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Let’s put this to rest. Chatted it up with a couple of HOH employees yesterday to confirm what I already knew. There are no repercussions, flagging, or banning for confirming and not picking up. They just sell your pair at 3pm and keep it moving. I’ve never had my purchase confirmed-always get an error and it just falls off the reservation screen. I always confirm when I hit on a FootApp. If I’m successful online the next morning then I’m not driving to the God forsaken mall to cop more to avoid getting flagged by a multi-billion dollar company. I’ve left some, I’ve picked up some but I continue to eat with that 10min headstart.

This is correct. And it makes sense if you think about the fact that the app was designed to cut down on employees backdooring and rigging raffles. If there was a penalty for not picking up, the employees would do everything in their power to knock accounts out. They would unplug the beacon, not enter pickup codes, or mess up your VIP credit.
A guy I know is a supervisor at out Local UPS hub and he said UPS Is so far behind right now and is having trouble. The fact ups is amazons primary shipping source is making a mess of everyhting

UPS in the RTP area on point... they always legit. USPS on the other hand is straight GARBAGE
This is correct. And it makes sense if you think about the fact that the app was designed to cut down on employees backdooring and rigging raffles. If there was a penalty for not picking up, the employees would do everything in their power to knock accounts out. They would unplug the beacon, not enter pickup codes, or mess up your VIP credit.
I am glad that we have the app reservations now, stops the most backdooring at those stores. I remember for the first couple yeezy v2 that were done through the app. Picking up the shoes and seeing those store managers faces, makes me happy xD
Also got shipping from YS
I'd have to correct myself and say that YS could ship anywhere between 1 day and 3 months
Nada for me from YS.

So, no -- those of you w/o shipping notices aren't alone.

And let's remember the time from shipping notice to the product actually moving can be multiple days.
REMAINING RAFFLES (if ended let me know and i'll update):
Oki-ni: 12/18
18montrose: 12/16
Boutique1: 12/16
YME Universe: 12/18
Shopnicekicks: 12/19
Shoepalace: 12/19
EpitomeATL: 12/16
Tres-bien: 12/18
Antonia: ??/??

The problem w/ trying to keep an accurate list is that some of these may have already happened, but we losers aren't notified of the L. Did these ones from the 16th say they weren't notifying folks until Monday?
yeezysupply cancelled my order yesterday cuz they thought it was fraudulent. i emailed yeezysupply and told them my order wasnt fraudulent and they hit me back with the shipping an hour later.

shoutout to the people who told me to contact them
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yeezysupply cancelled my order yesterday cuz they thought it was fraudulent. i emailed yeezysupply and told them my order wasnt fraudulent and they hit me back with the shipping an hour later.

shoutout to the people who told me to contact them
Screen Shot 2017-12-17 at 6.02.33 PM.png

does that mean those orders that got cancel and weren't claimed will be restocked on the site? :emoji_eyes:
The problem w/ trying to keep an accurate list is that some of these may have already happened, but we losers aren't notified of the L. Did these ones from the 16th say they weren't notifying folks until Monday?
They usually announce on their social medias when winners have been notified so I check that around the ending date of the raffles
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