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Only yeezy I need to release is that photoshopped salmon pair.
You mean the concept 350's?

these actually look good. i tried putting the same color on the 750s ended up with something more pink i dunno
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Lol at this dude Croc and all his trollin.
I really hope ya let him stay forreal forreal.

He's taking all the jabs in stride. Thoroughly enjoying this.
Can't be serious with the pink..
too bad the womens boots dont come in mens sizes...

that combo would have been 

add in the YS jig bra and youve gor yourself fits for anyday pink 750s and boots
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You guys would really rock pink shoes? What has the world come to

I been saying this for years but get trashed every time lmao. Dudes claim I'm insecure about my sexuality if I'm not ok with wearing pink. If that has to even be said, then it is obviously just a justification to do so in said persons head. I'll leave the pink to my wife and daughter.
I don't care what any of yall think, pink is one of my favorite colors, I'd enjoy rocking both those kicks
I don't know why people are surprised. When Cam and dipper were out here poppin dudes were wearing pick HEAVY.
Anyone that wears it doesn't bother me, it's not me who wears it. Just strange to me is all. Do ya thing homie
I don't know why people are surprised. When Cam and dipper were out here poppin dudes were wearing pick HEAVY.

Yeah, that was a long time ago, and many still argued it was feminine. Now it seems to be more acceptable
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You guys would really rock pink shoes? What has the world come to
it'll be a different story if this or a similar cw actually gets released and called something like "rose quartz
I been saying this for years but get trashed every time lmao. Dudes claim I'm insecure about my sexuality if I'm not ok with wearing pink. If that has to even be said, then it is obviously just a justification to do so in said persons head. I'll leave the pink to my wife and daughter.
some people don't like it some people do regardless of gender.

all about preference. 
Yeah, that was a long time ago, and many still argued it was feminine. Now it seems to be more acceptable

Yup dudes are legitimately wearing skirts and blouses these days so pink ain't even a biggie [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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