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i remember the days when "Bragging Rights" on kicks meant something.....then I entered High School.....I rather have those same"Rights" for having my bills paid on time....If i copped early its to avoid headaches ansd hassels in the future, not to front on dudes cuz if theyfeel the same way i feel, then they can care less what I got on...props to those who copped tho...they look really good.
Originally Posted by Swerv1n

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

pay extra $$ for bragging rights??
how old are we??
anyway, pics are looking real nice. no way i'm spending extra $$ just to have them early.
but to each their own. manager at both my spots will have mine waiting behind the register til i decide to wake up and get there. til then, u guys have fun.

How old r we? I'm 28 son. If u don't want em early good for u? U want a pat on the head? The shoe game is competitive. I love havin shoes when no one else does. Why not get it out the way now. No campin No stressin if people got money like that who cares. I think alot people hatin cause they don't or can't have em early. And u talk like bragging rights are immature but u brag about managers at both ur old r we?

QFT....on Swervin's part
Originally Posted by optimusp517

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes
compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

Yup! WE want them early! And if I can pay an extra $100 by all means it's my decision :tongue:
Ok I was just wondering. And yes of course it's your decision
Originally Posted by orbubu

The mail-man dropped me these in this morning........ SJXI from promo!! They look good to me in-person.

The patent leather cut on these are perfect, but some NT'ers pairs are deformed, someone should break down which pairs where purchased from where, andcompare.....
Originally Posted by tvanterpool

Originally Posted by Hyalite

Is Nike not making a size 11.5 for the Spacejams? Neither Marqueesole nor Kixclusive has size 11.5, so I'm wondering if Nike cancelled that size altogether for this release. I hope not.
i have yet to see a sz 11.5 for sale also, been have the money waiting to cop for the longest time

I got an email from marqueesole, and they said they did have size 11.5 but already sold out of that size. They might have some more later.
A lot of dudes is beastin with the "cop them early for bragging rights garbage" its obvious the shoes make the man the man with a lot of y'oududes it should be the man makes the shoes.. remember everyone is gonna have the same amount of "cool points" when these joints do drop for $175 eventho a lot of y'all are payin $350 plus just to have them for "bragging rights" for a couple of months.
Well I copped early, certainly not for bragging rights.. I just wanted a little insurance incase I couldn't cop on release date.. I know the stores aregonna be pretty beasty before release date, I'm gonna see if I can cop again on relase date tho.. We'll see..
bragging rights? that was fun years ago, but when you have bills, car note etc you can wait and pay retail, no looking great though, im lookingforward to buying 2-3 pairs
wooooow beautifull shoes.... wish i could order early but these will be copped n multiples if possible....
love em!
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

bragging rights? that was fun years ago, but when you have bills, car note etc you can wait and pay retail, no looking great though, im looking forward to buying 2-3 pairs
Now thats the truth. I have 3 pairs on lock.
The midsole looks horrible on the pair from promoshoes on the last page. Those almost look fake.
what you want me to tell you.. i wore mine yesterday.. and as soon as i go to champs.. i \had like 2 people be like OMG are those the space jams.. and im likeyea
.. feels good to have people notice them!!!then i went to a&f with my girl and the worker was like wow those look good!!! .. theres my two cents lol
Originally Posted by RetroSniper

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

2 late again cuz u just hated . . . .
What are you talking about? I just asked two questions neither of which were offensive to anyone except you apparently

Originally Posted by chanjohn01

Originally Posted by Jayhawk

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

YUP, that's why.
NO, because I don't want to spend my Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday camping out (whether online or in front of some sneaker store) for sneakers. I would rather spend that time with my family whom I rarely get to see. I'll be visiting home and where I'm from there are very few sneakers stores and I know off top that there will be extremely high demand for this shoe, which means lines for days. This is my first time copping sneakers prior to release date and though I can't say it will be my last time, these were well worth the few extra bucks. But hey, to each its own...I could care less what the next person has or doesn't have.
Alright thanks that definitely makes sense now. I couldn't think of a reason to but I understand why in a situation like that
Originally Posted by orbubu

FYI, simple statistics....

marquee $339.99 + $30 ship
vmv $279.99 + $32 ship
rmk $249.99 +30 ship (only sz8, 8.5 available)
promo $289.99 free-ship

whats RMK n PROMO?
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