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Seeing as resell prices are dipping with every release, I won't even be all that salty if I strike out. I'll just pay resell for all 3.
Damn, if I'm gonna do that I might as well cop 1 pair of Fragments..... What to do, what to do....
There's gonna be a lot more to Backdoor this release when the employees make you pick 1 out of the 3 colorways assuming you hit on all 3. Watch your confirmed reservations go from reserved to picked up smh

Doubt it. U using the app ur getting ur pairs. Anystore that tired foolishness has probably been dealt with by now.

No where does it say you only get color. FTL ain't spend this time making this app so some store manager can be put on blast and make the company look bad.
Am I reading this correctly? A raffle to attend a raffle? This **** is getting out of hand
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really shiekh? 1 store 1 shoe ? 
Honestly doubt they will let you cop both if you manage to cop two at one store. I don't see why not but I see them pulling some BS.
Y'all the most paranoid people ever

We had the app for months.

Doubt there will be backdoor

Stores get a list of people who one that morning, each barcode is attached to the persons name and number.

Also, there is an authentication code that is give to the person who wins. You click that at the store.

some stores just look at your name on the app and ID

They pretty much follow the same system as adidas. Barcodes and sizes are attached to names that morning.

You can't backdoor anything that one antidotal incident where a dumb store manager try to backdoor probably didn't workout for him in the long run.

You win all 3 colors you will get all 3 colors I doubt you will have problems.
Honestly doubt they will let you cop both if you manage to cop two at one store. I don't see why not but I see them pulling some BS.

I mean if you hit on all three cw's at one store, then technically that's still three separate reservations. Curious to see how this is going to turn out. :nerd:
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Seeing as resell prices are dipping with every release, I won't even be all that salty if I strike out. I'll just pay resell for all 3.

Personally, unless quantities of each color are up or same as belugas which doesn't seem like it

I don't think resell will be low. I'm not sure what number you're thinking but it will be above what belugas are selling for IMO especially the red pair
My local mall has three footnation stores. Best case scenario is to hit a different pair at each one :lol:
Black Copper at DTLA Shiekhs
Black Green at Fox Hills Mall Shiekhs
Black Red at Hollywood Shiekhs
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