A Look at What Happened to Michael Vick's Dogs

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Dakingii

This thread is 10 pages, i know there is a heated argument going on in here, somebody feel me in
Sorry, I'm not going to touch you.
Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

BTW, what they did to Mike Vick was just wrong.
i dont know who "they" are, but your opinion is in the minority.
The prosecution, the system, take your pick Trust, the opinion is not in the minority. Maybe at a PETA conference it is.
you dont understand the charges, do you. peta has nothing to do with it, and the animal cruelty was just for flashy headlines to sell papers.
You, my friend, are delusional if you think the treatment Michael Vick was fair.
you have a short attention span. i suppose you dont remember the topics and posts here about the marines and the puppy throwing incident, likely because the accused werent a couple of black guys being held down by the man. the same idiots posting free vick in this topic were screaming for blood in that case. at least one of those guys lost his career, too, the difference is it was a single incident with no racketeering involved.
Not me.........At the end of the day, I will always hold more regard for human than the life of a dog.
Thing is...no laws were broken by the prosecution or anybody else in regards to how they handled the Vick case. You can say he got'railroaded' or whatever, but no laws were broken. On the flip-side, Vick broke several laws. He knew he was in the wrong and he put himself in thatposition and allowed it to happen on his property. So, its hard to really feel bad for someone who had it all and put it all at risk for something so stupid.And its even harder to think Vick got 'railroaded' or that this was some big 'race' issue when there are so many examples of true racism anddiscrimination throughout history. To compare Vick and his case to the real victims of the justice system is disgusting...
At the end of the day you cant help but feel this is a racist issue, I mean as I write this, there isnt even an African American in the Senate, so I mean laws are essentially made by white men, and its like this whole hunting/dog fighting issue is based on the fact that white men predominately hunt and minorities dog fight so our form of dealing with animals is not acceptable but shooting them are, and all that talk about electrocuting them is just speculation, none of us were there and its like all I was shocked at all his associates where quick to rat on him so anything they said he did would be taken as truth, his own father ratted on him for crying out loud!!!!

This is the dumbest #$*% by far in this thread. Minorities predominately dog fight? Who the hell do you hang out with? How is this a race issue when MICHAELVICK BROUGHT IT UPON HIMSELF. You act as if people set him up or something. All he had to do WAS NOT DOG FIGHT TO BEGIN WITH, THERE WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM.On top of that HE TORTURED the animals. TORTURED. The TORTURING is NOT speculation you have freaking CONFESSIONS from people. You're talking like theypinned false evidence on him. When was the last time you saw Vick argue about ANY of the torturing? He knows exactly what he did, and those damn bodies of thedogs are evidence. Please, PLEASE read up on the case before you start talking. Obvoiusly you are talking out of your #%@ and you haven't a clue as to theevidence against Vick. All you see is that he is a black dude and he is in jail, so obviously it is all a race issue. All that guy had to do was stick tofootball and not dog fight, NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED. There are black people in the House...so no, laws aren't just made by white men. You haveblack people who are prominent figures in committees and subcommittes, ALONG with other minorities respectively, so no, the white man doesn't make all thelaws. You know that person who left the Senate..OH YEAH HE IS NOW THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. God, I really hope you are 12 years old withthe way your mind works.
I gotta agree that really was the dumbest $+*@ I've read in this entire thread. I'm really over here laughinat that post.

I can picture moonmaster3 sittin behind his computer screen with the biggest facepalm ever.


this is NT you cant rationalize b/c of who did the crime, that makes it ok in most NTers book

free pass for anything short of human murder

if someone like Warrick Dunn did this NT would be disgusted but he doesn't portray the life Mike Vick did, so he is just boring and not someone to aspireto on this board
I don't see why everyone is thinking this is a racial issue.

There are so many other obvious reasons that this situation got as much attention as it did.

Michael Vick is a celebrity. Something good/bad happens to him, it will sell newspapers, bring up ratings etc. Celebrities lives are set up in the spotlight.

That being said, had I been a part of the sentencing process, I would definitely aim to give him the harshest punishment possible because as he is a celebrity,whether he likes it or not, he is a role model. So when a famous name deliberately breaks the law in so many ways while there are numerous people aspiring tobe just like him, THAT'S A BAD THING.

Also, I heard someone mention that PETA was picking and choosing which animals get to live and die and blah blah blah. The goal of PETA is to stop animalcruelty altogether. Unfortunately, animal cruelty is not a small problem. That being said, it makes a lot of sense for them to be strategic and to utilize asituation with so much media exposure to project a message of what bad has happened and how well things can go if it's corrected.

And some of you people in here man...
Originally Posted by nicefro

Bernie Madoff.

