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Thanks Anthony Colbert

that dont work when they ban your router ip
But they didn't ban your router IP
Your assuming
And Time Warner will give you a free router to swap out of you call Them and ask
I've done it like 4-5 times
It's free of charge you just have to ship your old router back or they charge you for it
i wasn't renting a Timewarner router nor modem tho.  i buy my own stuff

i have a separate router and modem

but we don't have to keep talking about it tho...
But they didn't ban your router IP
Your assuming
And Time Warner will give you a free router to swap out of you call Them and ask
I've done it like 4-5 times
It's free of charge you just have to ship your old router back or they charge you for it

your IP has ZERO to do with your router
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Bunch people complaining about being banned but don't even understand how they computers work! [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Clear your cookies

Unplug your router
And take a break

He router crap doesn't work for a lot of people

You can instantly change you IP anytime you please by changing the MAC address which takes 2 seconds
I told myself to stop buying white shoes for the kiddos (3 and 8mo). Once they turn 1.5, their shoes never stay clean.

Congrats on the boy!
Thank you :nthat:

I just throw my kids shoes in the washer and let them soak in some Oxy Clean and they come out good as new :wink:
Wait so although you have your cash for gift cards .. You aren't able to buy Yzy using said gift cards? But people still respect that BS. SMH
i got called from them today after emailing them yesterday.. i doubt ill be getting them this week haha.. last time i ordered from barneys the shoes just showed up at my doorsteps while the order was still in process.. no tracking no nothin
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