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I want PBs so bad but i dont think id pay over 500. Luckily i wear a common size (10-10.5) but i probably wont find a steal like that either way
Where you guys getting 350s for 650. So many fakes on eBay and goat prices are skyhigh. Looking for any of them except pbs in an 11-12
easy 3 personals for the white 350s.

best 350 imo.  i gotta go hard
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Did I just get ****ed?

I listed my GG 750s in my local FB group right, Local only, cash only. A guy offered $1100. I was like, i'll take your offer into consideration... here we are 4 days later, He offered $800 + white ovo x 10. I said, I really just want cash, like fine whatever I'll take $1150. We never had any real "agreed upon terms". Then I was like wait, can you give me a few days to think about it. He was like "I already sold shoes for this deal" So I was like ****... Now I am suppose to meet him in a few hours, he is going to have $1000 cash and gift me the other $150...

I was really just thinking though like, I should've waited because in a month I bet these are going to be going for $2000 again... but another thing is I don't want to sell online because I've had bad experiences with charge backs and shady customers... And then, like if I sent them to flight club they take out their cut + the shoes could always get lost in the mail, etc. etc. I'm pretty much guaranteed the money if I sell to this guy though. Also, I don't know if I'll ever be able to get a pair of Yeezys again...

Did I get screwed? Thoughts? Thanks.
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some of yall can't even pull off roshes.... let alone some yeezys 
Did I just get ****ed?

I listed my GG 750s in my local FB group right, Local only, cash only. A guy offered $1100. I was like, i'll take your offer into consideration... here we are 4 days later, He offered $800 + white ovo x 10. I said, I really just want cash, like fine whatever I'll take $1150. We never had any real "agreed upon terms". Then I was like wait, can you give me a few days to think about it. He was like "I already sold shoes for this deal" So I was like ****... Now I am suppose to meet him in a few hours, he is going to have $1000 cash and gift me the other $150...

I was really just thinking though like, I should've waited because in a month I bet these are going to be going for $2000 again... but another thing is I don't want to sell online because I've had bad experiences with charge backs and shady customers... And then, like if I sent them to flight club they take out their cut + the shoes could always get lost in the mail, etc. etc. I'm pretty much guaranteed the money if I sell to this guy though. Also, I don't know if I'll ever be able to get a pair of Yeezys again...

Did I get screwed? Thoughts? Thanks.
#1 no you didn't get screwed because you are making 3x profit
#2 you ****** me because I actually want a ******* pair to wear
#3 if you really wanted to keep your prized yeezys then why did you list them in the first place, "hypebest?" HHMM
#4 take a ******* knife or gun in your car. These things people try to steal. Post in here when your done so I know you aren't dead or ran the guy over and severed his arm.
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Did I just get ****ed?

I listed my GG 750s in my local FB group right, Local only, cash only. A guy offered $1100. I was like, i'll take your offer into consideration... here we are 4 days later, He offered $800 + white ovo x 10. I said, I really just want cash, like fine whatever I'll take $1150. We never had any real "agreed upon terms". Then I was like wait, can you give me a few days to think about it. He was like "I already sold shoes for this deal" So I was like ****... Now I am suppose to meet him in a few hours, he is going to have $1000 cash and gift me the other $150...

I was really just thinking though like, I should've waited because in a month I bet these are going to be going for $2000 again... but another thing is I don't want to sell online because I've had bad experiences with charge backs and shady customers... And then, like if I sent them to flight club they take out their cut + the shoes could always get lost in the mail, etc. etc. I'm pretty much guaranteed the money if I sell to this guy though. Also, I don't know if I'll ever be able to get a pair of Yeezys again...

Did I get screwed? Thoughts? Thanks.

Seems like your desperate for the money right now so I would take the cash offer. If you can afford to sit on them for a little bit, do it because they're bound to go up slightly.
Seems like your desperate for the money right now so I would take the cash offer. If you can afford to sit on them for a little bit, do it because they're bound to go up slightly.
If they are only bound to go up slightly I'm not too worried.
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yeah hopefully he knows I am joking.
just saying, it's much safer to meet in a public place or a police station than to carry your own weapon which you might use. And then what? you either lose the sneakers or your life or you catch a case for killing someone. Like my uncle always tell me, if you gotta bring a weapon to a place, you have no business being there
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