there will be a few winners in here. They're not exactly Trophy Room out here lol
Crazy thing is James and Marcus are close. James mentored Marcus. James was the guy running the show at the opening of Trophy Room. If you didn't know better, you would have thought he was GM of TR that day running around with a headset on and directing employees. Seeing Marcus go left with his release probably affected James on this release.
I hit manual on Travs site for the 4s. I don’t even remember how I got notified of the drop but I was driving and pulled right over. Probably a good five years worth of sneaker luck was used up on that release.
sozz for sizing question but how do these new mould 3s fit in comparison to say the 2013 88 WCs? Also expecting these to be narrower since WMNS release??... have accepted paying resale for these and don't wanna jack up sizing lol
sozz for sizing question but how do these new mould 3s fit in comparison to say the 2013 88 WCs? Also expecting these to be narrower since WMNS release??... have accepted paying resale for these and don't wanna jack up sizing lol
Less padding. So probably bits more room
The suede instead of elephant print on these is a breath of fresh air for III's.

The elephant print used over the past 17 or so years has been big trash!

And the cuts are so well done on these. Nice and sleek. Not that squared off, bulky *** garbage they slapped on the ‘18 BC.
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