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Can't blame them why actually do work. Come in forum please please please here is a rep

I mean eventually someone gives them out. They have a better plan than us suckers that drive around getting them.

It's a community bro.

Now let's see someone go 3/3 off them codes and hook the code giver up for yeezys at retail if they strike out.

That's community

Like that will ever happen. That's why the whole community jig is a farce it's a community when you need help, but you ain't giving up your excess pairs to the one who help you tho!

People I hooked up with codes, info, etc. on a couple releases couldn't even hook me up with a link to a restock they knew about until after the fact, then got the "oh my bad bro, totally forgot to tell you, got you next time".. let alone sell me one of their own pairs. Funny thing is, I wake up the day BWs went up on apps, see a text from homeboy "my man you getting codes today?".. His memory all of a sudden next level brilliant, definitely didn't forget how to be a leach
Tbh I would still do it
yes and everyone here should!

NT and even the NT lurkers are still a minority compared to the rest of the demand. This forum about helping eachother with knowledge. If it screws up your chance, its not by that much. It brings good karma to you by paying it forward!!! #truth
 His memory all of a sudden next level brilliant, definitely didn't forget how to be a leach

So you got em or nah?
 I wake up the day BWs went up on apps, see a text from homeboy "my man you getting codes today?".. His memory all of a sudden next level brilliant, definitely didn't forget how to be a leach
People who like to use others like that are instantly blocked/ignored from my phonebook. If they're not willing to put in the work and contribute, they're not worth my time.  
They truly are, for the red/olive/copper release Water Tower FNL in Chicago said they would call people that Sunday by 5PM... didn't get a call until 1030 at night 
I got a call late as well.  But I wouldn't call them trash since you actually have a chance to win there.  
I only have the green from the last drop. Theyre close to the whites so if I miss out on these i probably wont be paying any stupid resale

Would probably grab the reds for something different if anything. But of course i still want the whites and still put in all my raffles and will try online. Will rock the hell out of em i love my V2s i dont have to be so delicate with them like the tans
I'm happy my state has in-store raffles lol. Rigging happens but always remember it's a game of chance for raffling anyway. At the end of the day most stores are "honest" at least here in my state. Minus 2 stores.
People who like to use others like that are instantly blocked/ignored from my phonebook. If they're not willing to put in the work and contribute, they're not worth my time.  

I was the first person on here trying to let everyone know whatever 'jigs' there were, store codes, hook ups, restocks and this was just a few months ago. This was just the cherry on top when it comes to the 'community' here. Now, I have the couple of dudes I talk to, line up with, hook up with extra pairs, and I completely trust they'd do the same for me. That's my only positive I've had from being here, met and made some true friends.
Definitely liking my chances. I have acquired over 40 tickets [emoji]128514[/emoji] Thank you goes out to my friends, family, & wife. We still on the hunt we speak.
Until you go 0/40+ only to be told you should've put in work by someone with a bot that hits on 5.

Good luck, though.
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*someone wins a raffle

*immediately creates a NT account to post "easy cop these must be abundant"

*blames people for not putting in work for not winning a raffle
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