Adidas NMD thread

Got an email from Bodega at 8:22 AM letting me know they were dropping the Hu NMDs at 7:00 AM

Hu is for a fact a play on the element table

how is a fact a reach?

no need to get uptight or defensive because you were unaware of something obvious 
clearly any two standalone letters is a play on the element table. man you must be seeing the periodic table 50 times a day walking around the street!

lol ain't nobody being defensive. saying it's a reach to find some significant meaning in the design. there is nothing obvious about it
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dam woke up missing all these hu ra drops..  
 any other sites gonna be droppin these? really need the blacks to rock
On a different note, are the uppers of these PK, haven't held original? Why are they so expensive.
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