It just seemed like these celebs will go out of their way to speak down on something they know nothing about.
It’s exactly what I mentioned earlier. You have celebs that ingratiated themselves with White America and achieved wealth the hard way. They are NOT going to go out there way to support the black community having an easier route to gain what they acheived
My stance has been pretty straight forward and blunt...I’m surving and thriving in the USA without reparations...funny all of a sudden I’m “money hungry and being divisive for some shillings”
It offends you that I’m honest enough with myself not to be afraid to draw a line in the sand.
We all aren’t the same people...
I refuse to be naive and hide under some false banner of unity and pride that we are all brothers and sisters because we all share black skin.

I’m for anything positive and for the livelihood and well being of ADOS FIRST!
Not the Native Americans
Not the Hispanics
Not the Asians
Not the Carribeans
Not the Immigrant Pan Africans
Not the Middle Eastern Muslims

I don’t care who gets offended about my stance. ADOS are priority one for any grant, reparation or benefits.
I don’t care about equality among all black people at this point...ADOS FIRST!
If its gonna be anything reparations wise...ADOS FIRST!
We will still survive and thrive with or without it!

So yea if we are talking about any sort of reparations for blacks in the US...ADOS FIRST!
If you aren’t ADOS then your opinion doesn’t matter mind your own cultural affairs and history
and we’ll mind ours!
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As a non-ADOS...I support it. The leaps in logic people make to act like all black people are the same or even worse, all non-whites (white as defined in the US) are the same astounds me some times.
I don’t care about equality among all black people at this point...

i hear the ados argument. all for it...but cringe at the stuff against other black ppl that don't fit into the category of ados. but i understand.
with that said what i don't understand is why ados feel like the buck stops at the united states govt when it comes to reparations?

the portuguese owe and need to pay up.
as does the british govt.
and the spanish govt
and the dutch.

to ados. africans were enslaved and most brought to the caribbean and then resold. ppl screaming at black non ados ppl til their blue in the face are probably descendants of enslaved africans that were sold and resold.
so na, we need ALL of what we are owed. **** that.
Im not ADOS but I fully support this.

Black Americans face a unique uphill battle that no other people in America face. They are the only ones that have had systemic inequality built into the very fabric of their lives. Most other people are descendants of people that came here by choice and for an opportunity for a better life for future generations.

I’m not going to read all these pages etc but I’m a fan of people being honest about what they want. Every group of people should really be uniting to help itself first and foremost. I think of it like family. Your responsibility first and foremost is to your family. This doesn’t mean you don’t truly care / help / respect other families but you must first get your own situation right.

A lot of scared and ignorant people see this as a problem because usually this means your family is taking food out of my family’s mouth. When in reality it’s the opposite. The better off all families are the better the country is as a whole.

I truly wish there was some way that reparations could be made to happen in a non demeaning way. Just giving folks money is almost disrespectful in my opinion. To me, I’d say anyone that is ADOS should get free college tuition at any state / non private school. Additionally, any ADOS parents shouldn’t have to pay taxes. I’m not sure how do this in a equitable way but I’d say you gotta prove it genetically (like 75% true black American or something). It’s kinda odd to me that we do this to help native Americans but we don’t for black Americans.
also, ados does't advocate violence. enough with being docile and relying on hope.
begging our oppressors or rather trying to prove that we are peaceful, nice negros that will sing hymns and **** and hold hands while they continue to shoot and kill unarmed black ppl (among everything else done to us) hasn't gotten us much further than we are now. our oppressors don't value our lives because we are not seen as equal and as human.

i just had a convo today about how a few years ago when i first moved to the south, before i learned how to drive, i was walking on my lunch break and this white person threw trash at me and sped off in his car.

and in the same area a year or two after i got called a f-ing n word.

or how this clown *** mfer looked through the lil curtain in lacoste in the mall while i was trying on a polo because he thought i was going to steal it.
and i had just gotten off of work and was dressed like it (corporate america business attire).

those are examples from just within the last few years.

every option should be on the table. IMO. as it is on theirs. **** are we handicapping ourselves for?
Not just any reparations though, a cash pay out as a form of reparation would be divisive in the black community. It would be divisive amongst those who receive them as well because you’ll have an upper class sector of blacks who made their wealth without government intervention sharing access to amenities with those who did. The world, particularly the U.S. is operated off of the “Have’s and the Have Not’s”. You think over 75% of the America’s Black population becoming over night multi-millionaires is something that wouldn’t have ramifications??

