A Ma Maniere AJ4

Wait yaw pick clothes then your shoes?

Some of yaw Feds
Hell if we throwing trash offers like that I’ve got like 6 pair of mids but y’all gotta add cash because of dollar value
Never once considered downloading tradeblock because of everyone's reviews of it on Niketalk. Seriously just people throwing out trash hoping someone bites. Or trades always gotta be in their favor big time. No thanks, I'm good. Got my whole collection documented on Excel
TradeBlock is the equivalent kids being in school with their binder of Pokémon cards their parents bought them and some older kids come up like

“For the holographic Charizard I’ll give you 37 Energy cards, and two dozen Magicarps. Same value and you’ll have way more cards now”

Just got a flashback to all the pissed off parents coming in weekly to get their kids cards back after they got finessed
Think I got 8 trades so far, not the best platform but sometimes I’d rather just trade if I’m offing pairs for one that I want. Might avoid a few bucks from fees and the tax man
I want to see the future of Tradeblock, say 5 years from now. Just given their mission statement.
How does this even happen already? (Not my pair)

Again, ain't no way on God's earth that just happens to a legit shoe that's only been worn one time, unless that shoe is 20 years old.
Again, ain't no way on God's earth that just happens to a legit shoe that's only been worn one time, unless that shoe is 20 years old.
Could’ve been over cooked to dry midsole glue lol.

But “fakes” I’s the excuse and reason for everything these days. Like they ain’t made in a similar factory
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