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"those guys" 
Less than 600 pairs on Confirmed tomorrow spread throughout 4 stores. Good luck y'all
If this is true, Im gonna have to prolly wish for the best and online release day or trade my belugas and cash. Sucks imma have to go out of town to Las Vegas this weekend, so trying confirmed app is out of the options. 
Wasn't about your ADC order dude.
Was for all this Confirmed App BS.
Should have specified in post.
Seriously congrats on pickup.

Hahahaha all good! I posted yesterday and got everyone telling me I was done for. Super happy to have these on the way
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"those guys" 

If this is true, Im gonna have to prolly wish for the best and online release day or trade my belugas and cash. Sucks imma have to go out of town to Las Vegas this weekend, so trying confirmed app is out of the options. 
It's 100% true I have no reason to lie about it. I saw the exact number myself and just shook my head. Crazy how limited they decided to make these.
If all my devices are on wifi, are they all running under the same IP? Please forgive the stupid question, I don't really know much about computers and how they work.
I don't feel good about the ADC drop with all this computer skill floating around. I'll try manual but I don't think I'll get anywhere. I feel good with YS tho
They'll restock these again later down the road if they drop numbers like this
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