and here we have a child of black immigrants admitting to why he's "for reparations" for ADOS, just not cash reparations like other marginalized groups have received from the US govt. he's resentful and jealous that he wouldn't be included. that's why he wants free education to be the extent of reparations due. thats why he bloviates about reparations being divisive and ados just wanting a handout from the white man and how giving money to a financially illiterate group is foolish.
it is because him and his African parents who immigrated over here would be excluded from these tangibles owed. ironically this is the same black immigrant son who liked the crabs in a barrel pic. but he's doing everything out of "concern", "good faith", and "unity" to try to limit the debt that society owes to ados. thats why I say lineage matters. we have black immigrants proclaiming to be allies for the cause but deep down they would hate to see you get paid. they revel themselves soon enough if you just let them keep on talking.

you don't see other white people speaking out against the cash reparations received by the jewish
you don't see other white people who think that they are entitled to the same reparations received by the jews just because the hue of their skin is the same.
you don't see other white people saying, "yeah the jews deserve reparations, I stand with them and their cause but lets just limit it to free education"
you don't see other white peoples saying the money received by jews is divisive.
you don't see other white people hinting at ramifications for being not receiving reparations like the jews.

hell, you don't see black immigrants doing any of the above to the jewish community receiving reparations
but notice their attitude and views towards the thought and idea of ados receiving cash payments as part of a plan of restitution for the forced, unpaid labor of their ancestors
then ask yourself are these people true allies. afterwards, inquiry why they are so insistent that you give your vote to the democrats, who promise specifics to illegal aliens and immigrants, but none to the descendants of the enslaved blacks who tragically built up the enormous wealth of this country without compensation

@deuce king .... #tangibles2020. no black agenda, no vote
largofool largofool :rofl: why would I be jealous to see people that look like me and share the same plight as me win? Something that my potential future spouse and in theory my children could benefit from as well as my grandchildren and so on??? Lmfao You think the ~15 years of the Holocaust and the measly payout Jews got for it is even remotely comparable to 200+ years of slavery and 100+ years of oppression afterwards? White people arent the minority in this country, we as black people are. Their survival isn’t dependent on unity because they’ve made their generational ends. I’m invested in the survival of the black race in this country and that includes mental stimulation as well. You’ve been brainwashed to think money is the end all path to freedom as opposed to knowledge especially knowledge of self, of our history our purpose which Black people in this country lack. But you just like many are a victim of the systematic mental retooling that white America has worked tirelessly to achieve. Going as far as to withhold your vote if you don’t get serious consideration for your reparation wants. The same rights that the ancestors died for, you’re looking to abuse unless you profit off of what they endured :rofl: FOH
and here we have a child of black immigrants admitting to why he's "for reparations" for ADOS, just not cash reparations like other marginalized groups have received from the US govt. he's resentful and jealous that he wouldn't be included. that's why he wants free education to be the extent of reparations due. thats why he bloviates about reparations being divisive and ados just wanting a handout from the white man and how giving money to a financially illiterate group is foolish.
it is because him and his African parents who immigrated over here would be excluded from these tangibles owed. ironically this is the same black immigrant son who liked the crabs in a barrel pic. but he's doing everything out of "concern", "good faith", and "unity" to try to limit the debt that society owes to ados. thats why I say lineage matters. we have black immigrants proclaiming to be allies for the cause but deep down they would hate to see you get paid. they revel themselves soon enough if you just let them keep on talking.

you don't see other white people speaking out against the cash reparations received by the jewish
you don't see other white people who think that they are entitled to the same reparations received by the jews just because the hue of their skin is the same.
you don't see other white people saying, "yeah the jews deserve reparations, I stand with them and their cause but lets just limit it to free education"
you don't see other white peoples saying the money received by jews is divisive.
you don't see other white people hinting at ramifications for being not receiving reparations like the jews.

hell, you don't see black immigrants doing any of the above to the jewish community receiving reparations
but notice their attitude and views towards the thought and idea of ados receiving cash payments as part of a plan of restitution for the forced, unpaid labor of their ancestors
then ask yourself are these people true allies. afterwards, inquiry why they are so insistent that you give your vote to the democrats, who promise specifics to illegal aliens and immigrants, but none to the descendants of the enslaved blacks who tragically built up the enormous wealth of this country without compensation

