
A simple google search would've saved you, and more so us, the trouble.

Accutane & Gastrointestinal Disorders - Side Effect Information

Accutane may cause certain problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and symptoms can sometimes develop or persist long after Accutane treatment has stopped. Signs that internal organs or the intestinal tract are being damaged or inflamed by Accutane can include:

Rectal bleeding
Severe stomach or bowel pain
Trouble swallowing or painful swallowing
Dark urine
New or worsening heartburn
Yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes (jaundice)
Treatment with Accutane should be immediately stopped if any of these symptoms are present, as they can be signs of a condition known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Originally Posted by djuzi05

A simple google search would've saved you, and more so us, the trouble.

Accutane & Gastrointestinal Disorders - Side Effect Information

Accutane may cause certain problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and symptoms can sometimes develop or persist long after Accutane treatment has stopped. Signs that internal organs or the intestinal tract are being damaged or inflamed by Accutane can include:

Rectal bleeding
Severe stomach or bowel pain
Trouble swallowing or painful swallowing
Dark urine
New or worsening heartburn
Yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes (jaundice)
Treatment with Accutane should be immediately stopped if any of these symptoms are present, as they can be signs of a condition known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
I...I'm so sorry, I did not want to trouble you, I realized I could've just googled it, but I was looking for more of a personal experience.
Worst drug ever



Accutane is described as a powerful, yet safe, drug for the treatment of severe acne, when used as directed. However, there are several well-documented side effects such as severe depression and suicide - and others that are suspected.

Recently, Accutane warnings were strengthened to reflect concerns that the drug may be linked to depression and thoughts of suicide in some people. The warning reads in part notified doctors that the drug "may cause depression, psychosis, and, rarely, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide.''

However, many patients and physicians remain unaware of these dangerous side effects. If you or a family member is taking Accutane you should be aware of these dangers.

The knowledge these side effects became widely after a US Congressman's son committed suicide. Rep. Bart Stupak says his 17-year-old son's suicide earlier this year may be linked to the popular acne medicine. His son, Bart Stupak Jr., known as "B.J.," shot and killed himself. Stupak was popular in school, a football player, and killed himself after a prom-night party.

There may be many more suicide cases be linked to Accutane. Rep. Stupak stated, "We are up over 100 reports, that's just what is coming in to us, so I believe there are probably over a thousand cases,"

"The average time is 88 days from when you start taking it, and the effect is very sudden.... You are doing strange things at 3 a.m. and you are dead at 7 a.m."

Below is an excerpt from the new Medication Guide warning patients about the possible depression/suicide side effects of Accutane.
[table][tr][td] [/td] [td]
 Possible serious side effects of taking Accutane include birth defects and mental disorders

Mental problems and suicide. Some patients, while taking Accutane or soon after stopping Accutane, have become depressed or developed other serious mental problems. Signs of these problems include feelings of sadness, irritability, unusual tiredness, trouble concentrating, and loss of appetite. Some patients taking Accutane have had thoughts about hurting themselves or putting an end to their own lives. There were reports that some of these people did not appear depressed. No one knows if Accutane caused these behaviors or if they would have happened even if the person did not take Accutane.

Stop using Accutane and tell your provider right away if you:

* start to feel sad or have crying spells
* lose interest in your usual activities
* have changes in your normal sleep patterns
* become more irritable than usual
* lose your appetite
* become unusually tired
* have trouble concentrating
* withdraw from family and friends
* start having thoughts about hurting yourself/myself or taking your/my own life (suicidal thoughts)

the worse side effect i had was Accutane dried my lips out severely bad man....I couldnt even speak my lips were so chapped...chap stik was 100% obsolete and it hurt just to made me depressed but it did get rid of the acne on my my back is different story...they offered me to get back on it and i was like hell no....

people are taking accutane to court and getting settlements so see if that option makes sense for you.
I've been taking it for 16 days and I haven't had any serious side effects so far, just chapped lips, I had a couple of small sores on my legs, but that was about it...

until yesterday morning...when I woke up at 2 am, with stomach pain, and a slight fever, I had bad diarrhea and I vomited a little bit. I also felt a little weak...not sure if that's because of the Acctuane either.
i used a whole cycle of accutane some years ago in high school. My only significant side effects were definitely the chapped lips (i dont recall any diarrhea or stomach pains of any kind). I have heard ppl say it's dangerous etc. but that is what the good doctor prescribed and at that point i was desperate. I guess I can consider myself a success story because now my face is clear and ive never needed another prescription I just use daily face wash. I would suggest to stay with it keep some chapstick handy and do not pick at your face because it could lead to scars down the road. Also remember that it all has to come out before it can go away so be patient i did not start seeing results until a good 3-4 months in.
i took it a few years ago...

!%!% made my feet and back if my shirt bunched up while i was driving the pain in my back was unbearable...

hurt for months after i stopped too

my skin was flawless up until last year and the next derm told me it works better in bigger people and since i'm petite it wouldnt last long...

my side effects were worth it but i wouldn't do it again...
Co-sign on the chap lips. I took it for a few months other side effects were random bloody noses and rashes on my body.
Hell yeah... I'm glad I was blessed with nice skin... I've had spot pimples here-and-there as a teen, but nothing severe...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i took it a few years ago...

!%!% made my feet and back if my shirt bunched up while i was driving the pain in my back was unbearable...

hurt for months after i stopped too

my skin was flawless up until last year and the next derm told me it works better in bigger people and since i'm petite it wouldnt last long...

my side effects were worth it but i wouldn't do it again...
been like 4 years since I stopped and my back still kills me while driving

been having minor acne lately too
currently using the apple cider vinegar treatment and it clears up, you should try it.. a teaspoon a day w/a glass of your choice and it does wonders

Op... dont wanna scare you or nothing but the use of accutane has been linked to Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.. both of which have symptoms of diarrhea. Not saying you have it but you just started so keep an eye on it..

Stay Up!

Accutane isnt a drug u want to take to clear acne, it messes with the hormone balance in ur body it like ur going thru menopause. Side note one of my boys took it and starting losing hair fast.
Originally Posted by rnoory

Accutane isnt a drug u want to take to clear acne, it messes with the hormone balance in ur body it like ur going thru menopause. Side note one of my boys took it and starting losing hair fast.

THIS. I just finished my first 30 day set of accutane and I'm noticing my hair is thinner and it appears that my hairline is almost receding. It's not noticeable unless you are standing within about a foot of me though. I made the choice though that I'd rather have no acne and no hair rather than acne and hair. Bald guys still get the ladies, but no one likes acne. Tough situation but I have literally tried everything for my severe acne and it hasn't gone away in over 4 years. 
A close friend of mine took accutane. He'd take it every morning before going to school without food, in the beginning of his cycle he felt naseous but got used to it. He didnt experience any diarrhea or rectal bleeding but went through a depressed state. His personality changed drastically. He went from easily pulling ladies (even with his moderate/slight severe acne) to becoming anti-social. It was a sad sight, eventually he stopped taking it and thankfully became normal again. To this day he still has moderate acne and scars. Idk why doctors prescribe this, this thing kills. Personally, I think people cant prevent their acne cause I also had moderate acne on my temples and jawline. After 4 years, It finally cleared with the same old clearasil cleanser and neutrogena toner every day.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

One of the worst choices I made in my life was taking Accutane.

Its poison not medicine.

Could you expand on this please? Did you complete it or stop early? What side effects did you have? 
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