Air Jordan Retro XII French Blue - April 2016 NO BUYING, SELLING, OR TRADING

All that crying for nothing 
Statement of the Month
Got the call from Champs a couple hours ago but missed it. Freaked out and saw a voicemail so I called them back right away. Dude was super cool and excited for me and was like no worries we saved it for you, come grab it on Saturday.

I never win anything ever so this was a pleasant surprise on a Friday. 1/2 raffles and this store told me they would call everyone on Wednesday so I thought all hope was lost.

Lol, just kidding. Dude called me back 3 hours later and said he made a mistake and they had already called the winners on Wednesday............... WOW. Did I just get April f'ing fooled by Champs? Sickening.

If I can get some reps it'll make me feel somewhat better.
Looks like I gotta go the online route. I entered 4 raffles and still didn't get a call...either people really after these or employees playing games as usual..
Didn't win at my eblens raffle, will try online. Not sweating it, was able to get 2 masters, should be able to at least get 1 of these.
I wouldn't.
You do realize a ton of users complain about you and ask for you to be banned?

I think people hate you on here more than they hate mods and that's saying something....

i gotta agree i used to think gamer g was annoying
but i got used to him as long as hes not peddling sole protectors

everytime i see a post by AirSakuragi i pass it without reading it

AirSakuragi reminds me of a nt member from years ago who thank goodness stopped posting
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