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First time online buyer here. What's the best way to do it? People are saying multiple tabs, but would lots of different adidas accounts be the best way forwards? Can I use the same card for multiple adidas accounts? Multiple computers? I'm just looking for the best way to do it, complete newbie here.
First time online buyer here. What's the best way to do it? People are saying multiple tabs, but would lots of different adidas accounts be the best way forwards? Can I use the same card for multiple adidas accounts? Multiple computers? I'm just looking for the best way to do it, complete newbie here.

Try anything an everything. You'll need some luck on your side.
yea but that wasnt any serious camp. where u there when dooms dropped? went aorund the corner halfway down the alley thats to the right of t he shop. i just walked away. apparently they had like 100+ pairs. shouldve stayed. 

I camped for the 2nd release. The first release my car broke down, since I was coming from Coral Springs loool
Thanks to the Kardashian Effect, smaller sizes will probably stay at the 1k mark though.
yeah expect size 4-7 to hover around $1k. I got this size 5 yesterday and my girl said she doesn't want it because she's still wearing her old PB's. 

Wake up Ninjas, Wake up

We bout to get this paper
I camped for the 2nd release. The first release my car broke down, since I was coming from Coral Springs loool
didint even know they had a secod drop of dooms. i been messing with MIA skate since way back. there was a time where a 2 hour wait period was fine and u could go get breakfast/pizza across the street with no worries. it started to get jam packed after dinosaurs released. that was another zoo. 
This week is dragging. I just wanna find out if I took the L or not already [emoji]128580[/emoji]
Paper is nice. But I just want 1 pair...........
my PB's could've been yours if you would've let go those OT's 
Same man, and I refuse to pay resell.  So it's retail or die.
Yea, it would be different if the ATC was like $20-$50 but people are charging $300??!?!?!? wtf is that man its ridiculous. We can only blame the fanbois and *******s for paying those prices.
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