How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

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    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 33 42.9%
  • 3+

    Votes: 27 35.1%

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  • Poll closed .
That's one of the reasons Californians and CA companies are flocking to Texas in droves; the cost of living is just too damn high in some areas. I'm simply speaking only for myself, but top to bottom Texas > California. I lived in Houston for 9 years and currently live in San Diego. Houston is a concrete jungle and isn't a very attractive city, but the pros greatly outweigh the cons for ME.  I think San Fran is pretty too, but their politics and cost of living is a huge negative for me. That's not to say I wouldn't mind living there a few years for the experience because I'd jump at the chance to live there 4 years or so. My uncle still lives in SF, but he makes butt tons of money, so finances aren't even close to being an issue for him and his family.  Between going to law school and working, my mother also lived there for 10 years, but ultimately she moved. Truth be told, there aren't too many places I'd probably want to live permanently. The list isn't super long, but SoCal is probably more like in the top 5-10 places I'd consider living longterm/grow permanent roots.

I think that's kind of a exaggerated (the no middle); although I'll will say it's not uncommon to see adults in their 30s with roommates which is beyond me. Probably more of a SF/LA thing than the rest of the state. I know in San Diego, some people just move to the outskirts to avoid some of the higher costs of living. If it wasn't such a haul to work, I'd probably  live in North County than Mission Valley. Hell, I know people that commute from Temecula to the San Diego airport everyday for work. F that noise.

Don't know man. Just remember all the years in SF Bay Area, zero witholding and still had to pony up at crunch time. COL sucked. Made very good money but spent too.
You have to at your uncle's level to support family.
Was fun but musical chairs. Hard to get back in once out.

Side note-remember a WSJournal article couple years about how Houston is zoned and development is F'ed there.
Time for us to start an unemployment thread :\ .  I was debating selling most of my pairs but I'm not there yet. Hopefully it doesn't get to that point. 

Hopefully everything works out Gordy.

PM me if you do end up having to unload, I'm also a 10.
No joke, my designated parking spot is "L" so every day I drive into it & see that frickin L, & reminds me how many I've taken this year
It's bad when your parking spot rubs it in too. I think I do somewhat ok on adidas releases, forget nike for me. Nike never pulls my name from any entries.
East bay has night cargo size 9 available. Also using code march20 nets a 20% discount on some uncaged UBs. Courtesy of adidas alerts on twitter
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