A Nine year old kid got tossed off 5 story roof by teen.

Sep 22, 2012
Whats this world coming to? What would posses a 17 year old to throw a defenseless 9 year old child off a roof knowing that it would likely kill him? What could a nine year old have possibly done to him to enrage him to do something like this.At 17 years old you should know better.

I Read this story in the news today. SMH at all the hatred in the world and stupidity.Thankfully The Kid was actually still conscious shortly after the fall and was able to name the assailant, and the SOB got caught and charged with attempted murder.Unfortunately the kid is now on life support in critical condition. I'll pray for his recovery because a nine year old could have done nothing to deserve this. I hope he recovers and god forbid he dies they can upgrade the charge to Murder and put that heartless SOB in jail for life he belongs.


[h1]9-year-old Bronx boy fights for his life after being thrown off of building roof[/h1][h2]Investigators suspect 17-year-old neighbor, Casmine Aska, dragged the child to the roof of the building, where he threw him over the ledge, the sources said.[/h2]Comments (59)[h3]BY MATTHEW LYSIAK  AND JOE KEMP  / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h3][h5]PUBLISHED: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2013, 3:05 PM[/h5][h5]UPDATED: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2013, 6:46 PM[/h5]

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Freddy Martin,9, clings to his life after being thrown off of a Bronx apartment building roof.

A 9-year-old boy was clinging to life after a callous teen neighbor chucked him off the roof of their five-story Bronx apartment building, cops said Saturday.

The young boy, Freddy Martin, cried for his mother as soon as he landed on the cold concrete sidewalk in front of the Nelson Ave. building in Morris Heights about 8:30 p.m. Friday, neighbors said.

“Mommy! Mommy!” the bloodied child wailed as he lay on the ground, unable to move.

Emergency workers initially suspected the critically injured boy took a fall from the fire escape outside his third-floor apartment — until he told a cop that he was the victim of a crime, police sources said.

The little boy told the cop during an ambulance ride to New York Presbyterian-Columbia Medical Center in upper Manhattan that a neighbor tossed him off the roof, the sources said.

[h4] [/h4][h4]Carmine Aska, 17, is suspected of throwing his 9-year-old neighbor from the roof of 1545 Nelson Avenue, Bronx.[/h4]

“The kid told a cop, when they were going to the hospital, that he was thrown from the roof,” a source said. “The boy named the suspect.”

Freddy, before he lost consciousness, told the cop that 17-year-old Casmine Aska cast him over the ledge of the brick walk-up.

Investigators soon learned that the teen brute, who lived on the fourth floor, grabbed the child from his apartment and dragged him up to the roof, sources and witnesses said.

“(Freddy) was screaming,” said one neighbor, who ran outside her first-floor pad when she heard a “commotion.”

“He was saying, ‘Stop!’” said the neighbor, who did not want to give her name.

[h4]JOE MARINO/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h4][h4]Building on 1545 Nelson avenue in the Bronx is where a 9-year-old was tossed from the roof.[/h4]

She said echos of “laughing and hooting” sounded like a group of kids horsing around in the hallway. But when she peeked up the stairwell, she only saw two youths.

Dismissing the rowdiness as part of the typical child’s play that occurs on the roof, the neighbor went back to her apartment.

“That door (to the roof) is always open,” said Wanda Simonetti. “It’s no good. It’s a big problem. People have complained to the super, but nothing happens.”

But the shenanigans ended when Aska allegedly threw the boy off the roof.


[h4]JOE MARINO/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h4][h4]View from above where 9-year-old boy was tossed.[/h4]

A 9-year-old boy was fighting for his life after a teen neighbor tossed him off the roof of their 5-floor Bronx apartment building, cop sources said Saturday.

Investigators suspect the young boy, Freddy Martin, was in his Nelson Ave. apartment in Morris Heights when his 17-year-old neighbor, Casmine Aska, grabbed him about 8:30 p.m. Friday, sources said.

The teenage brute then dragged the child to the roof of the building, where he threw him over the ledge, the sources said.

