parts of dogs that have been brutalized or abused. but maybe thats just my common sense telling me that...

umm your right, because i said animals, not dogs specifically.

people eat chicken everyday, fish, turkey, steak, bacon, sausage, etc...............

arent they just as equal as dogs?
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by FifthName

We all know what Vick did was wrong. Get over it. He lost all his money, endorsements, and is sitting in a cell. I think his punishment was more than adequate. I cant wait until he comes back.
youre going to be waiting an awful long time.

not that long, he'll be back before plaxico...
vick was marginal when he played, an extended layoff wont be kind. someone might be desperate enough to take a chance on him, but it wouldnt be long until hes out of the league.

He should come to the niners. We need a QB and he need a job when he get out.

P.S. Peta needs to lay off ppl these days. Hell, ppl give them more publicy than the damn war in the middle east. dog are dog and that it. Howevers, those peta%!%+* blown that %%*% out way too much. It not like it really end of the world. The war in the middle east was much more important since some ppl are back home in %+!* up or in dead in a caskets. One of these days, Peta is loving ways is going cost a few ppl their lives.
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