
Accutane changed my life for the better. My brother took it too. Cleared up our acne. However, now that I'm older and have read the side affects, in hindsight I would not have taken it.
never taken accutane but all those lawsuit commercials on tv are about IBD
I took Accutane and I consider myself lucky for having come out unharmed. I took it for 3 months while going through weekly blood tests and everything was fine. Some of the side effects were really dry skin/lips/eye dryness but that was it. I haven't had acne in almost 4 years and I'm glad that I don't have to worry about Acne anymore.
For the 3782236th time, no study has EVER linked Accutane to suicide. Some senator's kid killed himself while on the drug and the guy was looking for a scapegoat. Plain and simple. Think of your average Accutane user:

Really bad acne, which lowers self-esteem, which can lead to depression. So you already have a depressed kid. And they start taking the drug, and the acne actually worsens before getting better. Add in the guaranteed side effects (dry skin, chapped lips, etc.) and it can cause an even more-reduced self-image. The doctors all warn you about this when you start. They tell you it will get worse before it gets better.

I've known plenty of people who think it's the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Hell, I was on the drug when that guy's kid died, and people around me were like "dude, you're nuts," and thought I was going to kill myself, or something. And I'm like "no, I'm not depressed, I have bad acne." And I turned out just fine. That drug was the best decision I've ever made, and I recommend it to anyone. Don't believe the hype. I'm sick of all these know-it-alls who've never even taken the drug, but have declared it to be some evil that needs to be ridded from society.
Originally Posted by LilJRDN

I took Accutane and I consider myself lucky for having come out unharmed. I took it for 3 months while going through weekly blood tests and everything was fine. Some of the side effects were really dry skin/lips/eye dryness but that was it. I haven't had acne in almost 4 years and I'm glad that I don't have to worry about Acne anymore.

Lucky man, mine has came back but minor. Use to have minor cyst 
 some of my worst years, now when I get a white head I just appreciate that. Had the same exact symptoms as posted above along with nose bleeds and random times my chest would start to hurt.  Based on what mytmouse76 said think that probably why my own came back, along with my diet of  greasy food my freshmen year of college.  
How severe your acne got to be for you guys to take this? Is it more about how you feel about yourself or how other people see you? I just don't know if putting my body through that for something on the outside is worth doing that to myself.
Why is this stuff legal?
Originally Posted by megatron

How severe your acne got to be for you guys to take this? Is it more about how you feel about yourself or how other people see you? I just don't know if putting my body through that for something on the outside is worth doing that to myself.
Why is this stuff legal?

I had terrible acne for 4 years now. It was so bad that I was excited when a facial cleanser would make my clean enough to only have about 10 noticeable white heads. I never went through the depression that came with acne, I was pretty popular in high school and really successful, but I think everyone accepted me because they knew me for about 12 years, they didn't meet me when I already had acne. Being a freshman in college, I just have gotten sick of it, no one likes it and I'm ready to just move on and put my acne behind me. I haven't had any symptoms other than the dry face/lips and the thinnIng of my hair. I'm hoping that's just temporary though.
When I was younger I took a off-brand version of it but I noticed that I was getting dried out in my sinuses and my lips were always chapped.
I know Accutane has been linked to things like Irritable Bowel Syndrome in some patients too.

and I don't know about that suicide thing, it seems a little too good to be true, even though there might be a correlation of sorts. 
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

thinning of you hair isnt temporary. good luck tho.

Yeah, I spent about 4 hours reading about hair loss/thinning while on accutane. The way I understood it was that it speeds up your "hair age" so your hair will just begin to grow the next cycle of hair. There were a lot of people who said they had their hair grow right back to normal 6-8 months after completing accutane while others have said that it was permanent for them. I'm hoping it's not permanent for me but I can deal with no hair, thats how bad my acne was.
i wouldnt say mine was the worst, but my skin still has problems and im 27....started at like i can relate

but at the same time, i get by right now....i wouldnt put any sort of strain on my body that wasnt 100% beneficial in the longrun

thats just me tho

good luck forreal, i wasnt being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i wouldnt say mine was the worst, but my skin still has problems and im 27....started at like i can relate

but at the same time, i get by right now....i wouldnt put any sort of strain on my body that wasnt 100% beneficial in the longrun

thats just me tho

good luck forreal, i wasnt being sarcastic.

Thanks man! I'm hoping that it's temporary and that I'll be good to go after completing this!
Originally Posted by megatron

How severe your acne got to be for you guys to take this? Is it more about how you feel about yourself or how other people see you? I just don't know if putting my body through that for something on the outside is worth doing that to myself.
Why is this stuff legal?
It's legal because it's one of the most effective drugs on the market. It has a crazy high success rate. As for severity, my acne wasn't really severe in terms of area, it was just highly concentrated and my dermatologist was worried about scarring later on. That's why I took it. I probably should have taken it a bit longer, but if I didn't take it, my complexion would be different now. I know that for a fact.

In that sense, I took it knowing what I'd look like down the road. At the time, I didn't care what I looked like to people around me. I had plenty of friends, I let them know what I was getting myself into, and they were supportive (even if there was some genuine worry). If you are of strong mind and just let people know what's up, you'll be fine. Most of the people on Accutane already are depressed, so it's not like it'll launch you into a depressive state.
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