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YM are clowns. Mall of America, my mall usually has 3-4 stores that get yeezys and for these it is only 1 just to give you some idea.
How limited is super limited ? More limited than extra limited or very limited or what type of limited are we talking about ?
Just saw this

So I finally copped a pair of Beluga's for my wife ( she is a 5.5 women- got her a 4 and they fit perfect ) ....and when she tried them on she said they make her feet look wide....after years of marriage, I know the look on her face meant I don't really want them....:stoneface:  Might have to track down some V1's in a bae size which I'm already dreading.

:lol: you're a good man
Even if they're wrong, like they are 98% of the time, sheep still follow.

Most accounts are breaking contracts with adidas because of the loss they take on season clothing. The whole line up is going to be regular release numbers. Limited online, plentiful in store. You still have to do your leg work.
call every one in your area.  they give every location a chance so they may not be at the uusual spot this time

Yea I called three different ones. Outside of that the drive isn't gonna happen to any other locations. Still waiting on champs cause I got a 6 min start with them
call every one in your area.  they give every location a chance so they may not be at the uusual spot this time
Yea I called three different ones. Outside of that the drive isn't gonna happen to any other locations. Still waiting on champs cause I got a 6 min start with them
you mean FIVE minute headstart right. you only get a 5 minute headstart for being VIP.  gotta get the code for that extra minute
If SM script doesn't work this weekend, I'm out of luck. I don't think I've been past a splash screen since PB2.0s
If SM script doesn't work this weekend, I'm out of luck. I don't think I've been past a splash screen since PB2.0s
chances are it won't work, As SM IG says "likely the last shoe the /// script will bot" (on the tricolor picture he posted)

was a good run though!  
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does this include direct input.

if so....RIP to me. team manuaLLLL

Yes. The only thing the script will be useful for is to cart again AFTER you've gotten past the splash and obtained the site key and client id. The days of everybody bypassing the splash once the site key and client id is made public is gone.
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So I finally copped a pair of Beluga's for my wife ( she is a 5.5 women- got her a 4 and they fit perfect ) ....and when she tried them on she said they make her feet look wide....after years of marriage, I know the look on her face meant I don't really want them....:stoneface:  Might have to track down some V1's in a bae size which I'm already dreading.

they definitely make your feet look wide by looking at them from above. from the side it isnt so bad :lol:
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