@deuce king .... #tangibles2020. no black agenda, no vote

largofool largofool :rofl: why would I be jealous to see people that look like me and share the same plight as me win? Something that my potential future spouse and in theory my children could benefit from as well as my grandchildren and so on???
we are not the same. our blood lines are different. mine suffered 400+ years of oppression. mine freely built up this country who's resources you enjoy. your parents decided to leave the motherland to move to a racist country led by black oppressing white supremacists for a bag. lineage matters. my people are fighters. yours fled, jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire in hopes of obtaining money, which you claim is of no importance.
im not entirely certain of the root of your jealousy but I suspect it stems from knowing that you aren't entitled to the reparations due to ADOS and you feel leftout. your sense of obligation to the resources my ancestors died for are baffling. also you I'm sure you were teased growing up. that's probably the base of your resentment

Lmfao You think the ~15 years of the Holocaust and the measly payout Jews got for it is even remotely comparable to 200+ years of slavery and 100+ years of oppression afterwards? White people arent the minority in this country, we as black people are. Their survival isn’t dependent on unity because they’ve made their generational ends. I’m invested in the survival of the black race in this country and that includes mental stimulation as well

you think the jews being "measly" compensated for the atrocities committed against their people had no effect on the amount of wealth they accumulate or the industries they lead today. you think the effects of this "measly" payout wasn't transformative to the families who lost everything during the holocaust. The jews are indeed a minority and their survival is because of their unity. so unite with ados and support cash reparations because it would close the wealth gap which is responsible for many of the black community's ills. you can't truly be invested in the survival of ados if you only champion free education while arbitrarily denying the money owed. stop acting like its a choice when you can support both. but again your black immigrant parents left a black county for the white mans money. thats why im not surprised that you echo the white mans position in denying what's owed to ados

You'e been brainwashed to think money is the end all path to freedom as opposed to knowledge especially knowledge of self, of our history our purpose which Black people in this country lack. But you just like many are a victim of the systematic mental retooling that white America has worked tirelessly to achieve. Going as far as to withhold your vote if you don’t get serious consideration for your reparation wants. The same rights that the ancestors died for, you’re looking to abuse unless you profit off of what they endured :rofl:

This is where the line will be drawn. I will not be lectured by a 1st generation America born to black immigrants from Ghana about freedom, independence, and the history of blacks in America. money is in fact the path to freedom in a capitalistic society. Your black immigrant parents abandoned their roots in their homeland to move to a racist white country for what? to be educated by the white man, in hopes that the white man provides an opportunity to obtain some of the white mans money. we're all victims, difference is your parents choose this life for you. im born of strong blacks who didn't flee their own land and people to run to the oppressive white man's. lineage matters. I'm a descendant of fighters. thats why I'll never disrespect them. they suffered for me to have the right to vote, not for me to give it away with nothing promised in return.

@deuce king ..... #tangibles2020. no black agenda, no vote
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This thread is toxic at this point.

I’m sure this will be ignored

But I said it before if someone is telling a black person not to vote they are working on behalf of white supremacy whether they want to own it or not

Seems like they might be owning it tho

you keep saying that doesn’t make it true

republicans and demacrats go to the same schools, they hang out with each other, their children go to the same schools, date and marry each other

they run the same corporations and have money in the same private prisons

and here you are as a grown man essentially closely following wwf branded wrestling

good luck with that
we are not the same. our blood lines are different. mine suffered 400+ years of oppression. mine freely built up this country who's resources you enjoy. your parents decided to leave the motherland to move to a racist country led by black oppressing white supremacists for a bag. lineage matters. my people are fighters. yours fled, jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire in hopes of obtaining money, which you claim is of no importance.
im not entirely certain of the root of your jealousy but I suspect it stems from knowing that you aren't entitled to the reparations due to ADOS and you feel leftout. your sense of obligation to the resources my ancestors died for are baffling. also you I'm sure you were teased growing up. that's probably the base of your resentment

you think the jews being "measly" compensated for the atrocities committed against their people had no effect on the amount of wealth they accumulate or the industries they lead today. you think the effects of this "measly" payout wasn't transformative to the families who lost everything during the holocaust. The jews are indeed a minority and their survival is because of their unity. so unite with ados and support cash reparations because it would close the wealth gap which is responsible for many of the black community's ills. you can't truly be invested in the survival of ados if you only champion free education while arbitrarily denying the money owed. stop acting like its a choice when you can support both. but again your black immigrant parents left a black county for the white mans money. thats why im not surprised that you echo the white mans position in denying what's owed to ados

