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Anyone ever see that Sole Preserver crap? Its like a film you put on your soles to keep em fresh. Must be the dumbest thing ive ever seen. One dude had em on his Red Octobers during a line up one time. Looks dumb as if also kinda goes up on the midsole.

Never understood those either. Definitely for the flex and flip dudes, although they look dumb whilst doing it.
FAM can someone help a brotha out PLEASE. I need a LC on a pair of TB 750's. Images can be found in post #4950 on page 165 of the Yeezy LC Thread. I'm not confident doing LCs on 750s.

I will be sure to rep.
Need to trade my Moons for Chocs, got tired of them 
Didn't someone on NT get their 750's from Barneys without any confirmation or shipping email? I got charged early this morning and no email here either
Didn't someone on NT get their 750's from Barneys without any confirmation or shipping email? I got charged early this morning and no email here either

Yes one NTer did, he got a call Monday in the am, a day later got a charge from Barneys, and then he received his shoes yesterday without any shipping confirmation or info. He is located in NY so that's probably why he got his shoes so quickly.
did anyone NOT get a call back from Barney yet? A lil worried cause I didnt email them until 4 PM PST.. and I got the email at 9 ish AM.. worried that my size might not be avail.. 
I´ve never won a raffle in END... and today I won this 

I think there weren't many people involved in the raffle xD

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Anyone ever see that Sole Preserver crap? Its like a film you put on your soles to keep em fresh. Must be the dumbest thing ive ever seen. One dude had em on his Red Octobers during a line up one time. Looks dumb as if also kinda goes up on the midsole.

View media item 2219320

its good if you plan on reselling the shoes after as vnds :lol:

other than **** makes the store shoe slippery on surfaces like the mall
So what's the story with Barney's? Did they have such a huge delay that only pairs going out now?? I know no74 in Berlin got theirs delayed until Monday but this seems crazy long.
So what's the story with Barney's? Did they have such a huge delay that only pairs going out now?? I know no74 in Berlin got theirs delayed until Monday but this seems crazy long.

Seems like they put all pairs into the raffle. Then put one presin in charge of it. They tweeted that they have contacted all winners now though
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