Air Jordan 3 Katrina May 12th


Per order from LMTD came in yesterday.
Here’s some shots for the detail buffs.
Tinkers/FTL/Katrina’s all fairly equal leather quality imo.
really need to get my hands on some variation of white cements (JTH Super Bowls, Free Throw Lines, anything lol)

crossing my fingers that they release the original white cement 88s this year
howd u get that from them? they never send me stuff like that lol

Gift card from ebates?
Got a email saying i would get an extra 15% cashback if I got a gc instead of cash
For Shoe stores they had FTL and Nike for the promo
Usually if I have a certain amount of cb coming my way(over $30 or so) I get a promo gc offer
Last time it was only 10% for Nike
Gift card from ebates?
Got a email saying i would get an extra 15% cashback if I got a gc instead of cash
For Shoe stores they had FTL and Nike for the promo
Usually if I have a certain amount of cb coming my way(over $30 or so) I get a promo gc offer
Last time it was only 10% for Nike

ahhh ok
Looks like alot of people got the SNKRS reserve I did as well

Super general release; its on every footsite app and SNKRS (as a non-draw)

I bet each store got at least 3-4 boxes of these
really need to get my hands on some variation of white cements (JTH Super Bowls, Free Throw Lines, anything lol)

crossing my fingers that they release the original white cement 88s this year
I'm still looking at the JTHs myself as well, was hoping another drop would happen and push prices in a size 11 down to 350-400.
I'll buy at those prices, otherwise ill just have to do without.
I haven't wore my FTLs yet because of the same hope you are having, the 88s release soon this year. Although thats doubtful I'm assuming.
No reserve and was wondering why y’all got the ebates GC offer , looked thru my email and realized it was lost in all the spam bs. Oh well
Still no access.. not even to these lol. Nike can eat a D. They REALLY don't give me reserves for anything no matter what.. not even metcons :lol:
Same Here. And I've called them many pic times. All they say is " we'll take that as feedback" so I've given up on them.
No reserve on these smh, would like to get it out the way today and not worry about Saturday
I'm still looking at the JTHs myself as well, was hoping another drop would happen and push prices in a size 11 down to 350-400.
I'll buy at those prices, otherwise ill just have to do without.
I haven't wore my FTLs yet because of the same hope you are having, the 88s release soon this year. Although thats doubtful I'm assuming.
88s would make a great Black Friday release (I think I read that something else is planned lol)

They might as well though, they're releasing everything else
my coworker buys only a few times a year....and gets reserves i dont get lol

all that stuff the CS reps tell u about liking more shoes, buying more etc etc is BS

idk about that....i got the reserve for the OW vapormaxes and when the notification popped up, it said something along the lines of "Because of your recent activity on snkrs, we thought you might like this"

this was nearing the shadow release when i was really just tryna get a reserve for shadows by liking and clicking "notify" me almost everyday because it kept resetting..
idk about that....i got the reserve for the OW vapormaxes and when the notification popped up, it said something along the lines of "Because of your recent activity on snkrs, we thought you might like this".

So if your recent activity is L's because SNKRS is trash.. they will send you an L via no reserve. Got it.
idk about that....i got the reserve for the OW vapormaxes and when the notification popped up, it said something along the lines of "Because of your recent activity on snkrs, we thought you might like this"

this was nearing the shadow release when i was really just tryna get a reserve for shadows by liking and clicking "notify" me almost everyday because it kept resetting..

if u go chat with 5 diff reps, theyll all tell u 5 diff reasons why youre not getting reserves. im standing by my statement that those things dont really matter.

lookit all the peeps in here who hardly get reserves for anything good even tho they spend thoooousands. if spending that much on jays doesnt get them reserves for jays but only reserves for other stuff they never buy, that says something.
if u go chat with 5 diff reps, theyll all tell u 5 diff reasons why youre not getting reserves. im standing by my statement that those things dont really matter.

if you're chatting with 5 diff reps and they're all telling you 5 diff reasons why you're not getting reserves, then it just proves reps dont know anything.
you can believe what you want, im just letting you know thats what my notification said when i got the reserve for the OWs.
if you're chatting with 5 diff reps and they're all telling you 5 diff reasons why you're not getting reserves, then it just proves reps dont know anything.
you can believe what you want, im just letting you know thats what my notification said when i got the reserve for the OWs.

its a marketing thing. i get sent stuff for runners and things all the time from nike. stuff i never ever copped in my life. but yet i get emails/notifications from nike saying things like "enhance your running style with these trainers etc etc". i dont go running lol.

but my point is theres no clear cut answer. nobody knows the REAL reason. at this point, we all just speculating.
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