Abolish the Welfare System in America Vol. Mature Discussion

I'm mad because I live a responsible life and I am held accountable for my actions.

I pay all my bills on time. I pay all my credit cards on time. Pay rent/mortgage. I go to work on time. I am productive law abiding citizen. Car notes paid for.

but yet the lazy unedcauted non working individuals that have so many kids out of wedlock are rewarded....

Yes... I don't care if its 3 cents or 13 cents out of every dollar I make, is given to lazy people who dont work and have kids....That still adds up....and the fact when my check is looking light, and I'm like where is my money going....to jobless lazy uneducated people who have out of wedlock kids..

it angers me a bit...

forget about....trying to investigate or find out who is doing the welfare abuse...just abolish it completely.....and thats how you take care of it.

And when those same people start running up into your house looking for food and money to feed their families, I hope you'll be down for higher state and local taxes to pay for more police. :rolleyes

This way of thinking is so stupid. "I don't like my taxes dollars going to something, so we should get rid of it"

Anyone could say that about anything.
And when those same people start running up into your house looking for food and money to feed their families, I hope you'll be down for higher state and local taxes to pay for more police. :rolleyes
This way of thinking is so stupid. "I don't like my taxes dollars going to something, so we should get rid of it"
Anyone could say that about anything.
TRUE ..i hope those of you who are talking down on wel fare are rich because its a very thin line
I get the impression some people think everyone on welfare just up and decides to not go to school and have kids.
nice to see im not the only one who feels like this! AND im not saying get rid of it all together just be more strict about who gets it and who doesn't thats IT! i dont mind helping but im not helping lazy ***** who dont want to work! 
Most of the NTers complaining about Welfare on here don't know a person on welfare in reallife.  Thats the disconnect right there. 
You guys do know that if you abolished welfare our country economy will collapse. Welfare and other entitlement programs are why the USA appears to be such a great country. Food stamps/Medicaid Medication Payments not only provide a huge sum of the profits for Wal Mart, Target, and any other major retailers and industries but it also lowers the cost for those who actually spend cash. Also, the discounted phone plans for the elderly, disabled, and low income keep paying customers bills lower as well. Farmers throughout history have receive the bulk welfare, if you still call it that, but truth be told the amount of taxes you pay aren't really enough to pay for your kids to go to school, road crews to keep the roads up, police to protect you, and/or many of the other services our nation provides, so just think about that. And on the other hand those who receive welfare pay taxes as well and their landlords pay the same property taxes you pay so we need to get real about being real.
Most of the NTers complaining about Welfare on here don't know a person on welfare in reallife.  Thats the disconnect right there. 

My mom and grandmother have been on welfare most of my life. Moms got a job for a bit but decided working wasn't for her so she just decided welfare, ebt, and child support were better off for us.
Oh, so you wanna fund more government workers to keep an eye on this situation? Okay (you know thats coming from your taxes, right?) Oh, and yall do know you're paying for all those dudes in prison too, right? (and the ones that put them there, and keep them there)

Pretty much.

Spending more money to investigate welfare abuse only to most likely find out, not THAT many people actually abusing it. Lets not forget this also means you have to investigate the people are getting less in welfare than they technically should.
Most of the NTers complaining about Welfare on here don't know a person on welfare in reallife.  Thats the disconnect right there. 
My mom and grandmother have been on welfare most of my life. Moms got a job for a bit but decided working wasn't for her so she just decided welfare, ebt, and child support were better off for us.
That sounds like a problem there when someone can decide that taking money from others is better than providing for yourself and family.
Most of the NTers complaining about Welfare on here don't know a person on welfare in reallife.  Thats the disconnect right there. 
I do know a few people in real life that are on welfare. This one person I know had a job, then quit so he could continue to get money from the government. He says its easy money and doesn't have to do anything for it. 
 Meanwhile, I work hard for all my cash. I still use coupons though to save money. The thing I hate though is people in front of me at grocery stores will use their EBT card getting steaks and all of these flavored waters and low calorie snacks which are quite expensive, while I try to stick with the cheaper stuff. Then when I go to use my coupons, the ***** working the register makes sure all the coupons are correct and asks me questions like when did you get or cut them out. I'm like, theirs a date on the coupon. 
 Seriously, all of these people using EBT, and you're worrying about a few measly coupons. At least I'm paying with my own money. 
I do know a few people in real life that are on welfare. This one person I know had a job, then quit so he could continue to get money from the government. He says its easy money and doesn't have to do anything for it. :smh:  >:  Meanwhile, I work hard for all my cash. I still use coupons though to save money. The thing I hate though is people in front of me at grocery stores will use their EBT card getting steaks and all of these flavored waters and low calorie snacks which are quite expensive, while I try to stick with the cheaper stuff. Then when I go to use my coupons, the ***** working the register makes sure all the coupons are correct and asks me questions like when did you get or cut them out. I'm like, theirs a date on the coupon. :stoneface:  Seriously, all of these people using EBT, and you're worrying about a few measly coupons. At least I'm paying with my own money. :smh:

the safety net creates a dependency on staying near it. some of it could be of normalcy biased when theyve been on an entitlement program for so long. i dont blame the users on it for not getting off of it if they are on the right track. but theres no incentive to do so. its RATIONAL when you can be on section 8 housing paying 400 for an apt vs going to the free market and paying 1400 for the same apartment. so they stay near the safety net. its almost as bad as debt addiction. these programs are designed for people to be complacent and its almost like an insurance policy from the poor from rioting and throw votes to the policitians that benefit them the most.
End welfare and minimum wage laws. People have this insane idea that welfare combats rent seeking and crony capitalism. 
 Seriously, all of these people using EBT, and you're worrying about a few measly coupons. At least I'm paying with my own money. 

