A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

I love the fact that people are saying his NFL career is over, if anything this "break" just prolonged his career, gave his bum knee time to heal andregardless of how many protesters will be outside of the stadiums, the people INSIDE the stadium are what the NFL/Owners care about, If America can forgiveKobe for what he did, America can forgive Mike for dogs. You telling me the Lions wouldnt sign Vick right now?
and unfortunately, it comes down to a race thing. Its a well known fact white America loves dogs more than anything ie: kissing them in the mouth, heavy domestication, dog beastiality (), let me stop

Bro, white America isn't just weird phenomenon when it comes to loving dogs. People like Vick and the little pre-teen kids in this thread who don'tgive two %$*!# about dogs are. America as a whole has a strong bond with pets, especially dogs. It has nothing to do with race. I am not white, I love my dog.On the flip side, you have a bunch of rednecks out in the boonies who fight their dogs, so your blanket statement has no ground. If anything, it is more of acultural thing, depending on where you are raised. I have no idea what kind of environment someone has to be brought up in to not care about this sort ofbehavior. If you think loving dogs is weird, that's on you. But don't have this mindset that somehow you're in the majority with your opinion,because you're far from it.
Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

And to compare the brutality and cruelty of dog-fighting to hunting is completely and utterly ******ed. If anyone actually thinks they are one in the same, which nobody truly can be stupid enough to do, then they are, in fact, a moron...
What we're gettin at is the end result is exactly the same...the animal still dies in an act ofviolence, regardless of how "brutal" it is. I mean, with the way you're wording your sentence, you're justifying hunting because itisn't as "brutal and cruel" as dog-fighting. Just like how you think justifying this dog-fighting crap is "simple and foolish," wethink it's equally "simple and foolish" to kill animals for "sport and recreation."

This argument will never end, though...pretty soon we're gonna get somebody in here that is appalled at the fact that animals are killed for food. So Ithink it's best if this thread is just locked and forgotten.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

and unfortunately, it comes down to a race thing. Its a well known fact white America loves dogs more than anything ie: kissing them in the mouth, heavy domestication, dog beastiality (), let me stop

Bro, white America isn't just weird phenomenon when it comes to loving dogs. People like Vick and the little pre-teen kids in this thread who don't give two %$*!# about dogs are. America as a whole has a strong bond with pets, especially dogs. It has nothing to do with race. I am not white, I love my dog. On the flip side, you have a bunch of rednecks out in the boonies who fight their dogs, so your blanket statement has no ground. If anything, it is more of a cultural thing, depending on where you are raised. I have no idea what kind of environment someone has to be brought up in to not care about this sort of behavior. If you think loving dogs is weird, that's on you. But don't have this mindset that somehow you're in the majority with your opinion, because you're far from it.

ehh, I can agree that sure it may be more of a cultural and upbringing thing, however I would be willing to bet race and culture have strong correlation. andwe can't dwindle this down to "I" and personal experiences because what I'm gettin at is the situation as whole so its going to be based ongeneralities-no way around that. that said, of course what he did was cruel. I could not sit in and watch a dog have his head slammed and get tortured. I'd probably throw up, but my problem again lies with the hypocrisy of the whole animal cruelty thing. and also the fact that I do not equate a human lifeto a dog life; so when people start wishing ill on this man's future and well being even PAST the punishment he's received...which I personally feelwas a bit OD with the losses he's received financially and image wise (but that's neither here nor there), I just cannot relate. I say let the manlive. He's been punished.
Originally Posted by Face82

Fake @@@ bull@@@. They just keep trying to drag this man. What suburban white family owns pitbulls. **** !!
Huh? White people in the suburbs don't own pitbulls? LOL. You sir, have a small, ignorant mind.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

And to compare the brutality and cruelty of dog-fighting to hunting is completely and utterly ******ed. If anyone actually thinks they are one in the same, which nobody truly can be stupid enough to do, then they are, in fact, a moron...
What we're gettin at is the end result is exactly the same...the animal still dies in an act of violence, regardless of how "brutal" it is. I mean, with the way you're wording your sentence, you're justifying hunting because it isn't as "brutal and cruel" as dog-fighting. Just like how you think justifying this dog-fighting crap is "simple and foolish," we think it's equally "simple and foolish" to kill animals for "sport and recreation."

