Air Jordan XI Space Jam posts have been merged into ONE TOPIC!

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Originally Posted by orbubu

Bros, they (promo) only come with normal jordan box.
But be honest, people is wearing shoes not wearing the box, rite?
Well whatever floats your promo.. but I want mah new box homeboy..
"But be honest, people is wearing shoes not wearing the box, rite?"
^ exactly...boxes sit in your closet...i never get hype of packaging...its cardboard.....wear the shoes...stack the boxes
promo says they will get shipments with the special packaging at $350 a clip- you think a box is worth $60?
Originally Posted by shpongled25

lol. opposite posts at the exact same time...battle it out on black friday for boxes

no thank you sir.. I'm copping early.. just waiting on the mailman do deliever my ladies.. unfortunately.. I paid 360.. but not outta my pocket.. sowhatever.
Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just toget shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?
Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

YUP, that's why.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by fireflyandfia

Originally Posted by bighit101

hey guys i had a question and i hope someone can answer it. i have 2 pairs of DS spacejams from 2000 or 2001 ( too lazy to get up and check :smile: ) but i waned to know with these new 2009 spacejams coming out, will this depreciate the value of my old retro spacejams? i mean the value of retro true blue 3 went down, the new and old 3's cost about the same. i spent about $400 for each pair so it would really suck if the price does come down....

buy your sneakers to wear, not for value worth. plus better to buy the 2009 version because the soles of of the 2001 might crack
never heard of crackin in XIs, you mean seperating? that can be fixed anyway, not a terrible problem usually

and to everybody whining about taxes, chill because in Denmark tax is 180%, yes 180% on virtually everything, thats why a bare-bones civic is $80,000 and a mustang gt is $150,000
taxes in america, are not all that bad
Holy Macaroni!!!
Originally Posted by Jayhawk

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

YUP, that's why.
NO, because I don't want to spend my Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday camping out (whether online or in front of some sneaker store) forsneakers. I would rather spend that time with my family whom I rarely get to see. I'll be visiting home and where I'm from there are very few sneakersstores and I know off top that there will be extremely high demand for this shoe, which means lines for days. This is my first time copping sneakers prior torelease date and though I can't say it will be my last time, these were well worth the few extra bucks. But hey, to each its own...I could care less whatthe next person has or doesn't have.
Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

2 late again cuz u just hated . . . .
Originally Posted by Jayhawk

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

YUP, that's why.
So then why do you guys want them before everyone else so badly? Is it just for the satisfaction of having them before anyone else?
Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by optimusp517

Oh man pulled the trigger on them from promo-shoes sz 11. I'll give the final verdict on it once I get them and tell EVERYONE the sizing of the shoes
compared to CDP. I never had pinky toe issue at all so I have no clue what people are talking about....
Not trying to hate or criticize you or anything like that, but I've been wondering lately, why do some of you guys pay an extra $100 just to get shoes a couple months early? Is it just simply because you want them before everyone else?

Yup! WE want them early! And if I can pay an extra $100 by all means it's my decision :tongue:
Nothin wrong wit coppin early. I love those bragging rights. Almost worth the extra bread. I just don't have it now. I'll wait and get a pretty box witem too.
pay extra $$ for bragging rights??
how old are we??
anyway, pics are looking real nice. no way i'm spending extra $$ just to have them early.
but to each their own. manager at both my spots will have minewaiting behind the register til i decide to wake up and get there. til then, u guys have fun.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

pay extra $$ for bragging rights??
how old are we??
anyway, pics are looking real nice. no way i'm spending extra $$ just to have them early.
but to each their own. manager at both my spots will have mine waiting behind the register til i decide to wake up and get there. til then, u guys have fun.

How old r we? I'm 28 son. If u don't want em early good for u? U want a pat on the head? The shoe game is competitive. I love havin shoes when no oneelse does. Why not get it out the way now. No campin No stressin if people got money like that who cares. I think alot people hatin cause they don't orcan't have em early. And u talk like bragging rights are immature but u brag about managers at both ur old r we?
i thought i was the only one with the pinky toe problem....i always gotta get a .5 size up on the XIs
Everyone comes from different situations. Some don't have any stores near them. Some have to save to buy a pair, while others on this board are killing itfinancially, and an extra
hundy to avoid the chaos means nothing.
Who cares what the next man does. I won't cop early simply because I'm happy with my 01 retros for now. anyway.....
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