ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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You all need to read the thread I promise much will be answered. Start from 250 and you will be pleased

Bruh, Ya'll can't update the original post?

Like seriously, where is the organization in this thread?

Half ya'll asking redundant questions, and the other half acting like ya'll in the underground railroad sharing secret info.

Just update the OP with all the concrete info and help the community out. This thread was more organized when there was no info months ago...
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Bruh, Ya'll can't update the original post?

Like seriously, where is the organization in this thread?

Half ya'll asking redundant questions, and the other half acting like ya'll in the underground railroad sharing secret info.

Just update the OP with all the concrete info and help the community out. This thread was more organized when there was no info months ago...
lmfao underground rail road.

you have a point but i think it because theres so many lurkers maybe if htreads can only be seen by members it be different 
Then people would just make accounts to see the info and make ****** posts.

I hate to say it but if the secrets shared were good enough to guarentee a pair, you guys wouldn't even be posting here, you'd be chilling watching tv or sleeping till you woke up and checked out with yours
I wanna do this dance come 9am...
 I hope I'm right there with you
so, people going manual or using those ATC links floating around?

Good question....I'm torn between the two right now.

I just don't want to try the ATC links and they don't that time I'm sure the shoes will be long gone.
Will give it a shot. Let's see if anything is different than the normal hyped release. Will be refreshing to be in for a nice suprise. Just want a pair to wear, would have been better if it was just a normal shoe, not a successor to something
anybody else get an email from hs saying there releasing on the 21st or did they make a mistake on there part
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