This argument will never end, though...pretty soon we're gonna get somebody in here that is appalled at the fact that animals are killed for food. So I think it's best if this thread is just locked and forgotten.
QFE.........FREE VICK.
Originally Posted by gambit215

I dont how see shooting a deer, duck, alligator, cow, goat, lamb, pig, is beneath fighting dogs.

He wasnt just fighting them. He was drowning them, shocking them, and body slamming them to death.... (Who knows what else)
It would be one thing if he was taking injured dogs and putting a quick bullet in their brain BUT he went to other levels. At one point in his dog torturingcareer, he decided that shooting them was getting boring and he wanted to kill them other horrible ways. Its like his interest went from fighting them tokilling them.

Hell, it wouldnt suprise me if there was dogs he had not even fought yet, but killed them anyway for whatever reason.

What kind of person could body slam a dog over and over until it is dead and probably laugh about it?

You CAN NOT compare hunting just for the simple fact that hunters dont catch animals and force them to fight each other.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]I don't understand the justification in fighting dogs being worse than hunting for fun.[/color]
Wow, like I said before
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

His defenders are as brain dead as he is.
Were you in remedial classes? If you cant see the difference in dog fighting and hunting then I feel sorry for you.

Originally Posted by Face82

What suburban white family owns pitbulls. **** !!
I know alot of white people that own Pitbulls. I know a couple who own multiple pitbulls.

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

You CAN NOT compare hunting just for the simple fact that hunters dont catch animals and force them to fight each other.
I cringe when I see ppl kiss dogs and let there dogs lick water fountains.
PPl use those fountains tats just gross.

Has any1 seen the way they kill farm animals, baby pigs included? They don't die fast at all.
I'd up it but idk if I can due to the rules.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Is this the same dog that I've seen on NT before.. Where it's extremely muscular?
I don't know, but I wonder what happened to this dog...

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.

Free Mike Vick

I hate how because he was fighting dogs, everyone gets all sensitive because they're "a man's best friend...", GTFOOHWTBS

I bet if he was fighting chickens or scorpions, the punishment wouldn't have been as severe
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Good for the dogs. They need to keep that ignorant goon in prison for a little while longer. Hopefully he breaks a leg in there or something ending his career, and stays bankrupt. Dude does NOT deserve a second chance to earn millions and then waste it on ignorant things.

The hate is strong in the one they call m
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

BTW, what they did to Mike Vick was just wrong.
i dont know who "they" are, but your opinion is in the minority.
The prosecution, the system, take your pick Trust, the opinion is not in the minority. Maybe at a PETA conference it is.
you dont understand the charges, do you. peta has nothing to do with it, and the animal cruelty was just for flashy headlines to sell papers.
You, my friend, are delusional if you think the treatment Michael Vick was fair.
I couldn't see myself getting one of Vick's dogs because i know i couldn't provide it with the extensive amount of attention it needs to keep itfrom becoming vicious. I'd be afraid it'd snap on me or somebody else.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

out of all these comments, I think Meth hit the nail on the head. Its hypocrisy on all levels. End of the day, I try not to pass judgement on any man. He "deserved" to be punished, I won't say howmuch or howlong because I aint really a full supporter of the system, but the hypocrisy of the situation is pretty glaring.

and unfortunately, it comes down to a race thing. Its a well known fact white America loves dogs more than anything ie: kissing them in the mouth, heavy domestication, dog beastiality (
), let me stop

but end of the day, I just say let the man live. he got the penalty and is doing his time, and all that extra "I hope he breaks his leg, I hope this, blah blah" I mean get a life and stop wishing ill on the next man

People need to learn how to forgive. Some people act like he killed their dogs.
Read this article at work in SI..

Made me want a pitbull

Made me hate Vick more

What a POS, yes he deserved to go to jail.

Its not just that he fought the dogs, but the things they would do to the dogs.

One said they would repeatedly bash it into the floor to kill it, drown some, there were some messed up things but I don't remember exactly.

I hope Vick gets reinstated in the league, and on his first snap, some dog loving LB lights him up and ends his career, slamming him into the floor the way hedid to those dogs
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