
Bruh this is a load of BS

So its cool for other groups to get reparations but when American descendants of slaves start pushing towards reparations for us we should instead try to "build bonds and working with each other" we've BEEN doing that and where has that gotten us? I don't even believe its an us vs Anyone its us trying to get what is deserved and "them" whoever they maybe trying to talk down and deny it.

His comment about "poor people" insinuates that all ADOS is poor, which lets say that ridiculous statement was true how do you think our group of people became poor? over a century and a half of systematic economic deprivation ON TOP of not receiving reparations

But not all ADOS are poor like that goof ball insinuated but we still deserve reparations for our ancestors building this country with no compensation
This thread is toxic at this point.

I’m sure this will be ignored

But I said it before if someone is telling a black person not to vote they are working on behalf of white supremacy whether they want to own it or not

Seems like they might be owning it tho

LOL. I’m not surprised at all. To remix a saying...”it’s only so long fake movements can pretend” Now that key members of the ADOS fake movement have been exposed as FRAUDS, now is the time for @largofool to apologize for his words, his behavior, and his utter buffanoory in this thread. We’re waiting on YOU champ. Unless of course you don’t mind propping up white supremacy by not voting and advocating others not to vote.......don’t tell me that’s you champ.

He is lying. How is a "us vs them" thing?

Black americans are asking for what is owed to them for building the economic system in America, period. If that makes him uncomfortable, oh well. He should move to the side and don't worry about it if he that uncomfortable.

Black americans BEEN supporting immigrant groups, now when voices get louder about ados talking reparations and whats owed to them people wanna get "uncomfortable" and talking about "ya'll don't like us?".

Talking about peoples feelings and whether ados "likes" immigrants is a waste of time argument cuz it's been answered and proven through history.
LOL. I’m not surprised at all. To remix a saying...”it’s only so long fake movements can pretend” Now that key members of the ADOS fake movement have been exposed as FRAUDS, now is the time for @largofool to apologize for his words, his behavior, and his utter buffanoory in this thread. We’re waiting on YOU champ. Unless of course you don’t mind propping up white supremacy by not voting and advocating others not to vote.......don’t tell me that’s you champ.

You know that clown *** ***** ain’t gonna come in here and show face. “My people were fighters” headass :lol:

He is lying. How is a "us vs them" thing?

Black americans are asking for what is owed to them for building the economic system in America, period. If that makes him uncomfortable, oh well. He should move to the side and don't worry about it if he that uncomfortable.

Black americans BEEN supporting immigrant groups, now when voices get louder about ados talking reparations and whats owed to them people wanna get "uncomfortable" and talking about "ya'll don't like us?".

Talking about peoples feelings and whether ados "likes" immigrants is a waste of time argument cuz it's been answered and proven through history.

Look in this very thread and see what kind of vitiriol the idea of reparations has caused amongst certain posters who are too narrow minded and easily manipulated. ADOS doesn’t know if it wants to play the “stand their ground” or “woe is me” game and they’re playing it with people that are of the same descent as them while the white man ultimately gets the final say.
This was started by Russians, another way to take legit votes and divert them to some 3rd party clown to give trump his 2nd term.

This would never fly in America, the amount of money spent to trace back ancestry and only to give black folks money lol yeah ok, this is disgusting that they’re playing with peoples emotions.

This is Germany, one of the most progressive countries on earth that surpass the US on so many levels, including acknowledging their atrocities and still apologizing til this day for the crimes they committed.

I truly believe in looking into the companies that benefited and having them come out of pocket, but the US is so greedy and I just don’t believe in them to do right by black folks.

They screwed over everyone at some point and for the country to admit they messed up during their proudest moment is another skid mark on our already checkered past.
This was started by Russians, another way to take legit votes and divert them to some 3rd party clown to give trump his 2nd term.

This would never fly in America, the amount of money spent to trace back ancestry and only to give black folks money lol yeah ok, this is disgusting that they’re playing with peoples emotions.
:lol: This wasn't started by no Russians. Black Americans been talking about reparations for a long *** time. MLK was talking about it. Johnny Cochran was about to take it to court.
This was started by Russians, another way to take legit votes and divert them to some 3rd party clown to give trump his 2nd term.

This would never fly in America, the amount of money spent to trace back ancestry and only to give black folks money lol yeah ok, this is disgusting that they’re playing with peoples emotions.

Where's you're evidence that Russians are behind anything?
Came in to post this . Very good response by Trevor. Curious as to what the white guy would've said in response
I mean the fact that he asked a stupid question like that in the first place shows he doesn’t really care. If you want white people to get assistance due to industry leaving places etc that’s one issue which has nothing to do with reparations. People who lose jobs aren’t owed anything for past transgressions by the government.
This was started by Russians, another way to take legit votes and divert them to some 3rd party clown to give trump his 2nd term.

This would never fly in America, the amount of money spent to trace back ancestry and only to give black folks money lol yeah ok, this is disgusting that they’re playing with peoples emotions.

Ain't no Russian boys fool, it's black Americans tryna get ours after fighting so long for others... We popped off civil rights and it got taken advantage of by non-black Americans. Which is cool, but now we want whats owed to us and advocate to that and y'all slide in here talking about this is disgusting?

They literally have a bunch of ancestral companies it shouldn't take much that's just you wanting it to be a huge cost because you don't wanna see ADOS get what's owed

Should ADOS be proud Americans?
IMO it ain't about being a "proud" American it's about us being in America and our enslaved ancestors being the sole reason why this country is the worlds power today.
Ive been reading aND researching for the past few months. I've come to the conclusion that we have been asking the wrong people for reparations this whole time.

The London stock and NY stock exchange was sanctioned by the vatican.

The Vatican sanctioned slavery and waged war against every black person in the world after 1492.

The Vaticans seal of Rome is linked to all of our birth certificates.

The stock exchange started with slavery and was literally the backbone of the European conquest that is still going on today. All roads lead to Rome....

We are also not from Africa. Most of us were already here... the first slaves from Africa landed on American soil is in 1632 in virginia. This is a documented fact...

Has anyone ever seen an Arawak indian????
Lets go. That's the type of time I'm on.

That's the convo ados needs to have.
This ADOS reaks of russian propaganda. America doesn't even care about the white working class but somehow black folks gonna get congress to fork over a trillion dollars??
Ain't no Russian boys fool, it's black Americans tryna get ours after fighting so long for others... We popped off civil rights and it got taken advantage of by non-black Americans. Which is cool, but now we want whats owed to us and advocate to that and y'all slide in here talking about this is disgusting?

They literally have a bunch of ancestral companies it shouldn't take much that's just you wanting it to be a huge cost because you don't wanna see ADOS get what's owed

IMO it ain't about being a "proud" American it's about us being in America and our enslaved ancestors being the sole reason why this country is the worlds power today.
Black Americans have fought in every war for america so there's that too.
Ive been reading aND researching for the past few months. I've come to the conclusion that we have been asking the wrong people for reparations this whole time.

The London stock and NY stock exchange was sanctioned by the vatican.

The Vatican sanctioned slavery and waged war against every black person in the world after 1492.

The Vaticans seal of Rome is linked to all of our birth certificates.

The stock exchange started with slavery and was literally the backbone of the European conquest that is still going on today. All roads lead to Rome....

We are also not from Africa. Most of us were already here... the first slaves from Africa landed on American soil is in 1632 in virginia. This is a documented fact...

Has anyone ever seen an Arawak indian????

First slaves did not land in 1632
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