Accident: Need advice on what to do

Aug 1, 2012
So my girl got in an accident, we only have liability insurance her car is a 2010 Accord. Anyways she was in a turn only lane turning right, and a large U-Haul size un-labeled (no company) truck cuts her off (possibly signaling, however he was in the straight lane next to turn lane when impact occurred) damaging her front bumper, fender as well as diver side, and a few scratches down the side of the back. The driver, was driving a work truck, my girl got his id and company badge. He failed to provide any insurance. They did not call the police, or get a report. He stated his company has a body shop they work with and will fix the car off the books. My gf says that may be okay. Then the driver was not responding to calls or texts for 3 weeks. Out of frustration I had her call our insurance. She filed a claim, the driver who hit her did not respond to insurance, and would not make a statement. SO like that no action has been taken to getting her car fix. I go an get an estimate and its $3K-5K to get it fix. The car has 140K plus miles on it its probably only worth that much. So what to do? The driver after 2 1/2 months with no response sends a text asking to pick up the car and take it to "his friends body shop" at this point we don't feel comfortable in doing that as he did not respond for over 2 months. Our insurance tried to reach out several times and he has not responded. He didn't respond for another few days then said he would meet up to get her a check for the damage so we could get it repaired where we want, then he went and stop responding again.

I keep telling my gf she needs to file a small claim and take him to small claims court. What action should be taken? I've already thought about picking up the tennis rackets and baseball bats with some homies and paying him a visit but I'm not the savage I used to be.

Any advice would be great
Never ever leave the scene without calling the cops... ever

Had my mother do that when she took my vehicle for a day and her co-worker backed into my car. She was crying to my mother to not call the cops and that she would pay for the damage.... don't even need to tell you how it ended.

If you get in an accident, call the police and don't move your vehicle so the officer can see who's at fault if it can be determined
Tbh this is prob an L for y'all unless you can track down his work insurance or personal policy. You have the evidence but with no police report the other carrier may deny for word vs word. I'd having to see the intersection to give specs on a liability decisions.

Btw always call the cops. Always. Idc how long they take to get out there always call.
If she got his tag # your insurance company can run a carrier discovery to see who insures the truck.
Never ever leave the scene without calling the cops... ever

Had my mother do that when she took my vehicle for a day and her co-worker backed into my car. She was crying to my mother to not call the cops and that she would pay for the damage.... don't even need to tell you how it ended.

If you get in an accident, call the police and don't move your vehicle so the officer can see who's at fault if it can be determined
so what end up happening with ur moms co-worker
y'all just let it go???
or y'all lump her up????
so what end up happening with ur moms co-worker
y'all just let it go???
or y'all lump her up????

She didn't pay obviously and said I don't have to pay anything. Her car was so beat up piece of junk, don't even know if she had insurance. Mother called the police and came next day but since it was a day later, it was pointless. Had to pay for it myself but damage was a little less than my $500 deductible so it was whatever

Like I said, call the cops and try NOT to move your vehicle even if it's minor. I've never been in one myself so never experienced someone offering to pay and avoid insurance and police and I don't think it's anything binding
mans dinged up your girl's whipper and you bout to play a tennis match with ole boy???

how have you not contacted his employer? Should be really simple to track down with an ID and license plate.
figure out who he works for and just tell him if he doesn't pay then you will notify his employer.
She didn't pay obviously and said I don't have to pay anything. Her car was so beat up piece of junk, don't even know if she had insurance. Mother called the police and came next day but since it was a day later, it was pointless. Had to pay for it myself but damage was a little less than my $500 deductible so it was whatever

Like I said, call the cops and try NOT to move your vehicle even if it's minor. I've never been in one myself so never experienced someone offering to pay and avoid insurance and police and I don't think it's anything binding
she punked yalll???
did she like straight up say she aint paying for anything to y'all face???
like say "i aint paying for ****"
or what
like y'all aint try to get at her
i want more details
I never saw the women. There was no police report or anything. That's what scum bag people do :lol: if it was anymore damage I would have persued it myself but since the damage was next to nothing and I didn't have to file any claims or deal with any BS it wasn't anything.

I chalked it up as an L due to the fact my mother was never in an accident in her 35+ years of driving and she was pretty clueless and is too nice of a person. I wasn't gonna go into her work to harass another old woman. She prob didn't even have insurance from what I remember but I'm not sure this was 3-4 years ago

I've had it happen to my friend because he felt bad for the lady and she started crying. He took her info and her number and basically couldn't do ****. She stop repsonding after one call.

In Michigan you have to pay your own deductible regardless if it's the other drivers fault or not, BUT you can have your insurance reach out and try and claim the deductible and pay you back, no sure how that works. Thank god ive never had to actually deal with it
So basically, next time tell ya girl to be a savage.

There are sharks out here b, she was bait that day
Call the guys company and get their insurance info. You got his ID and company ID, call them up, get the info and file a claim with their carrier. **** man.
You goofed, never go the "off the books".

Also get a dash cam, everything is recorded in 1080p. No he say she games to be played.
Finesse kang
:lol: yup.
You either get cash, or file that police report . 99 percent of the time people that don't want to call the police got something behind the scenes going on.
If it's something minor you think you can get fixed cheap get that cake and keep it moving. If you feel like this Gonna be expensive then always get the police involved

But cash has to be given on the spot not ohhh I'll send you the bread tomorrow nah fam we going to bank RN.
The ultimate finesse I got into an accident in a GOV old buddy was shook. He wanted to do ever off the books I hit him with gone Cam'ron gift and he was sick with it he was drunk and went to jail idiot. I live back and Michigan and besides the state being crooked car insurance here is terrible.
Are you sure you're supposed to call the cops? I thought that's only for emergency situations like a major wreck or life and death situations is when you only call 911.

So if you get into a minor fender bender in a Walmart parking lot and no one takes blame you supposed to call the cops so they can determine who is at fault? Sorry if it sounds dumb I've never been in that situation thank god and knock on wood. Would just like to know what to do in that scenario. I've always thought you just exchange info and take multiple pictures
Small claims is a joke , You still gotta get a wage garnishment or bank levy if they don't pay you ... Also if you do take them to small claims and. Judge mathis or judge Judy offers to hear the case do so since I believe the show helps them to pay or something for the appearance
Situation seems easy to me. Stop going to him and go through the company. You just waited a long time.

Are you sure you're supposed to call the cops? I thought that's only for emergency situations like a major wreck or life and death situations is when you only call 911.

So if you get into a minor fender bender in a Walmart parking lot and no one takes blame you supposed to call the cops so they can determine who is at fault? Sorry if it sounds dumb I've never been in that situation thank god and knock on wood. Would just like to know what to do in that scenario. I've always thought you just exchange info and take multiple pictures

Yep, I would. So there is a record of it. It's your word against theirs if you don't have a witness. Their story could change by the time they talk to their insurance and yours.
I got rear ended in a small 3 car pileup outside of Wal Mart one time and the police who showed up said it's not his job to write police reports and just to work it out between ourselves. He said they only exist to write citations and since he didn't see it (obviously the driver in back who rear ended and caused the car behind me to rear end me was at fault and she even admitted), he can't assess blaim. It was also raining cats and dogs and I think he just didn;t want to be out there. So we traded infomations and each called our own insurers to have our insurers each initiate a claim and get with the others, but I bowed out since the Kia came out unscathed. B.M was trying to pull some oh I hurt my neck nonsense but I shut that down
Cincinnati police wont write a police report on an accident but will ensure you get the insurence, name, and plates.

Always call te cops.

Sounds like she got, got.

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