Admit something embarrassing about yourself

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i'm sure i do a lot of embarrassing things but i don't ever feel embarrassed *shrugs* ummmmm

um when i see/hear about something gross the back of of my legs tingle and i am uncomfortable until it is over
not embarrassing but pretty weird
i havent had a romantic interest for so long i think i forgot how to be a girlfriend
i am terrified of edges like with train platforms... but not personally, only when other people are too close to the edge....
panic attackkkkk
also i am claustrophobic
i am...
prove it.



..and I hate that word..
how is that simpin'? you even know what that means?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I use to be one of those annoying drunk teens that got completely trashed and made out with other wasted girls.

I use to wear the same pair of socks for like 4 or 5 days straight.

I dyed my hair strawberry blonde. That lasted a good 3 days. I looked like an idiot.

I have a stupid, irrelevant butterfly tattooed on the back of my neck, I got it the day before I turned 18 and it's ugly.
I'm sorry but why would u even admit this
Literally doing the stanky leg
By the NT definition, if I remember correctly, I would be considered a simp (refresh my memory if you remember what the consensus was)
I've been rejected more times than I can count or remember, but I can count gfs on one hand

I used to want to "just get by." I was a fool for thinking that dumb $%#+. Everybody should make for the best, not say "&%$# it" andsettle for less.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by J23S

Bought a hoodrat those white/wheat 13s and I never smashed

took a girl to a laker game, never smashed
Makes you wanna find her and tell her she owes you the P doesn't it
I can't control myself when it comes to karaoke...i guess thats not surprising given my NT screen name
i prefer baths to showers
Originally Posted by West2East

I'm scared of escalators. I can't get on unless I'm holding onto the railing and time my step very carefully.
same here, I have to look straight up.
reaching the 5th floor in some malls make me almost throw up.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Daedalus Kalais

I used to want to "just get by." I was a fool for thinking that dumb $%#+. Everybody should make for the best, not say "&%$# it" and settle for less.


appreciated, fam.
Best believe I'm gonna get mine. I may be a nice guy, but I'm allergic to bull, word to Will Smith (I,Robot).

Ya'll will hear from me outside of NT one day, I guarantee that. Man, I just wanna be successful.

I would post another one, but I'm not really phased by reactions nowadays...
Wait. Ya'll should be able to relate: when you say something trying to be all clever to some girl.
The chick laughs, but you think about what you said, and you're like "damn, I can't believe I really just said that."
Originally Posted by Club29

im sorry, NONE of you can tell me that the Backstreet Boys first album wasnt chock full of JAMS.

album was nice for what it was.

oh, and I have the entire Sex and the City collection on dvd....



.....Shut up. its a good show.
That ones a bit wild to me. I've caught myself catching a few episodes and I watched the movie with my ex back when it came out but..owningthe whole damn set?
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