This is where the line will be drawn. I will not be lectured by a 1st generation America born to black immigrants from Ghana about freedom, independence, and the history of blacks in America. money is in fact the path to freedom in a capitalistic society. Your black immigrant parents abandoned their roots in their homeland to move to a racist white country for what? to be educated by the white man, in hopes that the white man provides an opportunity to obtain some of the white mans money. we're all victims, difference is your parents choose this life for you. im born of strong blacks who didn't flee their own land and people to run to the oppressive white man's. lineage matters. I'm a descendant of fighters. thats why I'll never disrespect them. they suffered for me to have the right to vote, not for me to give it away with nothing promised in return.

@deuce king ..... #tangibles2020. no black agenda, no vote

Brotha what the **** are you talking about right now? Quoting Jay Z lines to back your point and insinuating thoughts on my parents? Saying I’m resentful because I was teased? What was I teased for? For being black, like you? Lol I’m not understanding where your lapse in logic is coming from and it’s comical because there are others in here who support ADOS and are in agreeance with what I’m saying. Stop comparing the Holocaust which happened less than 100 years ago and did not displace a whole subset of people across an ocean to slavery. The atrocities that were done to them have less of a recovery time because it happened within the last century. On top of that Jews have a sense of self, a sense of heritage and history. We as black people do not. Money isn’t going to fix our problems in our community for the long term. We need an easier access to knowledge more so than money because the path of freedom in a capitalistic society is KNOWING how to make money, not just money itself. But keep playing the divide game in here, while you sign your slave masters last name on all your bills. See I could play the game too? But I’m in here to discuss and learn. “You reach, I teach”.
we are not the same. our blood lines are different. mine suffered 400+ years of oppression. mine freely built up this country who's resources you enjoy. your parents decided to leave the motherland to move to a racist country led by black oppressing white supremacists for a bag. lineage matters. my people are fighters. yours fled, jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire in hopes of obtaining money, which you claim is of no importance.
im not entirely certain of the root of your jealousy but I suspect it stems from knowing that you aren't entitled to the reparations due to ADOS and you feel leftout. your sense of obligation to the resources my ancestors died for are baffling. also you I'm sure you were teased growing up. that's probably the base of your resentment

you think the jews being "measly" compensated for the atrocities committed against their people had no effect on the amount of wealth they accumulate or the industries they lead today. you think the effects of this "measly" payout wasn't transformative to the families who lost everything during the holocaust. The jews are indeed a minority and their survival is because of their unity. so unite with ados and support cash reparations because it would close the wealth gap which is responsible for many of the black community's ills. you can't truly be invested in the survival of ados if you only champion free education while arbitrarily denying the money owed. stop acting like its a choice when you can support both. but again your black immigrant parents left a black county for the white mans money. thats why im not surprised that you echo the white mans position in denying what's owed to ados

This is where the line will be drawn. I will not be lectured by a 1st generation America born to black immigrants from Ghana about freedom, independence, and the history of blacks in America. money is in fact the path to freedom in a capitalistic society. Your black immigrant parents abandoned their roots in their homeland to move to a racist white country for what? to be educated by the white man, in hopes that the white man provides an opportunity to obtain some of the white mans money. we're all victims, difference is your parents choose this life for you. im born of strong blacks who didn't flee their own land and people to run to the oppressive white man's. lineage matters. I'm a descendant of fighters. thats why I'll never disrespect them. they suffered for me to have the right to vote, not for me to give it away with nothing promised in return.

@deuce king ..... #tangibles2020. no black agenda, no vote

Read him for filth and dragged him with extreme accuracy!!


That's ******** and completely besides the point.....

Either way largofool largofool summed up this thread quite well...and touched the people that matter in it.
Nothing else to really see here.....our stance is spoken for, it's just a matter of non ADOS folks accepting or respecting it...or not!
Black Americans face a unique uphill battle that no other people in America face. They are the only ones that have had systemic inequality built into the very fabric of their lives. Most other people are descendants of people that came here by choice and for an opportunity for a better life for future generations.
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