Emergency responders initially thought Freddy took a fall from his third-story apartment, but the child told a cop on the way to New York Presbyterian-Columbia Medical Center that he was the victim of a crime, sources said.

“The kid told a cop, when they were going to the hospital, that he was thrown from the roof,” a source said.

[h4]JOE MARINO/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h4][h4]Roof of 1545 Nelson avenue in the Bronx where Freddy Martin, 9, was thrown off.[/h4]

The critically injured child then named Aska as his attacker before he lost consciousness, the source said.

Little Freddy remained on life support on Saturday.

Aska — who law enforcement sources said has four prior arrests that include collars for robbery, assault and harassment — took shelter in another neighbor’s home after he threw the boy from the roof.

But he was soon grabbed by police when he tried to leave the building with his mother and brother, sources said.

Aska was taken to the 46th Precinct stationhouse in University Heights, where he told detectives several different versions of what happened.

Cops didn’t buy any of the bogus stories and booked him on an attempted murder rap. Aska was waiting to be arraigned on Saturday.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...building-roof-article-1.1253865#ixzz2Jn8CvQjn
Seriously, they should toss the fool who did it off a cliff and let him hit every rock and break every bone in his body. Then when he finally stops tumbling, pour gas on him and burn whatever's left of him. Hopefully burned alive.
The world isn't coming to anything. SInce we do we expect 9 year old children to make sound decisions? Cut it out with the, "The world is doomed" talk. Not like this is the first time something like this has happened.

SAD situation but it was a 9 year old that did this. 9 year olds can't even ration things in their minds.
Furious, I agree with you 3hunna % I'm so tired of this senseless violence. I'm happy the lil guy was able to tell who did it.
The world isn't coming to anything. SInce we do we expect 9 year old children to make sound decisions? Cut it out with the, "The world is doomed" talk. Not like this is the first time something like this has happened.

SAD situation but it was a 9 year old that did this. 9 year olds can't even ration things in their minds.
the 9 year old is actually the victim.
The world isn't coming to anything. SInce we do we expect 9 year old children to make sound decisions? Cut it out with the, "The world is doomed" talk. Not like this is the first time something like this has happened.

SAD situation but it was a 9 year old that did this. 9 year olds can't even ration things in their minds.

I think you need to read the story again.
The world isn't coming to anything. SInce we do we expect 9 year old children to make sound decisions? Cut it out with the, "The world is doomed" talk. Not like this is the first time something like this has happened.

SAD situation but it was a 9 year old that did this. 9 year olds can't even ration things in their minds.

View media item 248995

Bruh... did you even read the article? :lol:
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Seriously, they should toss the fool who did it off a cliff and let him hit every rock and break every bone in his body. Then when he finally stops tumbling, pour gas on him and burn whatever's left of him. Hopefully burned alive.
Then they wouldn't be any better than the 17yr old who tossed the 9yr old off of the building.But what should happen is that he should be charged and go to prison for awhile and depending on the outcome of the 9yr boy if he should happen to parish from his injuries then he should be charged with the murder of the 9yr boy.I hope he makes it out ok but I'm more thankful that he was able to tell the police what happened.
Maybe I missed something but anyone else question how he survived a 5 story fall? Such a disgusting story.
Then they wouldn't be any better than the 17yr old who tossed the 9yr old off of the building.But what should happen is that he should be charged and go to prison for AWHILE  and depending on the outcome of the 9yr boy if he should happen to parish from his injuries then he should be charged with the murder of the 9yr boy.I hope he makes it out ok but I'm more thankful that he was able to tell the police what happened.
Son, Let someone throw your kid off a damn building.  The OUTCOME has already been determined. He threw a child off a damn BUILDING, not a sliding board, not a jungle gym, a 5 story building. You dont have to watch Looney toons a million times to realize that when you throw someone off a building they die.

It would serve that teenager right if he was tortured to death.
With his priors, he ain't getting out for a hot minute! N depending on how he interacts with other prisoners, altercations and what not, even longer. Hope he doesn't drop the soap.
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