African Descendants ✊🏿 Black People - Americas, Africa, Caribbean Culture Discussion

A lot things can be reminded of slave/civil rights times going on today. Negro just simply means "black" in another language.

It was an excuse for a segment of being being dead to rights. More than just a simple color if society color codes the haves and have nots.
It was an excuse for a segment of being being dead to rights. More than just a simple color if society color codes the haves and have nots.
May u further expound? When nawghtyhare nawghtyhare thought I was white and I called him "negro" he got real sensitive about it. It was funny, but it was also an epiphany like "oh ****, some ppl really get mad about this." I spent and good amount of my time around black spanish speakers so "negro/negra" is literally just a word to me.
A negro was purposely made to be an ignorant lifeless entity to be managed by others.

"The comprehensive Negro Act of 1740 was passed in the Province of South Carolina, during colonial Governor William Bull's time in office, in response to the Stono Rebellion in 1739.[1]

The act made it illegal for enslaved Africans to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to write (though reading was not proscribed). Additionally, owners were permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary.[2] The Act remained in effect until 1865.[3]"


The way "negroes" are stereotyped is by design.

Slave Codes are the subset of laws regarding slavery and enslaved people, specifically regarding the Transatlantic Slave Trade and chattel slavery in the Americas.

Most slave codes were concerned with the rights and duties of free people in regards to enslaved people. Slave codes left a great deal unsaid, with much of the actual practice of slavery being a matter of traditions rather than formal law.

The primary colonial powers all had slightly different slave codes. French colonies, after 1685, had the Code Noir specifically for this purpose[1]. The Spanish had some laws regarding slavery in Las Siete Partidas, a far older law that was not designed for the slave societies of the Americas.[2] English colonies largely had their own local slave codes, mostly based on the codes of either the colonies of Barbados or Virginia.[3].

In addition to the these national and state- or colony-level slave codes, there were city ordinances and other local restrictions regarding enslaved people.

The term negro is a purposeful stand in to replace and erase whatever prior culture heritage, inheritance, and lineage to any culture.

What is a negro?
Is Negroland a place?
If it's a place why is it a slave trading colony for enemies of certain west African kingdoms of the time?
How did all these countries agree that a negro was nothing and become Confederate in keeping the negro at the lowest level of economic structure yet providing the most economic output?

Most importantly, what were you before you were a negro?

Slaves prior to being sold had Islamic, French Spanish, native American and other sir names.

These weren't people sitting in the middle of the jungle kidnapped.

These people were apart of plenty of what we consider ethnically white countries and could travel freely, own property and conduct trade. Things that "Negroes" are systematically locked out of.
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Top 25 Pan-Afrikanists All-Time (not in order) (also I got this from Dr Umar page, half these people I don’t even know)

Hon.Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Dr.Martin Robinson Delany

Edward Wilmot Blyden

Bishop Henry McNeal Turner

Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba

Osagyefo Dr.Kwame Nkrumah

His Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I

Amilcar Cabral

Robert Sobukwe

Thomas Sankara

Dr.Amos Wilson

Dr.John Henrik Clarke

Dr.Yosef Ben Jochannan

Samora Machel

Walter Rodney

John Brown Russwurm

Paul Cuffe

Henry Highland Garnet

John Edward Bruce

Sekou Toure

William Ferris

Alexander Crummell

El Hajj Malik El Shabazz

Kwame Ture(Stokely Carmichael)

Dr.Umar Ifatunde Oguntade
Working with researchers from Clemson University, CNN has found a Russian troll operation targeting American voters and, for the first time, we have confronted the people on the ground behind it -- and it's not where you might expect. With help from Facebook and Twitter, who had already been investigating some of these accounts and who corroborated our findings - this a never-before seen look at how Russia is once again trying to influence America's democracy. CNN's Clarissa Ward reports.

tenor (1).gif

tenor (9).gif

layziegunts layziegunts she's pardo man. definitely mostly taino & black.
SMH: Lots Of Folks In China Don't Want Black Men In Their Country Because They Believe "Black Men" Will Take Their Women!.. Testimonies

SMH: Lots Of Folks In China Don't Want Black Men In Their Country Because They Believe "Black Men" Will Take Their Women!.. Testimonies


Funny thing is, China has a female birth rate issue, and that is quite comical coupled with the fears that this commentary presents. They've essentially wiped out generations of women on their own through birth limitations. They needn't really worry about the Black men that supposedly want them, considering how they've played themselves already.
These French frogs :smh:

France 🇫🇷 has always been the worst.

however, I’m sure these little 2 doctors making that suggestion isn’t going to lead to anything. Hopefully African leaders take a stand this time. HOPEFULLY

I’m not against vaccines in general, but I do NOT want Africa to be their Guinea pigs.
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