A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

And as ignorant and inhumane as this might sound, you gave the reason as to why he tortured the dogs...

Dogs did poorly => He tortured them.

Wait...why the hell did you even state that? Are you trying to imply that he was somehow justified for torturing the dogs?
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

you, and I hate you!

It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.

Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...

Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?

Because not only was he fighting the dogs...he was torturing the ones that did poorly. Do those damn pictures need to be posted again of some of those pit bulls? I swear, some people on NT have no compassion for anything. Care more about the odds of Vick making it into offseason practice than they do the fact that the dude is heartless, and goes around torturing dogs for no reason.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Like I said, I'm not justifying that he was wrong AT ALL... I recognize that he was wrong, but does the punishment truly fit the crime?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]And as ignorant and inhumane as this might sound, you gave the reason as to why he tortured the dogs...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Dogs did poorly => He tortured them.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Like I said, he was wrong and it was very inhumane, I happen to own a dog and have owned a pitbull which had to be put down earlier in the fall. But the punishment still don't fit the crime.[/color]

I know it wasn't directed towards me, but seriously.. you're going to justify their torture because the performed poorly? he didn't torture thembecause they didn't fight well, he tortured them because he lost money, simple as that.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

They shoot it and hopefully it dies painless.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Is that even possible?[/color]

And as ignorant and inhumane as this might sound, you gave the reason as to why he tortured the dogs...

Dogs did poorly => He tortured them.

Wait...why the hell did you even state that? Are you trying to imply that he was somehow justified for torturing the dogs?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Read the first part of my post, I've never justified himtorturing or anyone torturing any animal.[/color]

I know it wasn't directed towards me, but seriously.. you're going to justify their torture because the performed poorly? he didn't torture them because they didn't fight well, he tortured them because he lost money, simple as that.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]He lost money because they didn't fight well. AND NO I am notjustifying what he did. I was purely just showing a cause and effect.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Much like the cause of his arrest was him torturing and fighting dogs and theeffect was his arrest.[/color]
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]you, and I hate you![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?[/color]

Dogs > Vick. Dude goes around torturing and killing dogs and for what? His own sick pleasure.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How many people that hunt bucks purely for the amount of points on their antlers? Or people that hunt in general, Man I'm sure glad they started locking up those sick sick people...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]LOG OFF![/color]

you sound like a little $%$%!. "and i hate you!"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]And you quote like I was typing to you.[/color]

if this dude was so into fighting, he should have been fighting ufc/boxing or some +@%*...don't put those dogs into it....*$+#@$ #$**@.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Is that even possible?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]nope, hunters tend to aim for the neck, ribcage, or shoulder area...hunters don't use headshots.. NEXT ARGUMENT!.[/color]

Use Your Head, and Don't Take Head Shots

Head shots are to be avoided. Think about it - the head is the most animated portion of a deer's anatomy. When the deer moves, the head is the first thing to do so - and even when standing still, a deer will often move its head without warning.

Some will say that if they miss a head shot then they've missed the deer entirely and it will live, but that's not necessarily true. Years ago, a friend shot a buck in the head - that's all he had to shoot at - and he hit it in the jaw. He severed a major blood vessel and the deer lost a lot of blood - but it also kept going for a long, long way. They tracked that deer for more than a mile before finally recovering it.
nope, hunters tend to aim for the neck, ribcage, or shoulder area... hunters don't use headshots...

Yeah, I forgot about trophy hunting. But your comparison is still flawed. They don't go around torturing animals for the sake of torturing them. Do youknow of any hunters who shoot their prey, and then just wait for it to bleed to death instead of putting it out of its misery? Or how about drowning it? Betteryet, chain up one prey, and have it raped by another animal.
Are you really trying to compare hunting to him torturing for the sake of torturing? Your argument is inherently flawed, there is nothing to argueagainst you. If you can't see through it then that's on you, not me.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

nope, hunters tend to aim for the neck, ribcage, or shoulder area... hunters don't use headshots...

Yeah, I forgot about trophy hunting. But your comparison is still flawed. They don't go around torturing animals for the sake of torturing them. Do you know of any hunters who shoot their prey, and then just wait for it to bleed to death instead of putting it out of its misery? Or how about drowning it? Better yet, chain up one prey, and have it raped by another animal.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Nope, but I'm fairly certain that plenty of people who sell pure bred dogs,chain up their dogs and have them raped by other dogs...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Regardless, as I stated previously... MICHAEL VICK WAS WRONG YES, LOSING MILLIONSOF DOLLARS, JAIL SENTENCE, AND RUINING HIS LIFE? excessive.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]At No point have I tried to justify what he did as being right or even close toright, my whole stance is that dudes punishment was point blank unnecessary...[/color]
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

you, and I hate you!