my first son is due next month...im 23, and i have an apt with my girlfriend.. i work fulltime, she goes to school and works part time...

i have an EBT card...and i swipe it PROUDLY to feed my youngest son...

i work..i pay my bills on time...im not lazy..im a veteran..no criminal record...

is it wrong to work my ***** off 50+ hours a week, and STILL need help to feed my fam after everything else?? 
i can tell 99% of NTers come from a place NOTHING like how i grew up..yall are sheltered.

my whole life i thought welfare and free lunch was just part of life...wasnt until high school did i realize my fam grew up dirt poor...i thought every kid got free lunch...until i got to high school...

some of the things yall saying is plain offensive and it shows half of yall have NO IDEA what youre talking about.....

like powerballin said, theres a clear and evident disconnect going on in this thread...
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Just be honest. You guys have a mob mentality against the poor and you have been politically polarized on nonsensical rhetoric. You honestly have no idea where your money goes. You are just carrying water for pundits on behalf of people who wish to rob these programs and save on contributing to them.
The most intelligent reply in this thread.
End welfare and minimum wage laws. People have this insane idea that welfare combats rent seeking and crony capitalism. 

none of the war on _______ in america have ever worked. the welfare system wouldnt either.
i can tell 99% of NTers come from a place NOTHING like how i grew up..yall are sheltered.

my whole life i thought welfare and free lunch was just part of life...wasnt until high school did i realize my fam grew up dirt poor...i thought every kid got free lunch...until i got to high school...

some of the things yall saying is plain offensive and it shows half of yall have NO IDEA what youre talking about.....

like powerballin said, theres a clear and evident disconnect going on in this thread...

i know that feel

honestly thought everyone gets free lunch for the longest time
 Seriously, all of these people using EBT, and you're worrying about a few measly coupons. At least I'm paying with my own money. 

my first son is due next month...im 23, and i have an apt with my girlfriend.. i work fulltime, she goes to school and works part time...

i have an EBT card...and i swipe it PROUDLY to feed my youngest son...

i work..i pay my bills on time...im not lazy..im a veteran..no criminal record...

is it wrong to work my ***** off 50+ hours a week, and STILL need help to feed my fam after everything else?? 
In this sense, I can respect. With my friends case, I can't stand, because he abuses the system. This is why the system needs to be changed or be better monitored. 
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i can tell 99% of NTers come from a place NOTHING like how i grew up..yall are sheltered.

my whole life i thought welfare and free lunch was just part of life...wasnt until high school did i realize my fam grew up dirt poor...i thought every kid got free lunch...until i got to high school...

some of the things yall saying is plain offensive and it shows half of yall have NO IDEA what youre talking about.....

like powerballin said, theres a clear and evident disconnect going on in this thread...

i came here from hong kong when i was 3. i saw my mom work 60 hour weeks trying to support me. (not sure if it was below the minimum wage at the time cause we just got here and she didnt know much about ny) my dad had a gambling addiction that really didnt help pay the bills. MY MOM NEVER TOOK GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE OF ANY KIND. the reason could be because didnt know english and of government assistance programs that couldve helped. but she still has more saved up than the average american and her salary never past 25k (nominal). im 22 and i have more saved up than her because i invested what i earned into the market (its insanely rigged now). most of my clothes on average is like 3-5 years old. its like the other thread say about financial literacy. its desperately needed in america.
Living in a very small rural Georgia town that is run by rich republicans, I hear this argument almost weekly. Most of my classmates are children of these rich republicans. I usually hear "Everyone on Welfare and EBT are good for nothing! They don't even need it!"

I also work at a grocery store, and I can say that approximately 50% of orders are purchased with EBT.

I do think that welfare is a necessary thing, BUT I think our current system is terrible. My mom has told me of co-workers (she works at a factory) who brag about lying to the government to get their EBT cards. Why aren't people investigated before they get free money from the government?
Welfare should be like disability, which is from what I've heard, very hard to get. It took my grandmother two years to finally get approved for disability, and she has MS.
How about we do the EXACT OPPOSITE!

Just give a standard salary to everone across the board, one that would cover necessities for every person in america like housing, clothes, food, energy etc. If we can do all this quantative easing, give bailouts, maintain the biggest army in the world, and pay 40 grand a year per inmate from the taxpayer wallet, why not this? Less people would resort to crime if they got a pot to piss in and perhaps people might actually do what they like instead of struggling to survive by any means. :nerd:

 abolish the system?

What about ppl who are going through hard times. You just want their family to go hungry or with no shelter.

What about ppl who are severely mentally handicapped?  
How about we do the EXACT OPPOSITE!

Just give a standard salary to everone across the board, one that would cover necessities for every person in america like housing, clothes, food, energy etc. If we can do all this quantative easing, give bailouts, maintain the biggest army in the world, and pay 40 grand a year per inmate from the taxpayer wallet, why not this? Less people would resort to crime if they got a pot to piss in and perhaps people might actually do what they like instead of struggling to survive by any means.
 How would this even work. 
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