Wordword. How is Vick in jail and this dude is chillin in a multimillion dollar mansion? I don't condone what Mike Vick did, but all this "he shouldsuffer like those dogs" #!!% doesnt resonate with me because the life of a human and the life of a dog are not equivalent.
Also, I heard someone mention that PETA was picking and choosing which animals get to live and die and blah blah blah. The goal of PETA is to stop animal cruelty altogether. Unfortunately, animal cruelty is not a small problem. That being said, it makes a lot of sense for them to be strategic and to utilize a situation with so much media exposure to project a message of what bad has happened and how well things can go if it's corrected.
You completely misinterpreted that statement. Some PETA supporters were in favor of euthanizing the surviving dogs on the grounds that there aremillions of "safe" animals awaiting adoption. There's an official blog entry on their website stating as much. I take issue with that.

First of all, it basically implies that "people know best," which is precisely the sort of mentality PETA combats. Allotting for the rehabilitationof these animals was part of the plea bargain - and a positive precedent. These aren't just any dogs, nor are all dogs' lives interchangeable andindistinguishable. These animals were victims. If PETA representatives in question truly held animals' lives on par with those of human beings,they'd NEVER suggest that, as a result of their torment and "training," these dogs were no longer fit to live. No one would dream of suggestingas much to the victims of human trafficking etc. no matter what trauma they'd endured.

To whatever extent they do wish to make the most of the media exposure this case has received, they should have wholeheartedly supported the rehabilitationprocess. Had the animals been put down, we wouldn't have a SI pictorial promoting animal adoption. Pit bulls can be quite gentle if nurtured and raisedin a caring environment. There are those who resist animal adoption in part because they don't know what maltreatment the animals may have endured. Ifthere's a silver lining to this hideous incident, it's that these animals are allaying such fears by rewarding their newfound families for offeringthem a second chance. I only hope that, upon his release, Michael Vick makes the most of his second chance and useshis fame to speak out against animal cruelty.
Originally Posted by kash55


Teddles revels in the hands-on attention he gets from his adoptive owner, Cindy Houser.

Stirling won Jasmine's trust by climbing into her kennel with her.

BAD RAP's Reynolds and Racer are vetting a family for Grace.

Chwistek and her husband, Bill Cook, have adopted Audie.

Wilson makes sure Sweet Pea has regular reunions with Jasmine.

Zip's posse (clockwise from left): Vanessa, Berenice, Jesse, Francisco, Eliana.

Adopted by De Little, Uba shares a house with a cat named William.

This hobbit namesake may make a permanent home with Ramirez.

For the time being, Ernie is in foster care with the Bay Area couple.

A good listener, Jonny helps Calvin feel more comfortable reading aloud.
damn there were that many dogs?? that's coo tho! glad to see they found homes...

freee vick!
You completely misinterpreted that statement. Some PETA supporters were in favor of euthanizing the surviving dogs on the grounds that there are millions of "safe" animals awaiting adoption. There's an official blog entry on their website stating as much. I take issue with that.

First of all, it basically implies that "people know best," which is precisely the sort of mentality PETA combats. Allotting for the rehabilitation of these animals was part of the plea bargain - and a positive precedent. These aren't just any dogs, nor are all dogs' lives interchangeable and indistinguishable. These animals were victims. If PETA representatives in question truly held animals' lives on par with those of human beings, they'd NEVER suggest that, as a result of their torment and "training," these dogs were no longer fit to live. No one would dream of suggesting as much to the victims of human trafficking etc. no matter what trauma they'd endured.

To whatever extent they do wish to make the most of the media exposure this case has received, they should have wholeheartedly supported the rehabilitation process. Had the animals been put down, we wouldn't have a SI pictorial promoting animal adoption. Pit bulls can be quite gentle if nurtured and raised in a caring environment. There are those who resist animal adoption in part because they don't know what maltreatment the animals may have endured. If there's a silver lining to this hideous incident, it's that these animals are allaying such fears by rewarding their newfound families for offering them a second chance. I only hope that, upon his release, Michael Vick makes the most of his second chance and uses his fame to speak out against animal cruelty.

Ah. That makes a lot more sense.

I understand what you're saying, and to be honest, I don't really know where I stand on that matter.

True, these animals are victims, but at the same time they can't be compared to what we typically think of as a victim. These dogs are bred and raised tobe as violent as possible. It's not their fault, but that's the way the cards were dealt. I don't know too much about breeding dogs for thepurpose of fighting, but from what i've read in this thread, it sounds like you could deliberately build an animal that's pissed off 24/7. Ifthat's really locked into their genes, then rehabilitation isn't really an option.
i can't take the rationalizations, excuses & comparisons being made in this thread seriously.

we live in two worlds apparently - the smart and the dumb
I could never understand the fascination that people have with pets. I mean there good to have around the house and all but when people start to put the lifeof a pet over the value of human life you know there's a problem. These are the same type of individuals that kiss there dogs on the mouth and allow thedogs to sleep in the bed with them. At least Mike Vick is getting out of jail soon.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD


I know damn well my dude up there is still fighting that dog
I would...

