We will see come release day

My thoughts as well.
Are there any preorders at retail? Never done one before so I’m kinda clueless

nah, preorders are almost never for retail lol unless you got a plug whos all plugged up himself, then maybe.
Don’t they on shoes that don’t move? I thought that was the whole concept behind doing that. Not saying these wint move
what’s the point of doing a pre order for a pair that won’t sell out, just go to the store and get them yourself lol
what’s the point of doing a pre order for a pair that won’t sell out, just go to the store and get them yourself lol
I get it but some people preorder regardless
Just like I’m sure there were people who preordered true blue 3s for above retail.
What are the cheapest preorders out there if u don’t mind me asking

for kicks that the seller thinks r gonna sit, i think you can find preorders for maybe 20-40 bucks above retail maybe? id just cop in store for retail or less with rewards if its a kick thats gonna sit. for kicks that are predicted not to sit, prices r all over lol. depends on the hype. i seen preorders for these at aropund 250-275. i dont do preorders tho cause i hardly ever pay above retail. retail or bust for me most times.

but i got a strong feeling that these aint gonna sit.
Cheapest pre orders for shoes like these are $50-60 above retail
For limited shoes, then a few hundred retail is the cheapest pre order.
Here we go again...

It’s up on FTA launch locator
Showing app reserves for all my stores
Thank goodness!
pinoe is saying that so ppl buys his preorders or whatever he has. typical reseller scam, or does he not reseal anymore?

I never seen him resell items? Maybe he use to though... I don’t know, I’m banking on FTL though...
I have 10 min headstarts and rewards at FTL AND FA for these looking to cop under retail. If I don’t hit on them I’ll survive. The amount of royal white and black colorways I have are nuts. With Royals, storm blues, Laney 14s and 5s, jumpman pro’s and pro quicks I’m set
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