Adidas NMD thread

Couldn't understand what they're saying. What was it about?
Explanation lower on the page in the comments

This morning around 2am, my friend went to KLCC to que for the newly released NMD Human Race, he waited until 6am where KLCC doors open and he could go infront of the store to que. Another man came, rather buff man and wanted to cut the que, my friend went a told him to go line up as it’s a “first come first serve” basis. At the end, the guy ended up punching my friend. What do you guys think? Went to hospital KL to check, My friends nose is broken. was told that the person who punch my friend came as a gang of 10-20 people, they were employed by a reseller to que."

Also translation

00:04 "Bro, there's no namelist from Adidas, c'mon!"

00:08 "Yes, all Adidas stores." Other guy then says that it isn't an official namelist.

00:11 "Bro, everyone doesn't have the same chance. I ran all the way here as well and I still ended up at the back."

00:17 --"What time did you arrive?"

00:19 "I came here and I sat outside at 2AM in the morning!"

00:30 --"All the names are with me." pulls a "name list" book out of his ***

00:33 "Bro. I've been queuing up for two years, never has there been any type of name list."

00:37 --"Maybe you just never seen one before." crowd starts cheering
That is some janky *** grammar and punctuation. The lower portion is copy pasta from the raffle page. The first paragraph is garbage try hard professional email drafting. Gotta be fake and i am also too salty to believe...

Why would they repeat the SAME with different context. Lol
Is anyone still waiting on consortium? The charge isn't pending anymore and has went through completely, but I'm still stuck on processing. Seems like they've shipped some already and cancelled some too. Hoping I'm okay.
what shipping courier do they use? I'm still waiting for shipping from them

bruh how are you gonna try and fit a whole size and a half down. Either you're not really a size 9 or you're planning to cut the toes out :lol:
Lol nah I'm size 9 but I had some old pair of size 8 shoes in room that I tried that I can fit in so maybe I can fit these to depending how they fit
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