Air Jordan VI Carmine confirmed for 2014

Couple of friend's and family want me to cop too. Going to be a busy cop next Saturday.

Yes, I think it's going to be brutal. If you don't have an inside hookup, it is going to be a scramble. I went by my local stores today asking about their raffle procedures, and I am sick and tired of getting crushed on the internet so am having my connection speed upgraded. Within my one constraint (won't pay more than retail) I am pulling out the stops because this will be a crusher.
You've got to let them know they need try for themselves also, worst case scenario is they end up with 2 pairs but it can't all be on you.
 i've been lucky so far, but i always have that extra pressure to score because i know i'll feel like crap if i miss for them 
  other then that id do it all the time
Thanks guys for the positive feedback to my earlier post. Soooooo that shooting stars penny pack is releasing in the same day? Guess I'm going to avoid the internet entirely that morning. I might just pay extra at the mom and pop stores and save myself the aggravation. I never understood y multi-million dollar corporations can't support a couple hundred thousand people trying to buy a product online at the same time. Makes me think they have server crashes on purpose as a marketing gimmick to generate more hype for their products though. I could be wrong though. Maybe nike is just too cheap to rent the extra server space needed to withstand major launches. Like someone on here famously said before " I've never seen someone make it so hard for me to give them my money" lol
How close are you to Boston man? I live about an hour away near the Cape/New Bedford hype for Jordans is pretty high but I guess it could be worse
 I live near Lowell if you know where that is? Yeah over here people always had them but now it seems everyone wants them. It sucks too because my local sneaker places I use to go to two of them closed. It mostly raffles out here for the major stuff like these.
here is how you get these...  Call around to see who does fcfs.. ask if they have your size... get in line before another person takes your size
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I don't think I've ever based what I like or grab on what anyone else wears. If that was the case I'd have loads of skinny jeans and those tech style skinny joggers with the ribboned bottom that 11 out of 10 photos I see of shoes have in them.

I like what I like, if you like it cool. If you don't cool. I'm a legend in my own mind, I don't need what the videos and IG accounts say is #fire
Had to take the dog to the vet today. Tried to convince the wife he was fine. Had $200 extra for the month so I am going to have to say bye bye carmines.

What the resale going to be?
these are def a general the leg work and whatnot and u should secure ur pair if not two. 
Had to take the dog to the vet today. Tried to convince the wife he was fine. Had $200 extra for the month so I am going to have to say bye bye carmines.

What the resale going to be?
The same it is for every GR. Not sure why people ask this question. Unless the shoe is limited ex. infrared23 6s or and christmas XI ex. concords then resale is not gonna be over 230
I referenced the "pack" in terms of the correlation to the release date of the Carmine's and nike's servers holding up. We all saw what a fiasco it was with the servers not working when the green snake 11's came out alongside the yeezy foams. Sorry tho
The other day, I just had the random urge to cop the GMP 6.

Don't fight the urge, GMP's are dope lol I think i'm gonna look into getting myself another pair in fact.

Had the pack and sold it but just recently picked up the 7s again. The 7s are the only ones worth having IMO.

Would love to find a DS pair of the 6 DMPs but the most I would be willing to spend is $450. :rolleyes I remember when a DS DMP went for $500 at most and now your looking at $1150-$1300 for the pack :x
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