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Ever heard of FB groups and seen how desperate dudes are. People undercutting left and right for a quick buck bc they spent rent money. People will be selling their pairs for $400 or less by next wednesday. Not the first time its happened and it will happen again. People were picking up coppers and olives for 375 i remember. Same as oreos.
also people that buy multiples pairs on credit and need to pay their creditor off.  Their will be cheap pairs out there
if i could ever cop a 2nd pair, id stock it for at least a year... 

someone mentioned earlier, theres not a lot of $$ floating around right not esp wh all the black friday pairs and all the pairs adidas has been dropping.. the market for heat is saturated IMO.. wait till 99% of us strike out on the Zebras..  then unload your pears! 
Question as it relates to Footsite apps tomorrow..

can you run them on multiple phones? same account? I have a work iphone that I can d/l the FTL app on...

im thinking this will increase my very slim chances from 0.00001% to 0.0001% 
Question as it relates to Footsite apps tomorrow..

can you run them on multiple phones? same account? I have a work iphone that I can d/l the FTL app on...

im thinking this will increase my very slim chances from 0.00001% to 0.0001% 
what do you mean? if your one account is already signed up, that's all the chance you get. it's not like you need to try and tap anything on the app
Question as it relates to Footsite apps tomorrow..

can you run them on multiple phones? same account? I have a work iphone that I can d/l the FTL app on...

im thinking this will increase my very slim chances from 0.00001% to 0.0001% 

its also too late to sign up for any new accounts. Really if you were going to go that route you should have set up multiple vip accounts and ran them on different phones
Yeah, if you install the app on a second device you still have to log into an account, so it would just show the same reservation information for your account. That is to say, there would be no real advantage to doing that, besides getting notification of the same outcome of your raffle on both devices.

It would just be like having your Gmail account open on two devices; they will both display the same information.
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Gotcha.. thanks 

do you have to be "fast" as in tap like a mad man like Adidas Confirmed? 

Thinking I can tap 2x or at a very min, i can d/l champs and not switch between apps

Does that make sense? 

i dont want to screw anything up by switching between Champs, FTL and FTA apps... 
you don't have to do any tapping for those apps. they handle it all for you
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Gotcha.. thanks 

do you have to be "fast" as in tap like a mad man like Adidas Confirmed? 

Thinking I can tap 2x or at a very min, i can d/l champs and not switch between apps

Does that make sense? 

i dont want to screw anything up by switching between Champs, FTL and FTA apps... 
there's nothing to tap on the foot apps. it counts down and says whether you hit or lost.

I've never hit on it but I read if you hit it just tells you that you need to confirm within a certain timeframe. sometimes,  you might be put on a "waitlist" as well.
We got anyone from China on this Board??

Wanna see how Alipay works on ADC China when you checkout
if i could ever cop a 2nd pair, id stock it for at least a year... 

someone mentioned earlier, theres not a lot of $$ floating around right not esp wh all the black friday pairs and all the pairs adidas has been dropping.. the market for heat is saturated IMO.. wait till 99% of us strike out on the Zebras..  then unload your pears! 

You could buy one pair of shoes a week making $20 on each and profit more than you would by holding these for a year. $1000 profit is peanuts if it takes you a year to make it. Thats less than $3 a day.
You could buy one pair of shoes a week making $20 on each and profit more than you would by holding these for a year. $1000 profit is peanuts if it takes you a year to make it. Thats less than $3 a day.
thats true ... even at $3/day i can afford to make that perpetually.. now Id rather make $20/week x 52 weeks which would net me much more profit than a one hitter on these yeezys, unless you got some TD's that are DS .. mine arent ..only my PBs are 

those are good problems to have tho 

the premise of what I was trying to say was wait till demand goes up.. this is def a buyers market right now.. prices dipped on belugas and the Black Friday releases were just pure lazy IMO... lots of yeezys floating around nowadays
Man, I'm feeling really uneasy about this drop for some reason.

Usually the days leading up to the drop I'm pretty optimistic - and if I don't hit then it's not a big deal. But this time the vibe I'm feeling is: "You gonna catch this L". 
Haven't seen any other review vids on these but I can across this. Could have already been stated, but if not, here it is
Man, I'm feeling really uneasy about this drop for some reason. :wow:  

Usually the days leading up to the drop I'm pretty optimistic - and if I don't hit then it's not a big deal. But this time the vibe I'm feeling is: "You gonna catch this L". :nerd:

I'm usually the opposite. I expect the L and set the expectation (usually what happens). If I hit, feels even better. lol
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