yo thats so jacked up

but my man is brave having that dog around his infant... i know the dog has been socialized and everything now but that joint might have a flashback orsomething. just kinda dangerous imo
I could never understand the fascination that people have with pets. I mean there good to have around the house and all but when people start to put the life of a pet over the value of human life you know there's a problem. These are the same type of individuals that kiss there dogs on the mouth and allow the dogs to sleep in the bed with them. At least Mike Vick is getting out of jail soon.
Last I heard, they weren't puttin' Mike Vick in no deathmatches and torturing him. I don't see how his life is bein' put over thepets.
PETA has Killed way more dogs than just about anybody . Hell Ingrid Newkirk (president of PETA)said it herself that the Breed known as the pit bull should beexterminated . I think the only thing that kept those dogs from being euthanized was that Vick was popular . Any other person yard of dogs would have been putdown quick .
I mean there good to have around the house and all but when people start to put the life of a pet over the value of human life you know there's a problem.
What, exactly, do you mean by "put the life of a pet over the value of human life?" Does that mean that you should, as a human, be ableto do absolutely anything to an animal - and if anyone thinks otherwise they believe that animal's life to be more valuable than yours?

If you're in a burning building and a firefighter chooses to save a puppy instead of an infant - fine, they're choosing the pet over human life. Suggesting that Michael Vick deserved jail time - and we're not even getting into sentencing disparities, just the fact that punishment was warranted forall those guilty of such a crime - is not placing the value of an animal's life ahead of a human's.

No one's survival depends on dog fighting - except for the animals unfortunate enough to be forced into it. If you're forbidden from dog fighting,bull fighting, whatever, you're hardly being sentenced to death. Vick lost his livelihood in that he was released by his team and his endorsementcontracts were voided, but that's a PR issue related to the outrage his actions created. If studios refused to cast Mel Gibson in any film again as aresult of his antisemitic outbursts, would they be placing the lives of Jewish people ahead of the life of Christians?

It's just not a sound argument by any stretch of the imagination.

Again, I do believe there's a racial component to this incident - and I know people are resistant to that, but the truth of the matter is that there are nosterile lab conditions in which a case like this could occur without the influence of the racism, sexism, etc. that so pervade our society. In cases ofsexual assault against children, the offender's gender and sexuality absolutely come into play. In a case like this, obviously celebrity was a factor,obviously the type of animal involved was a factor, and obviously the grisly nature of the dog fighting ring was a factor - but they aren't the ONLYreasons people think Vick should be strung up and tortured whereas the Mitt Romneys and Sarah Palins of the world are deemed harmless, if a bit maladjusted. People are inventing all sorts of illogical thresholds here to try and substantiate a kneejerk reaction. If you think Vick ought to be strung up and tortured,maybe you'll differentiate his actions from hunting, from strapping the family pet to the roof of the family truckster, from seal clubbing or fur coatproduction by saying "well, it's really the torture that's so despicable. If you want to kill any otheranimal any other way, that's fine... but Vick deserves everything he had coming because of the torture -that's the real problem." On the other side of the aisle, you have people who think Vick-bashing has become so gratuitous, who're so sick ofseeing the public rubbing everyone's collective noses in the failures of a Michael Vick, of a Plaxico Burress, of an OJ Simpson, Mike Tyson, or Kobe Bryantthat they'll defend the crime itself.

There was a lot of racism in the way the public treated (and treats) Mike Tyson - but that doesn't mean anyone should minimize rape or domestic violence. I just think it's sad that, to avoid talking about race, people have flung themselves into this pitched battle in which the two most prominent sides haveBOTH adopted positions that degrade animals.

Hell Ingrid Newkirk (president of PETA)said it herself that the Breed known as the pit bull should be exterminated
Their stance on pit bull bans and their support of the immediate elimination of any pit bulls entering animal control facilities is woefullymisguided and utterly hypocritical. "Through violence you can murder a murderer, but you can't murder murder." Pit bulls can be incrediblygentle, caring animals. A good friend of mine, who does actually live out in the suburbs and happens to work for an animal welfare organization, owns a pitbull - and it counters every stereotype you could conjure. She's not the type of person the general public might assume to be a pit bull owner and her dogdoesn't behave the way one would expect a pit bull to behave. It's only an exception because we've made it so. If every pit bull were so lovinglyraised, we'd view these animals in a different light.

Yes, their physical attributes are such that if abused, if trained to harmthey pose a threat to others - but that's like suggesting that boys who'll likely grow up to be larger and more physically imposing than the averagechild ought to be eliminated or prohibited from attending school with smaller children, lest they engage in bullying. The pit bulls themselves aren't theproblem. We're not talking about a ban on assault weapons here, we're talking about a ban on a form of sentient life. A pit bull isn't a tool ofman, to be wielded or disposed of at whim. Like people, pit bulls can harm or be loving, they can be gentle, sensitive companions or thoughtless killers. Aswith any young life, a puppy represents nothing if not potential. It can wind up being a great many things - but, for that very reason, it deserves the rightto be. An impartial observer could make the exact same claim about human beings. The difference is, there's noone capable of sentencing humans to extermination save other humans.

I'm not at all comfortable with the prospect of selecting which breeds are worthy of life. That humans believe they have the right to do so is what groupslike PETA ought to be struggling against.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]1. These people got dogs owned by the Michael Vick[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]2. FREE MICHAEL VICK, #+%$ THEM DOGS![/color]
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