Everybody say they look fake, the patent is cut to low, the grey is off, I hate the blueish tinted soles... yada, yada, yada. 50% of the people that are not in agreement with the look will change their mind either a week before release date, a day before release date, on release date, when they start seeing them more and more or when they see someone rocking their pair the right way (with confidence). I'm copping. There will be no replacement for the 2001 pairs.... it's 2010 and we all know times is hard and we will never get the same quality as we did back then. I bet if the 2010 cool grey 11's were a limited or quickstrike release I bet everyone would be scrambling to get these even if they liked them or not.
ordered from Footalog on tha 4th and still no confirmation or nothin....W.T.F???
?Just wait til RD no need to break yourself for these....

I never could get all hyped up about something I've never had before....

A 4th pair of SJs? Yeah
A reincarnation of the Cool Grey XI? Sure

My 4th Cadillac Coupe DeVille? Hoping....

But getting all rabid and having a thyroid attacc for a preorder from overseas on a pair you've never had before?

That's just uncivilized.

U guys have got to know by 2010 that you ALWAYS take a chance with the pre-order, ESPECIALLY from overseas.... I remember last year in the SJ thread it was February into March and NT'ers still hadn't received their pairs from a PRE-ORDER around this time last year.... couldn't be me tho.

I got my SJs at 10am on RD thanks to a vicious ice-storm keeping me penned for a couple hours; and I'm looking to do the same for the Cool Greys. I haven't seen a pic yet that I didn't like so that's that on that.... and I still have my original pair from 2001 so yeah I walked that walk for 9 years cuz

Originally Posted by Agent0024

?Just wait til RD no need to break yourself for these....

I never could get all hyped up about something I've never had before....

A 4th pair of SJs? Yeah
A reincarnation of the Cool Grey XI? Sure

My 4th Cadillac Coupe DeVille? Hoping....

But getting all rabid and having a thyroid attacc for a preorder from overseas on a pair you've never had before?

That's just uncivilized.

U guys have got to know by 2010 that you ALWAYS take a chance with the pre-order, ESPECIALLY from overseas.... I remember last year in the SJ thread it was February into March and NT'ers still hadn't received their pairs from a PRE-ORDER around this time last year.... couldn't be me tho.

I got my SJs at 10am on RD thanks to a vicious ice-storm keeping me penned for a couple hours; and I'm looking to do the same for the Cool Greys. I haven't seen a pic yet that I didn't like so that's that on that.... and I still have my original pair from 2001 so yeah I walked that walk for 9 years cuz

You have to understand that you're understand that you're speaking from a different perspective though fam. You already have had, and still have these. Coming from someone who really likes these, wasn't able to get these in '01, and witnessed the mayhem that was the SJ release of last year, buying early is a relief. It's these sites with their bogus ways that's the problem. I'm almost certain that I'll be trying for a second pair on release date, but the chance to secure a pair early is a relief. Just wish these sites were more reliable.
Originally Posted by Jaquay

ordered from Footalog on tha 4th and still no confirmation or nothin....W.T.F???

Ordered on the 8th and still nothing. I knew I should have just waited.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

^I feel the exact same way fam. They look mad cheap in person and soo fake :X passing all these new jordans look so fake.

Saw a review of a used pair of 2001 vs. brand new pair of 2010, and as much as the soles were yellow on the older retros, they stood out more than these.

Found a couple spots finally were I can buy a brand new pair of 2001's for a decent price. 

Thank you JB for retroing these disasters (no offense to anyone buying these), because the prices on the 2001's are going down. 

