Air jordan 4 Taupe Haze Spring 2021

After watching the still in. Would have loved a nike air on the back or an infrared jump man. Making the jumpman on the heal haze is meh. But as long as the toe guard material isn't like 3m or shiny and its just a got a little glisten at most...i will try to cop. If i hate in hand il just return

Taupe....pronounce TOAP my man.
I’ve been racking more Ls than the Jaguars.
these still planned for the 28th? seems quiet? is release date posted on any retailers sites?
I got these today paid $260 so I didn’t want to pass on that price

i do believe these will sell out and over time will hold it’s value
so if you want them buy em when you have the chance
Will never make sense to me when cats pay resell before even tryin for retail lol

Az backwards in my book.
The reason is if you strike out sometime your paying almost the same or sometimes more then paying above box price

also another reason I pay more is I don’t want to deal with store line ups or Running around for a shoe
not sure what state you live in but in nyc it’s not worth the hassle
but to pay a little more and secure your pair with little to no problems is much better and no b.s. to go with it
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The reason is if you strike out sometime your paying almost the same or sometimes more then paying above box price

also another reason I pay more is I don’t want to deal with store line ups or Running around for a shoe
not sure what state you live in but in nyc it’s now worth the hassle
but to pay a little more and secure your pair with little to no problems is much better and no b.s. to go with it
Facts I love on Long Island Ny and my mall sucks for shoes and the app is the worst
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