It's a damn pitbull for gods sake, people have been fighting dogs, cocks, and even damn scorpions for years, decades, centuries.

Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...

Not saying he didn't deserve to be punished (by no means is he NOT wrong), But damn, they hit my dude for a lick didn't they. Like the maximum amount of time for some mangy mutts?

Because not only was he fighting the dogs...he was torturing the ones that did poorly. Do those damn pictures need to be posted again of some of those pit bulls? I swear, some people on NT have no compassion for anything. Care more about the odds of Vick making it into offseason practice than they do the fact that the dude is heartless, and goes around torturing dogs for no reason.

Like I said, I'm not justifying that he was wrong AT ALL... I recognize that he was wrong, but does the punishment truly fit the crime?

And as ignorant and inhumane as this might sound, you gave the reason as to why he tortured the dogs...

Dogs did poorly => He tortured them.

Like I said, he was wrong and it was very inhumane, I happen to own a dog and have owned a pitbull which had to be put down earlier in the fall. But the punishment still don't fit the crime.

I know it wasn't directed towards me, but seriously.. you're going to justify their torture because the performed poorly? he didn't torture them because they didn't fight well, he tortured them because he lost money, simple as that.

dogs dont deserve to be tortured just because they performed poorly... does michael vick gets tortured when he performs poorly? NO
Nope, but I'm fairly certain that plenty of people who sell pure bred dogs, chain up their dogs and have them raped by other dogs...


I don't understand why you bring up the fact that there puppy mills out there as if it justifies what he does? Your argument goes nowhere when you try tojustify it by pointing out the fact that its prevalent elsewhere...wrong is wrong. How is him losing his money and a jail sentence excessive? It's the veryfact that he HAD all that money that allowed him the privilege to set up these fighting rings and train/breed all those pit bulls. He deserves to be where heis at now. What do YOU think the proper punishment should've been? A 2 game suspension?
SMH at this whole Vick ordeal from the beginning. So PETA is going to have stakeouts in the trailer parks and farms of rural Georgia, South Carolina, Tennesseeand Alabama right? ----I surely hope so.

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander and I'm going to leave it at that...
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

SMH at this whole Vick ordeal from the beginning. So PETA is going to have stakeouts in the trailer parks and farms of rural Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama right? ----I surely hope so.

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander and I'm going to leave it at that...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]That's been my whole thing, wrong is wrong, but Vick is"wronger"[/color]
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

SMH at this whole Vick ordeal from the beginning. So PETA is going to have stakeouts in the trailer parks and farms of rural Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama right? ----I surely hope so.

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander and I'm going to leave it at that...

actually, yeah, peta does go after everybody they can. big or small.
Before I say anything I want to state I DO NOT FIGHT DOGS i DO NOT FIGHT DOGS..

I have been to a few dog fights though and no pictures can do justice to how brutal a dog fight is. I'm not saying the man didn't tourture the dogs hemay have but *most* people I know will just kill the dog if it turns or does poorly there isnt a point to beating on them. there considered a kerr and thereput down cus the bloodline isnt up to par. Ive also seen some that won countless times had 1 eye and a crushed muzzle and they kept the dog to breed cus it hadso much game in it.I don't encourage or bet on dog fights but there is alot more to it than just puttin 2 dogs in a box and letting them fight.

On a more postive note.. I just got a new pit last week. he only kills socks

Address my pm to you

Vick wasn't just some amateur dog fighter. He trained dogs, bred them, tortured them, executed them. He ran his own dog fighting rings. It was those samemillions of dollars and his luxurious life that allowed him to afford to get into this "hobby." It is fitting that all that is taken away from him.The logic you're using is that Vick is just like any other dog fighter, when he was basically the head honcho. He is getting VERY little jailtime. Again,he will probably play next season, so how is any of whats happened to him excessive?
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Address my pm to you

Vick wasn't just some amateur dog fighter. He trained dogs, bred them, tortured them, executed them. He ran his own dog fighting rings. It was those same millions of dollars and his luxurious life that allowed him to afford to get into this "hobby." It is fitting that all that is taken away from him. The logic you're using is that Vick is just like any other dog fighter, when he was basically the head honcho. He is getting VERY little jailtime. Again, he will probably play next season, so how is any of whats happened to him excessive?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Aye, don't even matter, You win Mr. Moonmaster3, I tip my raccoon tailhat
you... stick that in your PETA and smoke it... I discussed thesituation with Cwrite in a similar PM and seeing as I further don't like you. SHUT UP.[/color]


Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Why make an example out of somebody just because they were doing well in life...[/color]
the same goes for don imus, right? all victims of nothing more than an irrelevant misunderstanding.
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