Hope y'all are able to cop your pairs on release day.  I'll be home sleeping. 
Originally Posted by SneakerinterioR

Everybody say they look fake, the patent is cut to low, the grey is off, I hate the blueish tinted soles... yada, yada, yada. 50% of the people that are not in agreement with the look will change their mind either a week before release date, a day before release date, on release date, when they start seeing them more and more or when they see someone rocking their pair the right way (with confidence). I'm copping. There will be no replacement for the 2001 pairs.... it's 2010 and we all know times is hard and we will never get the same quality as we did back then. I bet if the 2010 cool grey 11's were a limited or quickstrike release I bet everyone would be scrambling to get these even if they liked them or not.

not everyone has that hypebeat "oh my god it's limited so let me stop everything i'm doing to get a pair strictly because it's limited" mentality though.   if there's no replacement for the 2001 pair then ill just hold out and get a 2001 pair.  my friend ordered a pair and got them yesterday, i went to check them out thinking positive and hoping i would have even a slightly positive opinion on them so i would have an excuse to cop them. i didn't even get that. we all know there going to sell out regardless, i could just say with a straight face that my $175 plus tax isn't going to contribute to the sell out.

i'm just asking though  if ME personally thinks the patent cut is to low and the grey is off, and i don't like how the blue tinted soles on the cool grey xi's look which is how I feel,  then why would I spend $50 more then what I paid back in 2001 for these?? Please answer that,   I know price increases are inevitable but to me $50 more for something i feel is inferior to what i'm used to just isn't cutting it unless these were copped strictly for reselling purposes.

Again this is my opinion and my take on these, i'm not trying to change anyones opinion, if you like them you like them simple as that.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Found a couple spots finally were I can buy a brand new pair of 2001's for a decent price. 

 C'mon French-B, spill the beans...

I don't like these new ones either. the suede looks flimsy...
After 2 to 3 days without a response from footalog, I finally got a tracking number. Just waiting for these to arrive
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Found a couple spots finally were I can buy a brand new pair of 2001's for a decent price. 

 C'mon French-B, spill the beans...

I don't like these new ones either. the suede looks flimsy...

Well, if you consider $300 a decent price, considering these were $425+ at one point. 

Not pulling the trigger yet though, maybe they can drop further.
seanj4523 wrote:
When I bought my cool greys deadstock about a month ago, I started wearing them about a week ago and rocked them about 4 times already with no problems. I was hesitant to wear them because of people stating that the sole may seperate due to age but luckily they didnt. When the new ones come out, I will cop those seaglow the OGs and they will not be worn again for a while. Many people thinl their fakes when I wear them in public but then I have to prove that they are not flah that production code and peace out to those haters. Heres mine posted once and back again.


Once again.  Nice '01s there man!

Don't know if you remember but I picked up some '01 size 14's earlier this year too.  Soles are just as icy as yours.  I'm also thinking of putting the '01s on ice for awhile when the retroes drop next month. 

I wore my '01s again last weekend and seemed like anyone hardly raised an eye. 
  One guy at the Nike Outlet said "I like that color on those XI's".  Guess that's what happens w/ living in Utah. 

Originally Posted by bruza

I wore my '01s again last weekend and seemed like anyone hardly raised an eye. 
  One guy at the Nike Outlet said "I like that color on those XI's".  Guess that's what happens w/ living in Utah. 


Best place to live if you have lots shoes.   Hardly any humidity. 
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by bruza

I wore my '01s again last weekend and seemed like anyone hardly raised an eye. 
  One guy at the Nike Outlet said "I like that color on those XI's".  Guess that's what happens w/ living in Utah. 


Best place to live if you have lots shoes.   Hardly any humidity. 

 Exactly.  I realized that after looking at dude's shoes from Singapore. 
Originally Posted by bruza

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by bruza

I wore my '01s again last weekend and seemed like anyone hardly raised an eye. 
  One guy at the Nike Outlet said "I like that color on those XI's".  Guess that's what happens w/ living in Utah. 
Best place to live if you have lots shoes.   Hardly any humidity. 
 Exactly.  I realized that after looking at dude's shoes from Singapore. 
im in bmore and i hardly get any love when i wear jordans. i guess its because so many fakes are out there.
dudes give mad love for foams tho
Finally got a tracking number from Sneakerape. Thing is, it says there is no record of this item 
. I'm assuming these were just sent out. I will NEVEr do business with that site again, under any circumstances.
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