How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

  • 0

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 33 42.9%
  • 3+

    Votes: 27 35.1%

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D*mn, you are bit excited for this purchase.
I am LMAO I've wanted them for a while but couldn't get them for the right price

Not many quality pictures of them online either, so I'm mostly just excited to take some good pics of them hahaha
As long as it's not too humid, it's not bad. But it's only the Spring here. June, July, and August are typically the hotter months. Thankfully, at least SD gets an awesome breeze, so that was a welcome change. Never lived anywhere where I could open the windows. That may happen a few times in the Spring other places I lived, the rest of the time it was AC on. 

Yeah hopefully its not bad. Love the weather in Texas when I went there last Dec 2015 though.
Based of what resell will be, I;d rather own the Y3 Pure Boosts 
Never felt that 2.0's were a necessity, and I was going to say the same for 3.0's but damn are they making nice Cw's
Back Home to the Midwest.
Totally normal plain Red State.
Not many Asian Markets period.
But wasn't me asking for them in previous conversation.
There is probably some online asian candy shop that has it. Possibly
Latest pickup
 I don't even **** with candy like that, but I **** with HI-CHEW. All the Asian supermarkets around me only carry the basic flavors like Green Apple, Strawberry, Mango, Banana (WTF
). I gotta find a shop that carry those soda flavors.
White heel cups on UBs are so clean. It's the perfect color to go with the Boost; it just transitions so well. 
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I actually really like these but I feel inundated with UBs ... itching for something new... on the hunt for those Y3 PBs below retail..maybe that will scratch my itch 
 I don't even **** with candy like that, but I **** with HI-CHEW. All the Asian supermarkets around me only carry the basic flavors like Green Apple, Strawberry, Mango, Banana (WTF
). I gotta find a shop that carry those soda flavors.

White heel cups on UBs are so clean. It's the perfect color to go with the Boost; it just transitions so well.

amazon has them too. All I did was search for soda hi chew on googs.
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:nerd:  I don't even **** with candy like that, but I **** with HI-CHEW. All the Asian supermarkets around me only carry the basic flavors like Green Apple, Strawberry, Mango, Banana (WTF :x ). I gotta find a shop that carry those soda flavors.

Same here, I haven't had these in about 2 decades. I barely eat candy nowadays. I had the cravings, so I had to order them. I haven't been into shoes for a good part of a decade and I haven't bought shoes over $50 in 5-6 years. This thread is a bad influence. :lol:
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