Abolish the Welfare System in America Vol. Mature Discussion

Lots of people playing dumb in this thread.

We all know what types of characters the OP is talking about and yes, they do not deserve anything.

There are lots of other people that do really deserve it but that's not who OP is talking about.
Lots of people playing dumb in this thread.
We all know what types of characters the OP is talking about and yes, they do not deserve anything.

There are lots of other people that do really deserve it but that's not who OP is talking about.

Then the OP should have said "reform" the welfare system, instead of abolishing it.
Lots of people playing dumb in this thread.
We all know what types of characters the OP is talking about and yes, they do not deserve anything.

There are lots of other people that do really deserve it but that's not who OP is talking about.

While this maybe true, there's no perfect system. Why punish those that utilizing the program correctly? That's like a teacher punish the whole classroom for one student.

I do agree that the gov't is at fault with allowing loopholes that are being used. They need to come up with regulations for these programs.
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Said it once and I'll say it again

Won't go into detail but it's simple

Welfare benefits should be a limit of 5 years max

Make these females get on birth control.

And drug test.
Corporate welfare abuse is a much bigger issue than traditional welfare abuse.

Don't even get me started on defense spending. That's the **** we need to abolish
Said it once and I'll say it again
Won't go into detail but it's simple
Welfare benefits should be a limit of 5 years max
Make these females get on birth control.
And drug tes

You realize that's gonna cost a lot of money. If you gonna make them be on birth control, you're gonna have to provide it, for free too.

Plus lets say someone is on welfare for 5 years, get off it, and is successful in supporting themselves and their family for a couple years. Then boom, the economy takes a sharp downturn. Is that person allow to go back on welfare? Or are they outta luck

-And you dudes have to realize that spending on these "lazy" folks is very small compared to say something like defense spending. I'm down to reform the system, but not abolish it, and make sure the people who truly need welfare can get it easily
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Welfare is essential in all modern democracys. It's a right.
Absolutely not.

Welfare needs a huge change. It needs to be totally overhauled and get rid of the EBT system.  It should be for non-functional members of society who are not able to get work due to disability/illness. They need to regulate birth control (as said above) for people on welfare so they cant just pop out more kids to get more money.  And THERE HAS TO BE A DRUG TEST for welfare recipients.   We need to go back to a "stamp" system, not an EBT system where you can go and buy things such as Alcohol with it when it is meant for baby food and diapers.  

The welfare system in America is one of the worst models in the world and we will be paying for it until it changes.  
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Corporate welfare abuse is a much bigger issue than traditional welfare abuse.

Don't even get me started on defense spending. That's the **** we need to abolish
[h5]About $59  billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92  billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.[/h5]
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so you should retract your statement that says welfare breeds complacency and gives people a crutch.

if your mom used gov assistance, and worked her ***** off during that same time, where is the comlpacency?  where is the crutch??

to me she is just another hard working mother who needed help making ends meet while trying to raise he kids..not a complacent person looking to the gov for a 'crutch'.

I'm speaking past tense.. she couldn't afford to stay in school, in turn she worked bs temp jobs. She never met her goal and is instead a bitter older person who has given up and feels what she receives monthly is as good as its gonna get.
I think there should be reform because the system is far from perfect, but to abolish it is absurd. Whether you like it or not, we're a society. Part of a society is making sure there's some safety net so those at the bottom don't suffer. Yes, there are those who abuse it and we need to find a way to make sure the abuse is as minimal as possible.. but the problem is taking the abusers and applying their wrongdoing onto an entire program.

"To the people who are upset about their hard-earned tax money going to things they don't like. Welcome to the ****ing club" 

- Jon Stewart

That's how it works. Sometimes there are things you don't want money going to.. like welfare. And there's things other people don't want money going to, like hundreds of billions to a war in Iraq.. like a failed war on drugs.. and like a lot of other things.
I got food stamps when i was unemployed.......only got $125 a month and i had a child at the time, but her mother was on food stamps too.

Women i know in stl get jobs that dont report to "theworknumber" because they can have someone make them up some paycheck stubs and get more in food stamps and day-care assistance.

The girl i was just talking to works at my job through a temp agency and says she cant do it with them for this reason.........says she cant wait until she gets put on full time so she can have some check stubs made and get food stamps and daycare assistance again.

I dont really blame her......they charge her $125 a week for daycare, she only gets $50 a month from her daughters sperm doner(isnt in the kids life AT ALL)

I dont really care...........the government screws people over everyday ESPECIALLY the middle to low class. Just consider this a way to stick it right back to the government (c`mon, we`ve spent billions in a war that had nothing to do with anything..........BILLIONS. how about abolishing THAT crap??)
OP is a selfish ignorant *** hat.

What I'm for don't force them to find a job but give them if its such a problem. i'd rather force them to work a guaranteed job then anything else.
what OP missed, and has been stated in this thread, is that they aren't going to abolish welfare and let said citizen keep the savings. no, no, no, they will come up some other need to create revenue for the government. also, and im just talking out my *** with this, but i think if you take away welfare, then some of those people not making ends meet, that previously got that support, turn to illegal activities to get theirs.
me and my girl spend more on taxes a month than we do on rent.
something needs to be done. this democratic way doesn't work
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