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We live in a society where it's work or be homeless/work or starve. It's a form of violence, Mr. Bizness. Read some theory.

I believe he meant nobody is forcing you to work at a specific place. The way society is today in America a lot dont want to work and just collect handouts

We live in a society where it's work or be homeless/work or starve. It's a form of violence, Mr. Bizness. Read some theory.

I believe he meant nobody is forcing you to work at a specific place. The way society is today in America a lot dont want to work and just collect handouts

That's a propaganda line that fights against any sort of decent enacted policy that would help the lives of the working class. Data throughout the years has shown this not to be true in the least. Raising the minimum wage, or, hell, a UBI has always resulted in gains for all.

We live in a society where it's work or be homeless/work or starve. It's a form of violence, Mr. Bizness. Read some theory.
u forgot to say, unless your on welfare

If welfare was so great wouldn't everyone strive to be on welfare? Exactly. No one wants to be on welfare. There are more systemic issues at play than someone wanting to "milk the system"
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I believe he meant nobody is forcing you to work at a specific place. The way society is today in America a lot dont want to work and just collect handouts

I have to stay quiet on this subject but alllll this. I hate coming back from work and the same cars are in the same spot...have a bunch of one works, while I gotta resell to canucks and euros to pay for summer swim classes for my boy.

I don't know why some people enjoy lines so much

It's hilarious when passerby's ask what's the line for and think about lining up
it doesnt quite make sense why footlocker employees DO NOT give out the code and are all secretive about it.

I went in yesterday and tried to get them to give me the code, obvi to oop my boyz, anyway.....she says no, and that she could get in big trouble. I then asked why...she said "because then you would give it to everyone"......i explained how if i were to do that, it would hurt me as an individual and my chances, more than it would hurt the store....but she couldnt comprehend that.

Obviously they dont give it out in the hopes that people psychically go to the store to check in, and spend money while they are there....but still....these employees be acting like they have the nuclear football or something.
If welfare was so great wouldn't everyone strive to be on welfare? Exactly. No one wants to be on welfare. There are more systemic issues at play than someone wanting to "milk the system"

I don't like lines but shiiii. If these people on my block can manage to pay insurance, rent and food on it....I might have to join the struggle
it doesnt quite make sense why footlocker employees DO NOT give out the code and are all secretive about it.

I went in yesterday and tried to get them to give me the code, obvi to oop my boyz, anyway.....she says no, and that she could get in big trouble. I then asked why...she said "because then you would give it to everyone"......i explained how if i were to do that, it would hurt me as an individual and my chances, more than it would hurt the store....but she couldnt comprehend that.

Obviously they dont give it out in the hopes that people psychically go to the store to check in, and spend money while they are there....but still....these employees be acting like they have the nuclear football or something.

just be like my Bluetooth aint working. pretty sure youll get it next time
If welfare was so great wouldn't everyone strive to be on welfare? Exactly. No one wants to be on welfare. There are more systemic issues at play than someone wanting to "milk the system"

I don't like lines but shiiii. If these people on my block can manage to pay insurance, rent and food on it....I might have to join the struggle

Sorry to burst the bubble but they actually can't, I guarantee it.
Sorry to burst the bubble but they actually can't, I guarantee it.

It's a convo for another thread but I bought this house in 2008 and the apartments on the corner have had the same tenants that don't work. They all got 2+ kids and 3-4 cars with only one driver [emoji]128514[/emoji]. I don't want to come off as an elitist but there needs to be reform.

I get salty that I go to work for the whole block.
Bro you are so clueless... do a little research and educate yourself instead of spamming this thread with questions you can easily find the answer to
lmao be funny if he was just trolling everyone for shts and giggles...
just be like my Bluetooth aint working. pretty sure youll get it next time

nope, they took my phone and entered it themselves. lol Standard Procedure for these bums
Bums because they are following a store policy? What exactly is about not giving you the code, but checking you in, makes them bums? I've never been given a code by an employee and it never bothered me in the least as long as I was checked in.
Bums because they are following a store policy? What exactly is about not giving you the code, but checking you in, makes them bums? I've never been given a code by an employee and it never bothered me in the least as long as I was checked in.
They can't get the e-props/virtual validation for posting the code.  

How dare they do their jobs. 
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