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Most of us who didn't hit on any raffles footsite apps and splashed like it was 1999 went resell route once prices started to fall before the restock. Eventually after blue tints releases and sells out prices will rise again

Yep. Prices fell quick on StockX after news of the restock on ADC started circulating. Resellers panicked and I managed to get my 11.5 for $375. Way more than I wanted to pay but the proceeds from the sz 8/9.5 2.0’s I sold will help offset the cost.

Retail or bust for the blue tints though. Can’t do resell again.

Anyone else package get delayed from footlocker ?

mines delayed too. ordered from YS
Is there a way to change your signature on NT yet? Lol tryna move these beluga 2.0s that ADC sent in the wrong size smh.
No, sigs are locked for now.
Damn. You think I'm better off moving these thru flightclub? Mad people in a sz 9 undercutting each other on stockx and goat lol. Sorry I'd help oop these if they were my pair to whoever in a 9 didn't get a pair but this is my brother in law's pair that he wants to sell so he can rebuy em in a bigger size.
Those PP looked like great worth beaters.

Might kop and for a low entry 100$ shoe why not..
It’s porch thief szn. This is why if I know I won’t be at home when I’m expecting an expensive item, I get that **** held at a facility.

If it goes missing there you have a better chance of winning a claim and getting your money back.

I just put my work address. Simple like that.
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