Air Jordan 11 Space Jam-December 10, 2016-$220

Wore my Jams for Christmas. They fit bigger than expected, wish I would have gone half size down.

I barely did any walking in them, they now look like I walked a mile on my toes. Creases everywhere.

I didnt know what to expect on the leather quality but after the first use, the leather on my CDP 11 is better than these.
I thought this too, but then I figured going down a half size would probably feel worse than staying tts, but those creases are horrible, joints look like an old lady squinting
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I thought this too, but then I figured going down a half size would probably feel worse than staying tts, but those creases are horrible, joints look like an old lady squinting
Pics? Curious if these are the typical medial toe box creases I see on XIs or if this is something more.

Yesterday i tried again to see a difference between my left and right 7 Bordeaux and i noticed once again the airsole are excatly the same.

Do you really think i'm not able to see if there is or not a difference?

My 7 Bordeaux are perfect because there is no difference!

My Air Jordan 12 neophren are good too (zoom air unit). My AJ 10 NYC seems to be good and the airsole is really really hard!

But my 10 Double nickel, 11 SP and 72 10 yes there is a big difference and not 0.000000000001 psi!

For the AJ 10 Double Nickel, watch this video, 

At 2.59 you can hear the left airsole shoe cracking, as soon as he moov his left shoe relentlessly, you will never heard the right airsole cracking, excatly mike my AJ 10 DN. I know it is not the Double Nickel of 2015, but it is the same shoes.

At 7.15, 7.28.

I'm not crazy as you think. I repeat, i know when there is a difference between two things or if it is equal. My 7 Bordeaux are equal not my 11 and 10 shoes.

Just return them then man. Sounds like you got a defective pair, or at the very least you're just not happy with them. Either return or sell them to someone who wants them and that way you can get another pair. 
thank you for your answer, but please watch the video at 1.29 you can hear the front of the left shoe cracking easily, and just after and he did the same with the right and we can hear nothing.

please just watch this moment. I'm not the only one, because it happened the same thing to him.

i will return the shoe today!!
I get what you're saying but it doesn't seem to be a common issue so I don't think many people here will be able to help you or give you much input. Either it's not common or it's just not bad enough to bother most people. End of the day you're the best judge of the pair you have in hand, we don't really know how bad it is but I think you're making the right decision by returning them. Find a pair you're happy with and enjoy them bud. 
I'm happy for them, but they could have at least tried to make a pic like i did, just for my eyes, to see a correct AJ 11 right airsole.

I don't think it was difficult to do it.

Even if they ripped it, it is not the end of the world!

I did it, i didn't force the material to undress the insole.

Maybe there is 0 sense for them, but somewhere, if it was the same? maybe all the shoes are broken?

For the moment nobody has showed me their right insole is good.

I'm surrpised of this react on a such forum!! Really trust me, i'm really surprised!!

I really thought that just a pic was easy to get!! 
I'll be honest with you, I understand your frustration but maintaining a shoe's original condition is very important to the majority of this forum/sneaker community. Even I personally wouldn't remove an insole if it had glue on it if there was nothing wrong with my shoes. I know to some it's no big deal, to others they'd never do it. They may be all "broken" but it just doesn't bother anyone enough to take their shoe apart and inspect them further. 

About the other issue, the guys on this forum aren't all that bad. They're pretty helpful as long as you give them some respect and understanding. Trust me this side of the forum is actually pretty good. Try asking most of the Adidas guys for anything, you get bombarded with sarcasm and stupidity.

I say just check the pair you get after these ones and see if they have the same issue. Anyway probably best to drop this topic at this point, good luck with the return and the future pair man. 
Yesterday i tried again to see a difference between my left and right 7 Bordeaux and i noticed once again the airsole are excatly the same.
Do you really think i'm not able to see if there is or not a difference?
My 7 Bordeaux are perfect because there is no difference!
My Air Jordan 12 neophren are good too (zoom air unit). My AJ 10 NYC seems to be good and the airsole is really really hard!
But my 10 Double nickel, 11 SP and 72 10 yes there is a big difference and not 0.000000000001 psi!
For the AJ 10 Double Nickel, watch this video, 

At 1.09 he pressed the right shoe and we can be heard the airsole cracking a little bit and after at 1.20, he just made a simple step with the left shoe, and immediately we can be heard the left airsole really craking. At 1.29, just the front of the left shoe!!
At 2.59 you can be heard the left airsole shoe cracking again as soon as he moved his left shoe relentlessly. You will never heard the right airsole cracking easily like the left, excatly like my AJ 10 DN. I know it is not the Double Nickel of 2015, but it is the same shoes.
At 7.15, 7.28.
I'm not crazy as you think. I repeat, i know when there is a difference between two things or if it is equal. My 7 Bordeaux are equal not my 11 and 10 shoes.

I have ever seen a podiatrist recently and he saw my 72s 10 and he told me the same thing, the right airsole is not the same than the left. I have orthopaedic insole because my left foot has a thicker skinned on the bottom but if the right airsole is not enough inflated, it will not help me. Sometimes i think that If it had been the other way around, it would surely not disturbe me.
But so far, i have always seen the right airsole not properly inflated, and for the most beautiful shoes!! 

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thank you for your answer, but please watch the video at 1.29 you can hear the front of the left shoe cracking easily, and just after and he did the same with the right and we don't hear anything.

please just watch this moment. I'm not the only one, because it happened the same problem to him.

I will return the shoe today!!

Bruh, I mean, even if it happened to that guys kicks,
what do you want us to tell you?

If it will make you feel better, we believe you man. You got some defective over/ under inflated Jams, you're not crazy man.

Return them, toss the MFs whatever you gotta do man but get these shoes that are causing so much heart break and despair the F outta your life.
Knowing JB quality air bag inflation will vary. However, the fact that you've already seen a doctor and received orthotics addressing your foot problem should make you realize the problem is more related to your medical condition.
Went to New York today saw I think..5 people in spacejams including a matching couple. Glad I wore my concords today, they do look nice though.
Don't be surprised, here in cali you can't go to a single mall, movies, footlocker, ralphs, walmart, taco bell without seeing someone in them. This is why mine won't see daylight till prolly 2018. Gives me enough time to UNDS a couple kicks in the mean time.
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