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Legit about to just start collecting magic the gathering instead of this..

At least I won't need an ivy league education in computer science/programming, Hilary Clinton's private server & proxy, the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow, Jesus, etc.

Who has a Platinum Angel for trade?
people still collect Magic Cards?
people still collect Magic Cards?

No idea. I guess since that NFL player got his whole collection stolen the other day..

Wouldn't matter regardless. At this point, I'd welcome being the only one attempting to get a collectible item, whatever it is.

I'm just confused as to why I need to pay resale ($800+) for a $200 mid-range shoe.. When there are legit $800+ quality pristine shoes sitting on the Neiman shelves and equally stunt worthy. My collection will be seeing a lot more Balenciaga's, Prada, Gucci if this shenanigans continues.
Eh, ive never been HUGE into luxury brand shoes. Aesthetically a lot of them dont do it for me. Always liked those Margiela lows everyone wears, YSL SL1's or whatever theyre called, Arena's. Thats about it. A lot scream tacky to me.
The only designer shoes worth a damn....








Eh, ive never been HUGE into luxury brand shoes. Aesthetically a lot of them dont do it for me. Always liked those Margiela lows everyone wears, YSL SL1's or whatever theyre called, Arena's. Thats about it. A lot scream tacky to me.

Some Gucci's are straight fire. For me, it comes down to this..

1) I'm tryna stunt. Not gonna beat around the bush and pull one of those "No, I do it for me, so I feel good" answers. Nah. I'm tryna look as fly as possible.

2) Quality of what I'm spending my money on..

If a pair of shoes like Ye's (which contrary to the belief here, only a very small portion of the population really even recognizes them as 'high end') is equal in price to a vastly superior quality pair, which is equally recognized (maybe even more so), I won't spend $800 on shoes that have horrible QC with glue stains on most of the mid-sole, sometimes even the upper, with disparaging sizing issues. Just doesn't seem lucrative to me.
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Some Gucci's are straight fire. For me, it comes down to this..

1) I'm tryna stunt. Not gonna beat around the bush and pull one of those "No, I do it for me, so I feel good" answers. Nah. I'm tryna look as fly as possible.

2) Quality of what I'm spending my money on..

If a pair of shoes like Ye's (which contrary to the belief here, only a very small portion of the population really even recognizes them as 'high end') is equal in price to a vastly superior quality pair, which is equally recognized (maybe even more so), I won't spend $800 on shoes that have horrible QC with glue stains on most of the mid-sole, sometimes even the upper, with disparaging sizing issues. Just doesn't seem lucrative to me.
handcrafted bespoke leather shoes
If a pair of shoes like Ye's (which contrary to the belief here, only a very small portion of the population really even recognizes them as 'high end') is equal in price to a vastly superior quality pair, which is equally recognized (maybe even more so), I won't spend $800 on shoes that have horrible QC with glue stains on most of the mid-sole, sometimes even the upper, with disparaging sizing issues. Just doesn't seem lucrative to me.
You won't but a whole bunch of Hype beast will. Ill buy High fashion before resale any day, but Majority wont, and thats what i honestly prefer.
You won't but a whole bunch of Hype beast will. Ill buy High fashion before resale any day, but Majority wont, and thats what i honestly prefer.

Yeah.. I mean, I'm not really trying to change anyone's mind, just maybe give a second perspective some may take into consideration before they pay someone's rent. Is what it is.

I'm still salty from the garbage Parley release, coupled with the **** that went down at FTL, all has me feeling some sort of way. These resellers stay getting more and more corny..
So if the release is really November 23rd... that's a Wednesday morning. I won't have a chance. Agh.
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