African Descendants ✊🏿 Black People - Americas, Africa, Caribbean Culture Discussion


I got 24...a lot of them stumped me

Surprised and confused, Jaylan instantly followed his father’s advice and stopped, put his hands up, dropped his phone, and dropped to his knees,” according to attorneys with the ACLU of Illinois, who filed the suit on his behalf. “Police officers swarmed around Jaylan with their firearms pointed at him and pushed him facedown onto the snowy ground.”

As a Black man in America, Butler recalled his father teaching him to never give police a reason to think he was up to trouble. He heeded the lesson and followed the officers’ commands without hesitation.

ACLU Illinois described the event in detail: “Jaylan had no idea why the officers had appeared. While one officer handcuffed him, other officers pinned him to the ground by pushing a knee into Jaylan’s back and pressing down on Jaylan’s neck.”

One of the cops reportedly held his weapon to the young man’s head and threatened to “blow his [expletive] head off” if he moved, according to the complaint. Despite the objections from Butler’s coaches and teammates, the police went on to search his pockets and later detained him in the back of a squad car, handcuffed.

No African government has evacuated their students so far. The Nigerian legislature even voted against doing so, citing the unavailability of the infrastructure needed to make sure that incoming Nigerian students would not spread the virus.

This is the reality of African expats: their governments will celebrate their success and remind them how it is the result of them being from the motherland (hence taking credit for outcomes they have had little input on), but the same folks end up in a bind and get left behind by those same officials.

No African government has evacuated their students so far. The Nigerian legislature even voted against doing so, citing the unavailability of the infrastructure needed to make sure that incoming Nigerian students would not spread the virus.

This is the reality of African expats: their governments will celebrate their success and remind them how it is the result of them being from the motherland (hence taking credit for outcomes they have had little input on), but the same folks end up in a bind and get left behind by those same officials.

...thus, I am Black.

No African government has evacuated their students so far. The Nigerian legislature even voted against doing so, citing the unavailability of the infrastructure needed to make sure that incoming Nigerian students would not spread the virus.

This is the reality of African expats: their governments will celebrate their success and remind them how it is the result of them being from the motherland (hence taking credit for outcomes they have had little input on), but the same folks end up in a bind and get left behind by those same officials.

Most of our "African American" Leaders are no different.
too much black people celebrating Wilders loss. We have zero loyalty to our brothers and it’s sick

too much black people celebrating Wilders loss. We have zero loyalty to our brothers and it’s sick


If we’re being purely objective, Fury is clearly the better fighter. That was apparent in their first fight. And tbh, Wilder’s comments about hoping to catch a body in the ring, is quite off-putting. Fury on the other hand, seems like a likeable guy.
theafricandream theafricandream . Fury was clearly the better fighter, he deserves to win. I even like the guy.

However thats not the point. Wilder been about blackness and his people from day 1. What I didnt like was so much black people posting funny memes of Wilder getting beat up and trying to put him down. We dont celebrate a brothers greatness, but when he gets his *** whooped by a white man we laugh at him?

Simply, not one white man in the UK would celebrate Fury losing, but us black people in America laugh at mock Wilder when he loses.

Dont bring up something Wilder said a long time ago one time as a reason why WE shouldnt celebrate him
Is it even fair to be fighting with a busted ear drum like that?
Is it even fair to be fighting with a busted ear drum like that?

Wilder got his *** handed to him. Plain and simple. Fury punched him so hard on the side of his head his ear started to bleed and needed 6 stitches. It is what it is.
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