Air Jordan IV - "Laser" 30th Anniversary 705333-105

he called you a name? i dont see anywhere where he called you out of your name.

he used an adjective to describe you. but he didnt use a noun to call you a name.

how old are you?
whats ur problem bro? did I mention you?
no, but this is a public forum so if you dont want people to respond to what you post, take your oversensitive underaged illiterate culo to your private messages box and stay there.

you didnt address anyone directly at all when you posted about the all sales final. you had no problems with people responding until now when youre being called out.

and i bet you wont get a refund at all. especially if your real life personality is like how you are when you post here.
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no, but this is a public forum so if you dont want people to respon to what you post, take your oversentitive underaged illiterate culo to your private messages box and stay there.

and i bet yoo wont get a refund at all. especially if your real life personality is like how you are hen you post here.
ATDizzle, your not that smart bro
He will get a refund ultimately. If you complain hard enough then that'll be that especially when the manager knows he will be able to move them quickly anyways.

Just hope the staff doesn't hold grudges.
rarely go to that mall and I waited outside for the shoes, wasnt a raffle. I go online usually. I dont understand how I am "whining" when all I said is Im returning. Like the smart guy ATDizzle said, its a public forum, I cant control if ppl ask questions. Ppl seriously hostile for nothing
no, but this is a public forum so if you dont want people to RESPON to what you post, take your oversensitive underaged illiterate culo to your private messages box and stay there.

you didnt address anyone directly at all when you posted about the all sales final. you had no problems with people responding until now when youre being called out.

and i bet YOO wont get a refund at all. especially if your real life personality is like how you are HEN you post here.
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yea, mine are called typos. as in missing letters that belong in that word or 1 mistyped letter. you on the other hand just dont know the difference between you're and your. you didnt accidentally type the RE at the end. you're just a natural idiot.

THATS namecalling.
so it cant auto correct? ATDizzle, this is a nike forum. not everyone is seeking to be grammatically correct in order for niketalkers to think they are intelligent
@bigj505 Please make it stop
@@bigj505 please get that dude out of here its nothing but back and forth now with insults. It's unnecessary.
im done but dont act like Im the problem, I didnt begin any name calling. Was just saying what happen at my footlocker. 
i hope u never get the shoe box u are looking to buy, idiot.
Chill man.. Any sympathy you might have had is gone now.  The dude said hes not replying any longer and you keep going at him.

Nobody really cares if they let you return your crooked *** dirty lace shoes anyway
Chill man.. Any sympathy you might have had is gone now.  The dude said hes not replying any longer and you keep going at him.

Nobody really cares if they let you return your crooked *** dirty lace shoes anyway
bro, are you reading the posts? seriously, dont just pick sides because u choose. He just said he will stop but im a moron. I sent one more after I quoted that 
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