Actual Pictures of Air Griffeys!

Haha..props to sneakgeekz for the videos, but too often I need to hit the mute button. He never said he was a sneaker expert, but sometimes his lack of evenbasic knowledge makes me wish he would research a little more before he spoke. That would make his beastly outfits more tolerable as well. Awwww..I'm beinga hater...Ive bit me tounge for a year or so now though ;-)
Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I want these more than the blues....

who doesnt
does r sickkk
these are
i would have liked these over the other black based ones that are coming out now but thats just me...i do like the royal blue ones might use em forbaseball on a turf field....but hey beggers cant be choosers...will be copping both and for 140 u cant complain
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I want these more than the blues....


This hadrcore Griffey fan approves. The Black/Emerald is by far my favorite. Royal/Yellow and White/Black can't come close to touchingthese. Just happened to pick up a pair for cheap off Craigslist last weekend.

Second pair:
Originally Posted by heelntoe wit my nyks

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I want these more than the blues....

This hadrcore Griffey fan approves. The Black/Emerald is by far my favorite. Royal/Yellow and White/Black can't come close to touching these. Just happened to pick up a pair for cheap off Craigslist last weekend.

Second pair:

What!??? cheap too???

What size? and are they still wearable? Bubbles look semi-clear too, which is a good sign...
Cheap, yes. My exact size, yay. Wearable, absolutely! The bubble's so clear that's the inner skeleton you see in the heel.

Sign? Griffey on Fresh Prince tonight. Rockin' dem Emerald Diamond Furys.
My emerald AGM Is are one of the few shoes I have that are guaranteed to be commented on when I wear them out. I've never been one to wear kicks for otherpeople (breaking necks and having people comment out of nowhere on my shoes have never been my thing), but emerald AGM Is are definitely a conversationstarter.

My pair:
I hear ya. Being in the Seattle region people always seem to recognize the Griffeys. Funny thing is it's from the most unsuspecting people. I get a lot of"I remember those" with the Griffeys and "Where can I get those" with the Ichiros.

Beautiful kicks, 23ska.
I really do like these.
Huge air bubble or not I look forward to buying these.
I already have a plain white tee and a plain black tee too match
now i can get me an authentic griffey mariners jersey. been wantin it for a while but i wasnt payin M&N prices. I gotta go to my spot to see if the fittedwit the green bill is there
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